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Tournament NameMarch Madness: Nurglings Gone WIld!
Organizer NAF nameMotherNurgle (21220)
OrganizerJack Petrucha
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-03-30
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-03-31
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


tremere (14685)Shambling Undead
A dominant showing by the Undead

Runner up

warashes (23522)Elf Union
A tight, down tot hw wire race in the top 5, pulled out in the final game

Most Touchdowns

Dixoncider (18996)Skaven
Score, score and score some more!

Most Casualties

phesmic (24103)Nurgle
Mother Nurgle is proud of the pounding laid out.

Stunty Cup

Apothecary (21402)Ogre

Best Painted

Devilink (21379)Necromantic Horror
great paint on the RNeStudios Necromantic team

Other Awards

trepis (27628)Skaven
the salty dice, and sportsmanship
Tournament Location
AddressOgre's Den Gaming Club
 #23, 3220 5th Ave NE
ZipT2A 5N1

Ruleset Document

March Madness 2019
Nurglings Gone WILD! Back of the Bus Edition

Date: Saturday March 30 and March 31
Location: Ogres Den Gaming Club
Updates: Facebook Alberta Blood Bowl Tournament Scene
Registration: Pre March 1st - $35.00
After March 1st - $45.00

NAF Approval Pending

Tournament Organizer: J Petrucha


Tournament schedule:
The tournament will be 2 day, 5 game swiss style, resurrection tournament. First games will be determined by random matchup. The remaining games will be determined based on tournament points.
The tournament will run 3 matches on day 1 with 2 matches on day 2, after which trophies and draws will be handled.
For the first round only, we will do our best to pair players off against members that are outside of their home club.

9:00 am Registration/Setup (:30)
9:30 First game (2:15)
11:45 Lunch (1:00)
12:45 pm Second Game (2:15)
3:00 Break (:15)
3:15 Third Game (2:15)
5:30 Day One Finished

10:15 Fourth Game (2:15)
12:30 pm Lunch (1:00)
1:30 Fifth Match (2:15)
3:45 Matches Complete
4:00 Judging and Awards

What to bring:
- Painted team with suitable models. Easy to discern between different types of positionals.
- Skill rings or another appropriate way to identify skills/positions.
- Block dice. NAF or GW licensed dice.
- D6s will be provided for you at the event.
- D8, D12/16/20
- 3 copies of your team roster including skill purchases and inducements

Tournament Rules:
- All teams and star players listed in the NAF Team List are eligible to play
- NAF Tournament Rules 2019
Death Zone 1 and 2
Spike Journal #1 (Chaos), Spike Journal #2 (Dark Elves), Spike Journal #3 (Nurgle), Spike Journal #4 (Undead)*
Errata in the Blood Bowl Almanac

NO Wizards
NO (In)Famous Coaching Staff
NO Referees
NO Special Play Cards
NO Special Pitch Rules (other than the event one, if any)
NO Grak and Crumbleberry, Black Gobbo/White Dwarf

- Teams will resurrect at the end of each games.
- No SPPs, injuries or any roster changes carry over between games.
- Illegal Procedure and the 4 minute time limit will not be enforced.
- Games will have a maximum length of 2 hours 15 minutes.
- Turn time limits or chess clocks may be imposed if a game is at risk of going over the time limit.
- Players must agree on cocked die rules, use of dice cups and/or sharing dice at the start of the match.
- Argue the call (coach model unnecessary).
- Teams with the ability to raise killed players will not be allowed to use this feature.
- If there are any disagreements or rules disputes, tournament directors will be standing by to assist.

Team building:
- Teams get 1.2 million gold to construct their roster and buy skills and stat increases.
- There is no limit to skill selection, as long as it is available to the player normally (Black Orc cannot gain a mutation for example).
- Each Tier has a value attached to it for the amount you may spend on skill upgrades.

20,000gc regular skill
30,000gc double skill, MA or AV increase
40,000gc AG increase
50,000gc ST increase

Tier 1: 20,000gc
Tier 2: 30,000gc
Tier 3: 40,000gc
Tier 4: 50,000gc

Tier 1: Amazons, Bretonnians, Chaos Dwarves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Norse, Orcs, Skaven, Undead, Wood Elves
Tier 2: Chaos Renegades, Elf Union, High Elves, Humans, Khemri, Necromantic
Tier 3: Daemons of Khorne, Chaos, Nurgle’s Rotters, Slann, Underworld Denizens, Vampires
Tier 4: Goblins, Halflings, Ogres
- Star players can be purchased as part of a roster. A star player can be your 11th player. A maximum of 2 star players may be taken. (Brick Farth and Grotty count as 1 star player, but will fill 2 roster spots as per rules) A star player can fill the role of the 11th player on your team. Star players that occupy two roster spots must start with your 11th player. (Swift Twins, Brick Farth and Grotty etc)
Highlander rules are not in affect. (two players have the same star player, both are allowed to play)

- Teams must play with a minimum of 11 players.
- Teams can purchase rerolls, apothecaries (if allowed by the team), coaches, cheerleaders or fan factor.
- Bribes may be purchased as part of the roster as per the standard inducement cost.
- Chefs may be purchased as part of the roster as per the standard inducement cost.
- No other inducements may be purchased (including wizards, cards, extra apothecaries, mercenaries, etc, infamous coaching staff, cards,).

Win = 65
Tie = 25
Loss = 0

Scoring Bonuses
- Casualty caused to Melvin: 5 pts to be added to your overall total
- Each CAS inflicted: 1 (applied for Casualty Award only not main standings)
Casualties that count. Fouling, stabs, secret weapons, crowd surfs.
Casualties that don’t count. Failed dodges/leaps, thrown/eaten team mates, etc.
All CAS will be used in regards to total casualties for the Brutality award.
- Each TD made: 1 (applied for Scoring Award only not main standings)
All TDs will be used in regards to total touchdowns for the Best Offense award.

Stunty Cup:
- There must be a minimum of 3 teams to compete for the Stunty Cup.
- Three teams will need to be Pre-register by March 1st to ensure an award for the Stunty Cup, if there are less than 3 stunty teams the Stunty Cup will not have an award.
- Stunty teams will play in the main tournament but have a separate cup for their particular teams.
- Stunty teams include Halflings, Goblins and Ogres, Lizardman (NO Saurii) and Underworld (NO Skaven).
- Star players can be added to a stunty team without disqualifying them from the Stunty Cup.

Glittering prizes:
- Blessed of Nurgle
- 2nd Place / Stunty Cup
- Most Vicious (Casualty)
- Most Nimble (Offense)
- Most Steadfast (Defense)
- Best Presentation
- Dancing Nurgling (Gamesmanship)
- Nurgled (Wooden Spoon)
- Salty Dice

Tie Breakers if needed:
- Head to Head
- W-L-T Record (sans bonus)
- TD difference
- CAS difference

Coaches may only win one trophy. If a coach qualifies for more than one trophy, the next highest player in that category (who doesn’t have a trophy) will be awarded the trophy using any tie breakers as necessary etc.

- Every dollar for registration will be used for the event and players attending. Trophies, venue, swag, etc.


Weather Table
2 Putrid Secretions – Secretions of some sort cover the field and make it a slippery mass of slime and pus. The ball is harder to pick up off the ground (-1 to dice roll to pickup) any movement beyond 6, roll a D6, on a 2+ you are stopped dead in your tracks due to the sticky nature of stepped on maggots.

3 Spore Season – Spores from all the decaying plant life are being kicked around the pitch. All PASS and CATCH attempts are harder to accomplish (-1 to dice roll), as well as only QUICK or SHORT passes are able to be thrown.

4 – 10 THE BIGGEST CAVORTING NURGLING – Melvin manifest his gyrating and dance moms best self on the field (rules provided) the weather however is great for a normal? Game of Blood Bowl.

11 Noxious Gas – Due to the noxious gases on the field anyone at the end of a drive must roll a 2+ to setup for the next drive. KO’d players will move to RESERVES but not be allowed to set up for this drive.

12 Rain of Maggots – There is something not quite right about this , maggots are falling like rain! They are oily and sticky feeling as they land all over the field and the players. All players must move to prevent themselves from being stuck in the downpour. Those who have do not or have not moved (due to a turnover) must roll a D6. On a 2+ you manage to shimmy and shake your way to not being overwhelmed by the rot. On a 1 you are placed prone, no armour roll is made.

Melvin: Nurgling Gone Wild!
MA4/ST2/AG3/AV6 No Hands, Side Step, Stand Firm, Shadowing, Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Tentacles

Anyone within Melvin’ tackle zone must roll a tentacles check to move out or through of any squares due to the slimy nature and spraying of slop Melvin spreads around as he gyrates and dances.

On the result of NICE WEATHER on the weather table kick off Melvin will manifest himself on the field dancing and cavorting to bring as much nurgle joy to the game as he is able.
Place Melvin on the TRAP DOOR of the receiving teams end of the field. If - at the beginning of your turn but before any player takes an action - your opponent is in possession of the ball, Melvin starts his gyrating dance of sublime nurgle-ness towards the ball carrier. Using the ball and chain rules for movement he swings and sways his entire MA allowance with no “go for it” rolls allowed. If neither team is in possession of the ball when a turn marker gets moved, Melvin just dances with himself where he is, doing what nurglings do (twerking is so wrong but he likes it) and not moving.
Melvin does not count as an assist for blocking, or fouling, he does count as an opponent in all cases where an a tackle zone impedes a player (agility roll needs to be made, dodging etc).

If/When Melvin enters a square in which another player is occupied, he will roll the equivalent of PUSH results for the purposes of a BLOCK action (stand firm, side step etc work as per the standard rules). The ‘pushed’ player must roll a D6, on a 2+ nothing happens, on a 1 that players falls prone due to the slippery nature and nurgle-butt gyrating making it impossible to stay standing (no armour roll is made, player is just placed prone)

Due to his undulations, shimmies and shakes, he does not need to roll any dodge rolls while moving through tackle zones.

Any player ‘pushed’ by Melvin in his throes of wild dancing will be pushed to an open square or chain pushed (as per chain pushing rules) while each ‘pushed’ player must make their tentacles roll to slip on the slimy ground (no armour roll is made, player is just placed prone)

On a result that the roll for WEATHER is a double, a manifestation of Melvin apears on EACH trap door, players control the nurgling on their opponents trap door.

If anyone blocks Melvin and casualties him, they receive 5 bonus points.
Any rolls of Armour or Injury against Melvin cannot be modified by any means, no assists for fouling, no mighty blow, etc.

Tournament Report
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