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Tournament NameEucalyptus Bowl 2019
Organizer NAF nameRabid_Bogscum (5863)
OrganizerJames Russell-Wills
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-07-06
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-07-07
Cost$60 (Cheaper for pre-registration)
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageAusBowl Forums

Tournament Statistics


Chopper (445)Orc
3rd Major

Runner up

JamesDSF (18283)Necromantic Horror

Most Touchdowns

Meowcats (24217)Skaven

Most Casualties

Carbrawn (13461)Ogre

Stunty Cup

GeoffWatson (6226)Goblin
Stunty King

Best Painted

Captain_Prosecco (18367)Chaos Dwarf

Other Awards

lukeadrian (22218)Lizardmen
Murderers Row (Highest Opponents Score)
bojo (21512)Shambling Undead
3rd Place
KSHARPER (11651)Orc
Most Kills (9)
Chopper (445)Orc
Toughest (1 Casualty Suffered)
GreySquirrel (24516)Orc
Sunday Comeback (34 places improved)
BigMac (27651)Norse
Best Newcomer
Tournament Location
AddressClub Burwood RSL
 96 Shaftesbury Rd, Burwood

Ruleset Document

** Australasian Major **

15th Anniversary

This will be our 15th year and we are now a NAF Major tournament

Tournament entry is $50 if paid prior to June 1st 2019. Or $40 if this is your first Eucalyptus Bowl (option to nominate a veteran coach and they will receive $5 off their entry)
As a further incentive for new players. If you are not a NAF member you can have membership included in your entry fee for $50 inclusive (NAF membership is normally $15).

The Rules for the tournament are as per the NAF Rules for Tournaments 2019 Version 1.4
* https://www.thenaf.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Rules-for-NAF-Tournaments-2019.pdf

Team Selection
•Teams have a value 1,250,000 or 1,400,00 for Stunty Teams.
•The gold can be spent on any combination of players, inducements and skills as allowed by the CRP and/or BB2016 rules (including Deathzone 1 and 2, Almanac and any current Spike Journals), so long as the following rules are followed:
◦All teams must start with at least 11 players (this can include star players)
◦You must spend all your cash, or discard unspent funds. You cannot keep unspent funds in your treasury and spend it later.
◦Inducements are restricted as per the rule book (e.g. 0-2 star players, undead teams cannot take a Wandering Apoth etc)
◦Each rostered player can be given at most one Normal skill, increasing their value by 20k
*Teams are limited to selecting at most 2 of each skill. General Skills Excluded. Stunty Teams Exempt.
◦Star Players are not eligible to gain additional skills.

So in case that isn't clear. Euc Bowl remains a tournament without a skill package. You have GPs to spend on players, inducements and skills. The skills are limited to 1 per player (Star Players ineligible) and cost 20,000 GPs. On top of this, for any skills purchased in this way you are limited to only be able to select a certain skill twice in your team make up. (excluding General Skills and for Stunty Teams) Obviously players starting skills are not effected by this. This is an attempt to reduce the spamming of certain skills, e.g. Mighty Blow, Guard etc and hopefully make a few more teams attractive to take, and make all teams just a bit more diverse.

A Full Rules pack will be available at a later date, hosted on AusBowl forums and/or facebook page.

Tournament Report
61 Coaches joined in for the fun and excitement of our special anniversary year, including 11 first timers. All coaches received a star player Eucalyptus Bowl Treeman and accompanying Stunty Koala player courtesy of Hungry Troll Miniatures.

We also expanded our range of Eucalyptus Bowl patches. Adding a special 15th anniversary badge, and 5, 10 and 15 year (we have 5 coaches that have attended all 15 years of Eucalyptus Bowl) veteran badges to go with the alumni badge we released last year.

Eucalyptus Bowl is mostly a static ruleset. In 2007 we embraced the LRB 5.0 and allowed teams of TV 125 to compete with all skills and players coming from this budget of 1.25 million gold. In other words there wasn’t a skill package, players could choose to spend the generous budget on their choice of players and skills (limited by one bonus skill per player). We didn’t allow “doubles” skills, as the idea was each team played to their strengths without having access to a band aid solution. The ruleset stayed like this for many years with a brief period where we played at 115 TV and 120 TV to try and reduce the complexity of rosters and cut down on games running over time. Following a period where players were complaining about coming up against all MB or all Guard builds, we opted to limit the numbers of each skill chosen to 2. Removing this limitation for General skills the following year as some teams really struggling without access to Block.

In 2016 we elected to introduce tiering. Not wanting to “play Nuffle” I decided to implement tiering based on historical success at the tournament, rather than my own arbitrary opinion of which team belonged where. Teams that have won Eucalyptus Bowl multiple times were restricted to a TV of 115, one time winning races played at TV 120 while the rest played at TV 125 and Stunty at TV 130. This meant that some teams such as Necromantic (115) and Nurgle (120) were probably outside their natural tiers. But at least everyone knew where they stood.

For this 15th anniversary we scrapped these tiers (they will return in 2020) and allowed all teams to play at 125 TV with Stunties getting an even bigger boost and playing at TV 140. Across the 61 coaches only 3 teams went unrepresented. Elven Union, Nurgle and Underworld.

At the conclusion of 5 rounds we had 2 undefeated coaches, neither of who had tasted Eucalyptus Bowl glory before. Anthony “Chopper” Cutting (2 Time CANCON winner and holder of the 2 highest NAF coach rankings in Australia) from ACT and James Fynmore from VIC. Interestingly it was a match up between the 2 winningest races at Euc Bowl, Orcs Vs Necro, and reflected well our typical tiering.

In the end it came down do an Orc Blitzer needing to Dodge and GFI while holding the ball in Turn 8 of the second half to break a 1-1 stalemate. The dodge roll failed, but a team reroll took care of that, and the final GFI was successful, giving the title to a man that just loves to win Australasia’s Major whichever tournament holds it.

Our second top prize is Stunty King, to encourage people to bring the vertically challenged teams. The winner this year was Geoff Watson with Goblins.

Our third pick of the prize table is for Best painted. For the 4th time in 5 years this title was taken out by Jonathan Delacy, with his spectacular Chaos Dwarves.

Champion Anthony “Chopper” Cutting Orcs
Stunty King Geoff Watson Goblins
Best Painted Jonathan Delacy Chaos Dwarves
Best Newcomer Lee McColl Norse
Runner Up James Fynmore Necromantic
3rd Place Alex Hardwicke Undead
Most TDs (16) Joshua Ng Skaven
Most Cas (32) Phil Evans Ogres
Most Kills (9) Kyle Harper Orcs
Of interest to some is that Eucalyptus Bowl tiebreakers run entirely on opponent score. We play 80 points for a win, 40 points for a draw and 10 points for a loss. So a win and a loss is slightly better than 2 draws, but 3 draws trumps 1 win and 2 losses. There are no bonus points so you live at the mercy of how your opponent’s fare, however we prefer to reward those that play on the top table all weekend over someone that submarines through the field. We do have issues with tournament software if we have coaches that don’t play all their games, meaning they don’t maximise their potential tournament score which can have a negative effect on their opponents. At the moment I manually adjust and add average tournament score to players in lieu of missed games and apply that to opponents score. However, if anyone wants to update SCORE and give me a field for average tournament score per game played, I would be eternally grateful.

Being a big tournament, with a tiering system that may discourage the playing of some rosters I wanted to devise a way to encourage the playing of as many different races as possible. A few years ago, I introduced Best in race medals, and these get given out after the aforementioned prize winners. The key though is that the highest ranked but least represented races get an earlier prize. So this year 59th a Khemri coach chose from the prize table before 6th a Chaos Dwarf coach. I get the rosters sent to me 1 week prior which allows me to pull the trigger on getting the medals made, and as an added bonus also gives me time to check all rosters are compliant. The coaches also enjoy the pre-tournament banter about which teams aren’t being played and which is the most represented.

I’d really like to see some international raiders test their mettle “Down Under”. We typically run in July each year, however to accommodate the AusBowl State Championships, our version of EuroBowl, for next year we have moved to April. The venue is all booked for the 18th and 19th of April 2020, I hope to see people making the trip.
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