?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameGranite Bowl III
Organizer NAF namefromherashes (21977)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-05-25
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-05-26
ScoringSee info
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageEvent Page

Tournament Statistics


the_joeker (25149)Vampire

Runner up

Markymarc (25254)Wood Elf

Most Touchdowns

HipsterPotter (23176)Wood Elf

Most Casualties

Spooner (22037)Amazon

Stunty Cup


Best Painted

HuntlyLoon (23424)Human

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressPalm Court Hotel
 81 Seafield Road
StateAberdeen City
ZipAB15 7YX
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

Granite Bowl Rules:

#nafwc2019 (tagged by sann)

As it’s a World Cup year the Granite Bowl rules have been aligned with the World Cup rules to allow competitive gaming with World Cup rosters.

Tournament Gifts:
All coaches attending will be given a free set of exclusive tournament dice.

Prizes will be awarded for the following:
• 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place
• Most casualties caused, Most TDs scored
• Stunty Cup (highest place with a Tier 4 team)
• Rookie of the tournament (for new players)
• “Mistakes were made…”

You can only win one of the above prizes, but may also win Best Painted which is separate.

Tournament Schedule-

Day 1:

Muster 9:30am - 10am
Game 1 10am - 12:30pm
Lunch 12:30pm - 13.15pm
Game 2 13:15pm - 15:45pm
Break 15:45pm - 16:00pm
Game 3 16:00pm - 18:30pm
Wrap up 18:30pm - 18:45pm

Day 2:

Muster 8:30am - 9:00am
Game 4 9:00am - 11:30am
Lunch 11:30am - 12:15pm
Game 5 12:15pm - 14:45pm
Break 14:45pm - 15:00pm
Game 6 15:00pm - 17:30pm
Presentations 17:30pm - 18:15pm

Tournament Structure:
• 6 games, 2h30m per game
• Resurrection style, no progression
• Swiss format, 1st round may be seeded
• BB2016 rule set
(Boxed set, Deathzone 1&2/Almanacs/Spike Journals, Errata, FAQ and Teams of Legend)

Races are organised into tiers as follows:
• Tier 1: Amazons, Bretonnians, Chaos Dwarves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Norse, Orcs, Skaven, Undead, Wood Elves
• Tier 2: Chaos Renegades, Elf Union, High Elves, Humans, Khemri, Necromantic
• Tier 3: Daemons of Khorne, Chaos, Nurgle’s Rotters, Slann, Underworld, Vampires
• Tier 4: Goblins, Halflings, Ogres

Each tier has a different amount of Starting Cash in gold pieces to spend. This cash can be spent on a combination of 1) Team Building and 2) Additional Skills and Upgrades.
Coaches must spend a minimum of 1,100,000 gold pieces on Team Building.
Coaches may not spend more than their Starting Cash on Team Building.
If there are any funds remaining from the team’s Starting Cash allowance, this may be spent on Additional Skills and Upgrades added before the tournament begins.
As the tournament progresses, more cash for Additional Skills and Upgrades will be made available in two further phases: Phase Two (before game 3) and Phase Three (before game 5). No further cash can be spent on Team Building in Phases Two and Three.
Below are the amounts of gold pieces available at each stage of the tournament:

Tier Starting Cash Before Game 3 Before Game 5
1. 1,160,000 40,000 40,000
2. 1,200,000 50,000 40,000
3. 1,250,000 50,000 40,000
4. 1,250,000 70,000 40,000

Team Building
Options and restrictions for Team Building are as follows:

• Models from any source may be used, as long as they are easily identifiable to their roster position
• All teams receive 5 fan factor for free
• All teams may purchase additional fan factor and inducements per standard race restrictions
• At least 11 standard roster players before any star player
• 0-8 Re-Rolls
• Assistant coaches
• Cheerleaders
• 0-1 Apothecary if allowed by race
• 0-9 Fan Factor
• 0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs for 50,000 gold pieces
• 0-3 Bribes for 100,000 gold pieces, for Goblins 50,000 gold pieces
• 0-1 Masterchef for 300,000 gold pieces, for Halflings 100,000 gold pieces
• 0-2 NAF-approved Star Players for their regular cost

Wizards, (in)famous coaching staff, mercenaries and Special Play Cards are all explicitly not allowed at Granite Bowl.
Note – if two teams with the same Star Player(s) are drawn against one another then both teams may use the Star or Stars.

Additional Skills and Upgrades

Additional Skills and Upgrades may be bought with the below costs and restrictions:

• A ‘normal’ skill costs 20,000 gp
• A ‘double’ skill costs 30,000 gp
• There is no restriction on skill duplication
• Tiers 1-3 are limited to one double skill during the tournament
• Tier 4 may have more than one double skill
• Your roster can have only one player that has two additional skills. Both skills must be normal skills and the second skill has a cost of 30,000 gold pieces. These skills can be added at different times in the event.
• Tier 4 may buy a single stat upgrade. This cannot be combined with any other additional skill. +MA/AV costs 40,000 gold pieces, + AG 50,000 gold pieces and, +ST 60,000 gold pieces
• Star players may not receive additional skills or stat upgrades
• Note, the 40,000 available at Phase Three may only be spent on two additional ‘normal’ skills
All gold left unspent at any stage is lost and does not carry over to subsequent phases.
All choices in all three phases are to be decided before the tournament.

Additional Team Selection Notes:

• Illegal procedure will not be used
• The “Piling On” skill can be used and does not require a team re-roll to us
• You MUST have a coach model to argue the call

Scoring Details:

• 1000 points for a win
• 500 points for a draw
• 0 points for a loss

Strength of Schedule
Tiers of schedule
• 40 points for beating a Tier 1 team
• 30 points for beating a Tier 2 team
• 20 points for beating a Tier 3 team
• 10 points for beating a Tier 4 team

TDs / Casualties
• There are NO bonus points for TDs / CAS
• The following count as CAS for “Most CAS” Blocking CAS, Fouls, Crowd Surfs

… and one more thing:

Granite Bowl III sees the return of:

The Oil Baron

He is the reason we are all here…
He will not be denied…
He still has a top hat…

Starting in round 3, at the beginning of each round, The Oil Baron will play in the lowest ranked game in which he has not yet played for both teams.

Before rolling for kick / receive, the coaches will roll off (D6+FAME) for the choice of who the Oil Baron play the 1st half for. He will play the 2nd half for the other team.

Stats - MA6/ST3/AG4/AV8

Skills - Loner, Sure Hands, Strong Arm, Horns, Juggernaut.

Additional rules:

Arrogance –
Will not GFI

It’s All About Me –
Must be on the pitch if able to be

Two Faced –
Will play one half for each team

Private Health Insurance –
Automatically regenerates at Half Time

Tournament Report
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