?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Pass action..pick up Nobbla... rightstar
Tournament NameSuper Series Summer Slam
Organizer NAF nameDarth_prophet (13501)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-01-06
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-01-06
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Watto (18626)Chaos Chosen

Runner up

frostie (2271)Orc

Most Touchdowns

frostie (2271)Orc

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

mateuso (24427)Orc
3rd Place
Tournament Location
AddressPerth Nerd Herd
 10 South West hwy

Ruleset Document

Purplegoo working on approval.

A free model budwieser babe will be given to all players and will free of cost on the team sheet. This model gives an additional bonus that if a player that succumbs to sweltering heat drinks her ice cold beer they will recover enough to play but will be subject to bonehead (or additional +1 if model already suffers bonehead) due to the effects of the heat and alcohol. Really Stupid players are not effected by bonehead as they are already stupid.

Weather table
2. sweltering heat
3. Dry as a rock. Its so hot its dried the pitch so that its like playing on concrete, whenever the ball hits the ground it will bounce twice. Players that hit the ground will be subject to the mighty blow rule, if a player is blocked by a player with mighty blow the effects do not stack (no +2 on rolls) but the bonus mighty blow from dry as a rock can be used on the armour roll whilst the player skill mighty blow can be used on the injury.
4. very sunny
5-10. Perfect bloodbowl weather
11. horrid humidity, its so humid that players hands (and othe body parts) are dripping sweat. -1 on all pick up, catch and intercept attempts
12. Freo Doctor: roll a d8 to set wind direction, it stays the same direction until a new roll on the weather table is made. After the kick off before the ball lands the ball will scatter an additional d3 squares in the direction that the wind is blowing. The wind is so strong only quick passes may be attempted without risk. Players may attempt a short pass but if inaccurate the ball will scatter one additional square ( in the direction of the wind ) before bouncing, inaccurate long passes will scatter d3 squares in the direction of the wind before bouncing, and long bombs gain an additional -1 on the pass and if inaccurate will scatter 2d3 squares in the dirction of the wind before bouncing. Hail mary attempts will scatter 3d3 squares in the direction of the wind before bouncing. Note: these additional squares scattered are on top of the normal scatter for inaccurate passes)

Kick off

2. sprinkler malfunction, -1 on catching, picking up and intercepting for the drive.
3. Streaker. Someone taken there cloths off and is running around mooning the ref. Advance turn markers one turn, for the time lost watching (this may result in the whistle blowing for half/end time before the recieving team gets a chance to do anything
4. Quick defence, thekicking team may move all its players one square (this includes crossing into the opposition half) & may result in there being no kicking team players on the line of scrimage when the recievers start their turn
5. high kick into the sun. A player on the recieving team gains th kick off return skill for thw drive but is at -1 to catch the kick off as the sun is in the players eyes
6. Cheering fans, roll d3 + cheerleaders and fame, highest total gets an extra reroll this half.
7. Weather
8. Intimidate the ref. Both players roll d3 and add coaches and fame, the player that get the highest result gets a free bribe this drive.
9. Quick snap
10. Blitz
11. throw a beer, roll d3 add fame and cheer leeders, player gets hit by a beer so drinks it, player becomes stupid for the rest of the drive.
12. When magpies attack. Roll a d6 for each player on the pitch, on an unmodified roll of 5+ the player dives to the ground to avoid being swooped. This will only result in an armour roll if the weather is dry as a rock. Players may get up as normal on their turn.

Entry is open to all 26 naf approved races
players may have either 2 normal skills or one double skill, all skills are allowed (piling on as per bb2016 rule book)
the Bruno rule is in play so no more than 4 of any skill is allowed.
No tier system in play
No Illegal proceedures
Games will be 2hrs and 15mins to allow time to set up as well as play, there will be no exception to this.
Win 30pts
Draw 15pts
Loss 0pts
Bonus point for each td and cas scored up to a max of 10 bonus points for the round. (Cas from fouling included but not from fans/stars/random events)
Teams may have 2 star players but must have min 11 player roster before they do, mercs and journeymen not allowed.
Cards are optional if and only if both players agree to there use and to which sets are in play)
Wizards, wandering apoths, babes and halfling chefs can all be purchased but note all players get a free budweiser babe for the day.
There will be four rounds on the day.

Tournament Report
ranking - naf number - days result
1st - 18626 - 3win 1 draw for 6td and 15 cas
2nd - 2271 - 3 win 1 draw for 8td 11 cas
3rd - 24427 - 3 win 1 loss for 7td 5 cas
4th - 13501 - 3 win 1 loss for 7td 4 cas
5th not a naf member
6th - 27185 - 2 win 1 draw 1 loss for 7td 9 cas
7th - 18004 - 2 win 1 draw 1 loss for 4 td and 5 cas
8th - 27187 - 2 win 2 loss for 7 td and 7 cas
9th - 21606 - 1 win 1 draw 2 loss for 5 td and 14 cas
10th - 25542 - 1 win 1 draw 2 loss for 3 td and 14 cas
11th - 27186 - 1 win 1 draw 2 loss for 3td and 12 cas
12th - 12621 - 1 win 1 draw 2 loss for 4 td and 10 cas
13th - 27333 - 1 win 1 draw 2 loss for 3 td and 9 cas
14th - 24869 - 1 win 3 loss for 7td and 5 cas
15th - 27334 - 1 win 3 loss for 3 td and 5 cas
16th - 12623 - 4 loss for 1 td and 13 cas
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