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Tournament NameBlingtoof's Gitbash 2018
Organizer NAF nametlawson (19205)
OrganizerTim Lawson
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-11-17
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-11-17
Scoring3 Points for a win, 1 Point for a tie, 0 Points for a loss
Cost$20 for Naf ($25 for non-naf)
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountyes
WebpageFB Blingtoof's Gitbash

Tournament Statistics


L3athalK (7465)Ogre

Runner up

Most Touchdowns

natsirtdm (15336)Chaos Dwarf

Most Casualties

FlickMyWood (26862)Dwarf

Stunty Cup

delevus (9884)Halfling

Best Painted

Other Awards

kikurasis (16985)Tomb Kings
Best Fouler
KidRichard (24415)Chaos Chosen
Wooden Spoon
Tournament Location
Address864 Mohawk Road East
ZipL8T 2R5

Ruleset Document

This will be a 1 day tournament in Hamilton, Ontario Canada.

10:00 AM - Registration
10:30 AM - Game 1
12:30 PM - Lunch Break
1:00 PM - Game 2
3:15 PM - Game 3
5:30 PM - Game 4
7:45 PM - Awards & Closing Ceremony

Please post below or let me know if you're planning on coming. I've made a Facebook event, as well:


All registration is being done through Black Knight's till. You can register ahead of time by calling them at 905-296-3401 with your credit card number of, if you're local, going there in person. Coaches that send me their roster by Wednesday August 17th will have their rosters printed for them and receive a Dirty Trick card that can be used once (i.e. once in the whole tournament, not every game).

- Tournament Champion (best record)
- Best Fouler (per "Kikkum Inna Beenz" rules below)
- Most TDs
- Most Casualties
- Best Sport
- Wooden Spoon
-Stunty Cup

- 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, 0 points for a loss

TIE BREAKERS (in order)
- Net TDs
- Net CAS
- Total TDs
- Total CAS
- Fouling Points
Best Painted


The term “Goblin Player” refers to a player with the title “Goblin”, “Underworld Goblin”, or “Goblin Renegade.”
Coaches will create a 1100 TV team using the LRB6, DZ 1 DZ 2 and the Almac rules Teams may purchase a star player but they must have the minimum 11 players. Teams may add the following,
All other teams MUST take 1 standard Goblins on their roster (MA 6 | ST 2 | AG 3 | AV 7 | Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty Loner (for non goblin teams) | Cost 40K | Normal: A | Doubles: GSP). You may purchases additional goblins for your team, up to 16. These goblins are Wanna be stars and hope that this will help them make a real team in the future!

- Goblin teams may purchase 0-3 bribes as permanent roster additions at a cost of 50K each instead of 100k each.
- Dirty Player is considered a Normal skill for Goblin Players on Goblin teams.
- Halfling teams may purchase a Halfling Master Chef for 100K as permanent roster addition.

Teams may add skills to their players (which do not increase TV) per the chart below.

TIER 1: 70K for skills
TIER 2: 100k for Skills
TEIR 3: 130k for skills
TIER 4: 150k for skills
For the Love of the Game: Chose 3 players to receive Dirty player Sneaky Git.
See Below for the tier brake downs:

TIER 1: Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardman, Necromantic, Norse, Orc, Skaven, Undead, Wood Elf

TIER 2: Chaos, Chaos Pact, (Pro) Elf, High Elf, Human, Khemri, Slann, Bretonnian

TIER 3: Vampire, Nurgle’s Rotters, Underworld, Khorne

TIER 4: Goblin, Halfling, Ogre


Cheet to Win: Once per half, you may try and sneak a Goblin Player on to the pitch from the Reserve Box in this manner:

1. Place a Goblin Player currently in your Reserve Box in a square along the sideline on your side of the pitch.
2. Declare the action that you wish to take with this Goblin Player.
3. Roll a d8. If the result on the roll is less than or equal to the current turn # then you may proceed with the chosen action as if the Goblin Player started the turn in the square you placed it in step 1. Otherwise, your Goblin Player is ejected from the game causing a turnover. Bribes may not be used to prevent this ejection.

Kikkum Inna Beenz: There will be a special award for the coach that fouls the most effectively. During each round, coaches should track the number of Stun, Knock-Out, and Casualty results that they achieve via fouling. Coaches will receive one fouling point for a stun, two fouling points for a Knock-Out, and four fouling points for a Casualty. Whether or not players are ejected for fouling doesn’t matter.

Goblin Refs and the goat: This tournament was created for goblin fans to watch senseless violence, fouling isn’t for everyone, and goblin ref’s don’t expect everyone to foul as often as they can, however they ref’s fear the fans more than they do the coaches, so to keep the fans happy the refs, will pick a player to be the goat. The Goat: If a team scores a touch down with out attempting to foul roll random player on your roster, that player is the goat! The first time a player is ejected, after bribes and coaches have been used, the GOAT will be the one sent off for the foul. The Goat can remove the ref’s watch if he or any other player commits a foul.

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