?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Bloodweiser. The best an Orc can git. rightstar
Tournament NameBlood Diamond Chalice 2019
Organizer NAF nametremere (14685)
OrganizerDamion Gilzean
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-04-13
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-04-14
StyleSwiss Resurrection
ScoringW65 - T25 - L0
Cost$30 before March 31st / $40 after
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Grampyseer (12341)Dark Elf
4 Wins 1 Tie 285 pts

Runner up

frzntoz (12737)Dwarf
4 Wins 1 Loss 260 pts

Most Touchdowns

Apothecary (21402)Goblin
10 TDs

Most Casualties

mudandblood (26292)Dwarf
23 Cas Total for Tournament was 199

Stunty Cup

Sazooman (21378)Lizardmen
2 Wins, 1 Tie, 2 Loss (Stunty Build) Required a second tie breaker to decided

Best Painted

phesmic (24103)Goblin

Other Awards

redorder (26294)Nurgle
Wooden Spoon
Wyzard (20805)Tomb Kings
Best Defence
Tournament Location
Address12820 64st NW

Ruleset Document

Oventa working on approval

Name: Blood Diamond Chalice 2019
Location: Red Claw Gaming 12820 64 St. NW, Edmonton, Alberta (780) 757-7655
Dates: April 13-14, 2019
Registration: Cost: $30 pre-registration until March 31st., $40 at the door or after March 31st.
Player Cap: 30 Seats Pre-Registration can be emailed to Tournament Organizer: inconnut@hotmail.com

Tournament schedule:
The Blood Diamond Chalice will be 2day Swiss-style resurrection tournament. First games will be determined by random matchup. The remaining games will be determined based on tournament points. We will do our best to pair players off against members outside of their home club in the first round. The tournament will be 5 matches total - 3 on Day 1 and 2 on Day 2.

(Day 1)
9:00am: Registration begins
9:30am: First game
12:00pm: Lunch
1:00pm: Second Game
3:30pm: Third Game
Day One Finishes 6:00 PM

(Day 2)
9:00am: Fourth Game
11:30am: Lunch
12:30pm: Final Match
3pm: Wrap Up/Awards Processed
4pm: Tournament Finishes

What to bring:
- Painted team with suitable models
- Skill rings or another appropriate way to identify skills/positions.
- Dice - block dice, D6s, d8, d12/16/20.
- 3 copies of your team roster including skill purchases and inducements.

Tournament Rules:
- NAF rules for Tournaments Jan 1, 2019 (V1.4) will be used.
- Teams will resurrect at the end of each games. No SPPs, injuries or any roster changes carry over between games.
- Illegal Procedure and the 4 minute time limit will not be enforced.
- Games will have a maximum length of 2.5 hours. Turn time limits (use your phone – we don’t have chess clocks) may be imposed if a game is at risk of going over the 2.5 hour time limit.
- Players must agree on cocked die rules, the use of dice cups and/or sharing dice at the start of the match.
- For the purpose of casualty tracking all casualties caused by active use of a player against another are counted. This means if a casualty result comes up from the use of a Block, Blitz, Stab, Chain Saw, Foul, Crowd Push, Diving Tackle action it is tracked.
- If there are any disagreements or rules disputes, tournament directors will be standing by to assist.
- Teams with the ability to raise killed players will not be allowed to do so.

Team building:
- All NAF sanctioned teams are eligible.
- Teams get 1.2 million gold to construct their roster.
- Star players can be purchased as part of a roster.
- All Star Players approved in NAF tournament rules Jan 1, 2019 (v1.4) plus any Star Players in Spike Issue #4. Golden era star players are not allowed.
- A maximum of 2 star players may be taken. Brick Farth & Grotty and the Swift twins count as 1 star player but will fill 2 roster spots as per the rules.
- The is no Highlander rule for star players – both teams will be allowed to use the star.
- Teams must play with a minimum of 11 players, including stars.
- Teams can purchase rerolls, apothecaries (if allowed), assistant coaches, cheerleaders, special staff or fan factor.
- Teams may also include bribes as part of the roster as per the standard inducement cost.
- Chefs can only be purchased by Halfling teams.
- No other inducements may be purchased (including wizards, cards, extra apothecaries, mercenaries, team managers/assistants, etc).

Skill Purchases
After purchasing your team of 11 or more players (including Stars) and any inducement options, you may add skills to your team. Player skills are divided into tiers. The Blood Bowl races are divided into tiers indicating how many points are available to purchase skills using the following rules.

A player can only have a single skill and no attribute increases are allowed. Furthermore, Star Players may not be given additional skills. There are no other limits to skill selection.

Tier 1 skill = Block, Frenzy, Kick, Strip Ball, Sure Hands, Dodge, Leader, Guard, Mighty Blow and Claw.
Tier 2 skill = anything else.

1 point for the first instance of a tier 2 skill. 2 points for the second or further instance of a tier 2 skill.
2 points for the first instance of a tier 1 skill. 3 points for the second or further instance of a tier 1 skill.
+2 points for any skill that is a double.

Teams have the following points to spend:
9 points – Shambling Undead, Wood Elf, Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Lizardmen, Bretonnians
11 points – Dwarf, Orc, Norse, Dark Elf, Skaven, Daemons of Khorne
13 points – High Elves, Humans, Elf Union, Necromantic, Khemri Tomb Kings
15 points – Slann, Underworld Denizens, Chaos Renegades, Nurgle, Chaos Chosen, Vampires
17 points – Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Stunty Lizard, Stunty Underworld Denizens

Example: My Chaos team has 15 points to spend. I take three Chaos Warriors with Block, the first costing 2 points and the next two costing 3 points each (total 8 points). I then take three Beastmen with Wrestle, the first costing me 1 point and the next two costing 2 points each (total 5 points). This leaves me with 2 points, with which I take a Tackle Beastman and an Extra Arms Beastman. 2+3+3+1+2+2+1+1 = 15.

Tournament Scoring:
Win = 65
Tie = 25
Loss = 0

Stunty Cup:
- There must be a minimum of 3 stunty teams registered by March 31st for there to be a Stunty Cup this year.
- Stunty teams will play for their own cup while still participating in the main tournament.
- Stunty teams include Halflings, Goblins, Ogres, Lizardman teams with no Sauri (Saurussss?) and Underworld Denizens without Skaven.
- Star players can be added to a Stunty team without disqualifying them from the Stunty Cup.

Glittering prizes:
The Overall Best Team aka The Winner: The team with the most tournament points.
Runner Up - the team with the 2nd most tournament points
Most Touchdowns: Most TDs scored overall
Most Casualties: Most Casualties causes overall
Best Defence: Least TD Scored against them
Stunty Cup - The Stunty team with the most tournament points
Best Painted Team – Chosen by the players by voting on day 2 during team review at lunch
Best Sportsmanship – Chosen by the players by voting
D.F.L.: The worst overall team in tournament points

In the case of a tie:
Head-to-Head record
Strength of schedule
W-L-T Record
TD difference
CAS difference
Fish Slapping Dance contest (We hope it doesn’t come to this)

Share the wealth - no coach can win multiple times except for Sportsmanship and Best Painted. TO will determine who gets what award.

Swag and prizes:

There will be trophies. The rest is still being worked on and will be released once more details are known

Tournament Report
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