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Tournament NameBurmayhem Bowl IV
Organizer NAF namemonkeyjuice (21835)
OrganizerShaun Stevenson
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-11-30
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-11-30
ScoringWin 20, Draw 10, Loss 0. 1 per TD (up to 3). 1 per CAS (up to 3)
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountyes

Tournament Statistics


MightyRig (27252)Orc
Burmayhem Champion

Runner up

Deacon (256)Amazon
Second Place
thor87 (21674)Elf Union
Third Place

Most Touchdowns

Sparky (24466)Wood Elf

Most Casualties

AyupMeDuck (20894)Halfling

Stunty Cup

fluxpac (21423)Goblin

Best Painted

AngryHobbit (18811)High Elf

Other Awards

GORGOROTH (5893)Human
Best Defence
Envoien (26627)Norse
Cursed By Nuffle
AngryHobbit (18811)High Elf
Most Fouls
thor87 (21674)Elf Union
Coaches' Coach Award
Tournament Location
AddressGeek Retreat Birmingham
 38 The Priory Queensway
StateWest Midlands
ZipB4 7LA
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document


Welcome to the fourth Burmayhem Bowl, held at Geek Retreat Birmingham. We are glad to have you join us at this tournament, hosted by Birmingham’s Mayhem Blood Bowl League (MBBL). In this pack, we have provided you with all the information you need to prepare your team to compete in the Burmayhem Bowl. On behalf of myself, everyone at MBBL and Geek Retreat Birmingham, we hope you have a fantastic day and thank you for joining us.

Event Details

Name: Burmayhem Bowl IV
Location: Geek Retreat
38 The Priory Queensway
B4 7LA
Time: 10:30am until 07:00pm
Date: Saturday 1st December, 2018
Contact: Shaun (TO) at brumbbtourney@gmail.com

What you will need…
• 2 copies of your team roster.
• Block Dice, d8, d12/d20 and 2d6.
• Models to represent your players. Each player must be numbered and painted with at least three colours.
• Pen or pencil.
• A pitch and dugouts.
• A range ruler and scatter templates.
What you will get…
• A set of two custom d6’s.
• 3 Blood Bowl games.
• The chance to win one of nine trophies.
• Lunch on the day.


10:30 am – 11:00 am: Registration and Set-Up
11:00 am – 1:15 pm: First Round
1:15 pm – 2:00 pm: Lunch
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm: Second Round
4:15 pm – 6:15 pm: Third Round
6:30 pm – 7:00 pm: Awards Ceremony

Tournament Rules

Games will be played using the NAF Tournament Rules, which includes the CRP. Rules will exclude the “Illegal Procedure” rule.
Turns will not be timed unless coaches are not halfway through their match after an hour of gameplay. In this case, each coach will be allowed a maximum of 4 minutes per turn until the end of the round.
Burmayhem Bowl is a resurrection tournament. Rosters will be reset each round, meaning that players are fully restored to health/life. No SPPs are accumulated, nor are any improvement rolls made. No gold is earned from matches.

Roster Creation

Each coach has an allowance of 1,100,000 gold pieces with which to create their roster.
Coaches do not purchase skills with their gold allowance. Skills are awarded to players for free.
All skills will be chosen before the tournament and will stay the same for all matches throughout the tournament. See the tier chart below for information on how many and which type of skills your selected team can choose:

Tier 1: 5 Normal skills.
Amazons, Bretonnian, Chaos Dwarves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Necromantic, Norse, Orcs, Skaven, Undead, Wood Elves

Tier 2: 5 Normal skills, 1 Double skill
Chaos, Chaos Pact, Elves, High Elves, Humans, Khemri, Khorne, Nurgle, Vampires, Slann, Underworld

Tier 3: 5 Normal skills, 2 Double skill.
Goblins, Halflings, Ogres

The following restrictions apply to skills:
• No player may be given more than one skill.
• No more than 3 players can have the same skill.
• Stat increases cannot be taken.
• Star players may not be given skills.
• You must have at least 11 players on your roster. Star Players purchased during team creation do not count towards your minimum 11 players required for a team.
• Inducements may be purchased during team creation, including 0-2 Star Players, but excluding Wizards, Special Play Cards, and Unlimited Mercenaries. Inducements bought in this way are considered a permanent part of the team and can be used each game. Opposing teams may have the same Star Player.
• Teams may be selected from any of the available 26 races approved by the NAF.
• The following are eligible to win the Stunty Cup: Halflings, Ogres, Goblins.

Pairing & Scoring

Opponents will be selected randomly for Round 1. Rounds 2 & 3 will be selected using the Swiss pairing system (most points vs. most points, lowest points vs. lowest points, etc.). Coaches are awarded points based on the following:

+20 points for each win
+10 points for each draw
+0 points for each loss
+ 1 point per TD (Max. 3 points)
+ 1 point per CAS (Max. 3 points)
(Blocks only)

Special Tournament Rules

During each round of the tournament, the following special rules will be in effect. The following effects do not apply to Star Players. If a Star Player is randomly selected for the effect, then re-roll the dice until an eligible player is selected.

Round 1: Mess with the Bull…
The spirit animal of Burmayhem has taken hold of one of your players. Unbeknownst to them, a daemonic ember of Hashut has possessed them. They sprout long, thick horns, and a whole load of bad attitude!
Select three players from your team and roll a D3 to choose one at random. That player now has the skills Horns and Frenzy for the remainder of the tournament. If the affected player already has the Horns skill, then they are will only gain the Frenzy skill and vice versa. If the affected player has both the Frenzy and Horns skills then they do not benefit from the extra skills (i.e. the skills are not cumulative).

Round 2: …You’ll Get the Horns!
Another of your team has got the rage of the bull firing him up! The beast within is rearing its ugly head, or maybe that’s just how your player usually looks? Does your player gain bouts of bullish strength, the fiery leap of a bucking bull or the blinding speed of the charge?
Use a d16 to randomly select one player on the pitch to gain one of the following combinations: +1 Movement Allowance, Sprint and Sure Feet; +1 Strength, Thick Skull and Grab; +1 Agility Leap and Very Long Legs; or +1 Armour Value, Guard and Stand Firm. Your player will keep the chosen combination for the remainder of the tournament. If the player randomly selected is the one already blessed from Round 1, then you must re-roll until another, eligible player is selected.

Round 3: Seeing Red!
Oh bullocks! Hashut’s blessing appears to have gotten the best of your players! They can barely control their unbridled, bestial rage! Will your players be able to control their temper and stop themselves from submitting to the will of Hashut? Can they overcome their wild side? I hope your team colours aren’t red!
The two players benefiting from the effects of Rounds 1 and 2 now have the Wild Animal and Animosity skills for the entire match (note that Animosity applies to all teammates in this case, not just those of a different race).

Awards & Prizes

Trophies will be given during the award ceremony for the following:
• 1st Place (most match points)
• 2nd Place (second most match points)
• 3rd Place (third most match points)
• Most Violent (most casualties inflicted)
• Highest Scoring (most touchdowns scored)
• Best Defence (fewest touchdowns conceded)
• Stunty Cup (most match points scored by a Stunty team)
• Best Appearance (participating coach must have personally painted their team to be eligible for this award)
• Wooden Spoon (fewest match points)

How to Register

Step One: Send payment via PayPal to brumbbtourney@gmail.com, with your name/NAF name and NAF number in the reference. The price is £15/£20 for NAF members/non-NAF members (NAF membership is included in the ticket price).
Step Two: Send your roster to brumbbtourney@gmail.com before November 23rd 2019.
Step Three: Arrive with everything you need to play in the tournament at 10:30 am on November 30th.

Store Information

Geek Retreat
38 The Priory Queensway
B4 7LA
Tel: 0121 238 4334
Email: birmingham@geek-retreat.com
Web: http://www.geek-retreat.com

Tournament Report
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