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Tournament NameLusobowl II - Portuguese National
Organizer NAF namestingray (24510)
OrganizerAlex Domingues
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-05-25
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-05-26
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


bululito (22826)Wood Elf

Runner up

rodvil (24496)Skaven

Most Touchdowns

bululito (22826)Wood Elf

Most Casualties

bsettimelli (26041)Chaos Chosen

Stunty Cup

mvassao (26872)Halfling

Best Painted

jfavaz (26031)Human

Other Awards

stingray (24510)Amazon
3rd Place
Tournament Location
AddressAlameda das Linhas de Torres, 156
Zip1750-149 Lisboa

Ruleset Document


November 1th, 1755

The earth shakes in Portugal as one of the most violent earthquakes in History causes catastrophic damage in several parts of the country.

Lisbon was the most affected area: besides the building destruction, a fire broke out causing chaos and death. In panic, the survivors ran to the coast, only to be caught by a tidal wave that flooded the area now know as “baixa pombalina”. The water reach Campo de Ourique.

This event scarred the face of the capital, resulting in the death of one third of its population.

“Bury the dead and take care of the living!” was the motto adopted right away by the then minister of the royal house: Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, later known as Marquis de Pombal. He was the responsible for rebuilding Lisbon from the ruins.

Facing such an herculean task, all means possible were used to raise funds and the Marquis wasn’t bothered by having to use some less popular measures to achieve this goal – many of these measures contributed to his controversial reputation of “hard and practical man”.

One of the first measures was the organization of a charitable event, with the revenue reverting to the reconstruction effort. The event needed to be an unique and unforgettable event, to gather merchants and kings from all over the world. It needed to be scandalous and outrageous, so the spectators would generously open their pockets, and thus, contributed to the righteous cause! And the solution was…a Blood Bowl tournament!

Due to it’s extreme violence, the practice of Blood Bowl has been banished from Europe for centuries, but no other event would gather so many spectators from all corners of the world, and hard times require hard measures…

This event had strong opposition from nobleman and wise citizens. It was a medieval measure that would show unprecedented violence to the people, but king D. José resigned himself to the harsh situation, and once it was done the profits would bring a greater good!

Invitations were sent to all regions across the world, for teams that would compete in blood and sweat for titles, gold and land, in the ruins of the recently destroyed Real Caza da Ópera.

The strangest creatures, the most superstitious coaches, the unorthodox players, the dirty moves and unbelievable plays of Blood Bowl will return to Portugal, to shine again under the cries of a thirsty audience!

Welcome to Lusobowl - Portuguese National
2019 – 2nd edition - The Earthquake!

Main Rules

Lusobowl will follow the official rules from BB2016, Almanac Spikes 1, 2, 3, and NAF Tournament Rules 2019. These will be based on the NAF World Cup IV from days 1 and 2.
The organization reserves itself the right to change rules, according to NAF decisions, if any major change happens on the official rules documents.
This will be an individual tournament, where coach will play against another coach to determine victory point each round.
Ressurection: any injuries or death suffered by players will be cleaned after each match and every coach will start each match with their submited rosters.
First round will be randomly sorted; following rounds will be paired by swiss rounds method.
Thematic stadiums and balls presented on the Almanac and Spikes will not be used.


Coaches must spend a minimum of 1,100,000 gold pieces when building their team. When building your team, you may buy:
• At least 11 standard roster players before any star player
• 0-8 Re-Rolls
• Assistant coaches
• Cheerleaders
• 0-1 Apothecary or Igor, depending on race
• 0-9 Fan Factor
• Inducements. The cost will be as following and will count for all 9 games:
o 0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs for each 50 kgp
o 0-3 Bribes for each 100 kgp, for Goblins only for each 50 kgp
o 0-1 Masterchef for 300 kgp, for Halflings only 100 kgp
o 0-2 NAF-approved star players for their regular cost
Wizards, (in)famous coaching staff and/or Special Play Cards are explicitly not allowed at Lusobowl

Additional Cash
Each team receives additional funding based on their tier. Starting cash can be used for team building (as above) or used to buy skills or a mixture of both. Cash for day 2 can only be spent on skills in advance of those days.
Tier Starting Cash Day 2
(gold pieces) (befre game 4)
1 1,160,000 40,000
2 1,200,000 50,000
3 1,250,000 50,000
4 1,250,000 70,000

• A ‘normal’ skill costs 20 kgp
• A ‘double’ skill costs 30 kgp
o Tiers 1-3 are limited to one double skill during the tournament
o Tier 4 may have more than one double skill
• Your roster can have one player that has two additional skills. Both skills must be normal skills and the second skill has a cost of 30,000 gold pieces. These skills can be added at different times in the event.
• Tier 4 may buy a single stat upgrade. This cannot be combined with any other additional skill.
o + MA / AV costs 40,000 gold pieces,
o + AG 50,000 gold pieces and
o + ST 60,000 gold pieces.
• Star players may not receive additional skills or stat upgrades
• The Skill "Piling On" will be used according to CRP, i.e. no Re-Rolls are required
All gold left unspent each day is lost, and does not carry over to subsequent days.

Division of Races (Tiers)
In order to reduce the unbalancing between the different races the World Cup will be divide the races into four tiers.
• Tier 1: Amazons, Bretonnians, Chaos Dwarves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Norse, Orcs, Skaven, Undead, Wood Elves
• Tier 2: Chaos Renegades, Elf Union, High Elves, Humans, Khemri, Necromantic
• Tier 3: Daemons of Khorne, Chaos, Nurgle’s Rotters, Slann, Underworld Denizens, Vampires
• Tier 4: Goblins, Halflings, Ogres

NAF list:


Each round will have the duration of 2h15m.
The clock for each round will be exhibited in big screen. Also, each game of the round will have a chessclock for coaches to divide the time pool: this way, each player will have 1h07m30s to play his turns, deploys and other rolls.
This system can allow a coach to play several turns in a row: a coach will be unabled to do any voluntary actions if he runs out of time in the pool – ex.: cannot try to intercept a pass, but still will roll armour and injury rolls if an opposing player is knocked down.
The round ends when the time on the big screen ends. After that, any roll or play will not be considered, and the score will be the one at the moment of the end of the round.
If, by any chance, the time on the chessclock exceeds the time on the big screen, this last one will prevail: to keep the track of time faithfull, it is recommended that the chessclock never stops, even in the case of referee intervention. It is also recommended for the coaches to check the time exhibited on the big screen.
If any problem occurs with a chessclock, this should be reported as soon as possible to a tournament staff or referee.
After the pairings are drawn, if both coaches are ready, they can make the pre-match rolls and deploys before the clock starts. Starting the first turn – or Blitz! –before the beginning of the round is forbidden.
In an eventual delay of a coach to the table, the time of the delay will be subtracted to his time pool. If it exceeds the 15m, the waiting coach will also start the match winning by 1-0, and can choose, without any roll, to start kicking or receiving.


Each coach must use the dices offered at the tournament, and dices disposed at each table by the tournament organization.
Coaches must share dices, if one of them so requires.
If both coaches agree, they can alter the rules below. If any change is made, coherence must be followed until the end of the match, or until both agree to cancel the alterations made:
• Illegal procedure won’t be used;
• Dices whose base aren’t totally settled will be considered “cocked”.


Win – 2 pts
Draw – 1 pt
Loss – 0 pt

1) Opponent’s score (strength of schedulle);
2) Head to head result, to determine winner;
3) Net Touchdowns;
4) Net Casualties;
5) Most touchdowns;
6) Most casualties.


Custom trophies:
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Most Touchdowns
Most Casualties
Best Painting (voted by coaches on Sunday)*

Other randomly sorted prizes

*only teams painted by the playing coach can be submitted to this trophy.


Aldough we strongly recommend, miniatures don’t need to be painted in order to play this tournament.
Miniatures don’t need to be of one specific brand, but need to have the same scale and designed, or converted, to play Blood Bowl.
Proxys won’t be allowed: the miniatures must represent their race and position. Ex: a human thrower cannot be a orc; and ogre cannot be played as a minotaur; a norse thrower needs to look like a norse thrower.
If a coach has any difficulty distinguishing opponent’s positionals, he can mark them in a way that doesn’t damage the miniature or it’s painting . Ex: paper, rubber bands.
Players with additional skills or stats will have to be marked. Standard options:
- Painting the bases – colour or write skills;
- Skill stickers on the bases;
- Coloured rubber bands.

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