?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameRoyal City Gladiator Cup
Organizer NAF nameseanh1986 (23461)
OrganizerSean Huberman
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-06-22
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-06-22
ScoringW/L/T = 5/2/0
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountyes

Tournament Statistics


RumbleFish (25334)Chaos Chosen
4 wins, 0 ties, 0 losses

Runner up

codered (26601)Dark Elf
3 wins, 1 tie, 0 losses

Most Touchdowns

pivot676 (23146)Human
7 TDs in four games!

Most Casualties

arminius (23448)Halfling
19 CAS in four games!

Stunty Cup

KidRichard (24415)Lizardmen
2 wins, 1 tie, 1 loss with skink-based Lizardmen!

Best Painted

Other Awards

natsirtdm (15336)Chaos Chosen
Best defence
TrevCraig (23648)Goblin
Best Sport
feegle (27654)Elf Union
Wooden Spoon
hammer16 (20377)Necromantic Horror
Third place with 3 wins, 0 ties, 1 loss
Tournament Location
Address199 Victoria Rd S
ZipN1E 3J3

Ruleset Document

Royal City Gladiator Cup (June 22, 2019)

Royal City Brewery
199 Victoria Rd S, Guelph, ON N1E 3J3

10:00 – Registration Starts
10:15 – Registration Ends
10:30 – Round 1 (Random)
12:30-1:30 – Lunch Break (Ordering in Pizza)
1:30 – Round 2 (Swiss)
3:30 – Break
3:45 – Round 3 (Swiss)
5:45 – Break
6:00 – Round 4 (Swiss/Finals)
8:00 – Break
8:30 – Results/Awards/Cleanup

** Beer allowed to be served between 11 am - 9 pm **

Roster Submission:
Due to the tight time-frame, it is requested that rosters be submitted to me by e-mail (huberman.sean [at] gmail.com) by June 15.

The tournament will cost $20 for NAF members (Note: +$5 if non-NAF member for NAF registration).
There will also be an optional pizza lunch for an additional $5 per person.
Please let me know of any dietary restrictions.

Note: There will be an optional 50-50 draw ($2 cost) to help raise funds for GLAM tournament series prizes.

Early-Bird Bonuses:
Gain +1 Fan Factor for each of the following
- Submit roster by June 15
- Send payment by June 15

Rule Set:
His royal highness invites you to participate in a Blood Bowl tournament to be played in his infamous Gladiator Coliseums!

As the home crowd is used to Gladiator-style entertainment, Fame will be determined based on the number of Casualties inflicted in the match.
- If the number of inflicted Casualties is equal, Fame is equal
- If one team has inflicted more casualties than the other, they receive Fame +1
- Note that Fame can flip-flop throughout the match as casualties are inflicted
- Fame is only ever allowed to be 0 or +1 (never +2).
- Casualties caused by blocks, fouls, crowd-surfs, secret weapons all count towards the fame.
- Self-inflicted casualties (e.g., failed dodge, go-for-it, bomb, throw team-mate) also counts but in favour of the team which self-inflicted the casualties because the fans love the blood regardless.

Note: At the start of the match, roll for Fame as normal (adding in FF). The winner of fame starts off with a +1 to the "fame casualty differential". The fame modifier is still only ever allowed to be +1.

In order to maximize his enjoyment of the games, his royal highness has declared that weapons (maces) will be randomly placed on the pitch to encourage the violence! As well, he has offered to give a stipend to each team to help compensate for the cost of hiring star players – as he wants to see the very best players in the world gather for his tournament.

Two maces will be randomly placed on the field prior to each kick-off (one per half). The random location will be selected by rolling a D6 in the D8 direction from the sweet spot. If the mace lands on a player, continue to scatter it until it does not. On a touchback, give it to whichever player is desired.

All players may pick up the mace on a 2+ (-1 for each opponent TZ). When a player possesses the mace, they may take a “swing” action. A swing action is like a stab action but with the mighty blow skill. If a player is knocked down while holding the mace, add +1 to the armor roll (scatter like a normal ball, until it is in an open square).

As well, due to the weight of the mace, the player holding it receives -1 movement (while holding it). The player also receives the “no hands” skill. A player may hand-off the mace to another player (failed catch results in an armor roll with MB). When a player is knocked down onto a mace in an open square, add +1 to the armour roll.

Note: Maces will be available/supplied by the tournament organizer; however, if you would like to make/bring your own, you are welcome to do so!

- Swiss-style match-ups after game 1
- Tournament points will be (W/T/L): 5/2/0
- Tiebreakers will be strength of schedule, TD differential, casualty differential
- Illegal procedure will not be enforced
- Piling on does not require a team re-roll
- All 26 NAF sanctioned teams are eligible

The allowable budget is broken down as follows.

Tier # : Team Budget / Star Player Stipend / Skills Budget / Maximum Possible TV
Tier 1 : 1, 100, 000 gc / 100,000 gc / 100,000 gc / 1,300,000 gc
Tier 2 : 1, 120, 000 gc / 120,000 gc / 110,000 gc / 1,350,000 gc
Tier 3 : 1, 140, 000 gc / 140,000 gc / 120,000 gc / 1,400,000 gc
Tier 4 : 1, 160, 000 gc / 160,000 gc / 130,000 gc / 1,450,000 gc

Each team is given a budget based on their tier. That budget is allowed to be increased by up to the “star player stipend” if a star player is purchased. Note that the star player bonus budget must only be used on a star player (i.e.,g if a tier 4 team hires a star player for 100,000 gc, the additional 60,000 gc is lost).

- Team budget (+ star player stipend) may be spent on 9-16 players, 0-2 star players, re-rolls, coaches, cheerleaders, apothecaries, fan factor, babes.
- Halfling teams may purchase a master chef for 100,000 gc (300,000 gc for non-Halflings).
- Goblins may purchase up to three bribes for 50,000 gc each (100,000 gc for non-Goblins).
- No other inducements may be purchased (e.g., wizards, cards, extra apothecary, mercenaries)
- If both teams hire the same star player, the star player will play for both teams.
- Star players may not receive additional skills
- Each player may receive only a maximum of two skills

Note: Your minimum 11-player roster may include star players

Tier 1: Amazons, Bretonnians, Chaos Dwarves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Norse, Orcs, Skaven, Undead, Wood Elves.

Tier 2: Chaos Renegades, Elf Union, High Elves, Humans, Khemri, Necromantic.

Tier 3: Daemons of Khorne, Chaos, Nurgle’s Rotters, Slann, Underworld Denizens, Vampires.

Tier 4: Goblins, Halflings, Ogres.

First Place,
Second Place,
Third Place,
Best Stunty,
Most Touchdowns,
Most Casualties,
Best Defence,
Best Sport,
Wooden Spoon

Tournament Report
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