?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameThe Conquest Cup
Organizer NAF namelukeadrian (22218)
OrganizerLuke Morgan
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-04-20
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-04-20
Cost$30 - $40
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Captain_Prosecco (18367)Chaos Dwarf

Runner up

JamesDSF (18283)Dwarf

Most Touchdowns

Fortis (20164)Wood Elf

Most Casualties

rivfader (23909)Chaos Chosen

Stunty Cup

JoeKano (1890)Halfling

Best Painted

Other Awards

JohnnyBravo (24669)Halfling
TheOriginalForce (22170)Tomb Kings
3rd Place
Tournament Location
AddressColonel Room, Batman Royale
 14 Gaffney St
CityCoburg North

Ruleset Document

The tournament will a single day resurrection style tournament consisting of four rounds.

Match making will be managed through a Swiss draw however no coach should play the same opponent twice. The TO’s reserves the right to adjust the draw if necessary to prevent this.

Each match will be a maximum of two hours and 15 min to ensure a smooth running of the day and enable coaches to plan any travel reliably. To ensure this, the TO’s will enforce four minute turns (through the use of timers) to matches that have not reached half time after one hour and 15 min for that round.

Tournament Champion will be awarded to the coach who has accumulated the most primary points after four rounds.

Points can be scored through various means during the conduct of a match. Matches will be scored as follows:

Primary scores − − − Win = 50 points Draw = 25 points Loss = 10 points

Secondary scores − − − Underdog Miracle = 5 Points TD For = 2 Points Casualty For = 1 Point

Note: Underdog Miracle is defined as winning or drawing while suffering four or more casualties than your opponent.

Note: A ‘Casualty for’ will include all casualties caused throughout the match. The score will be recorded as how many models are in the dead and injured box at the end of the game plus any that were healed by apothecaries.

Any ties in rankings will be decided by strength of schedule in the first instance and total secondary score as a final determining factor.

The Conquest Cup will be played utilising the NAF official rules known as the Competition Rules Pack (CRP) with the amendments and additions included in the BB2016, DZ1 and DZ2.

These resources can be found at the following links:
CRP : http://www.thenaf.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/CRP1.pdf

BB2016 and DZ updates: http://www.thenaf.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/NAF-Rules-Updatev1-3.pdf

In addition, the following rules will be in effect:

All Inducements may be taken as a part of your permanent roster (special play cards drawn at random during pre-game)

Piling On does not required the use of a team reroll.

Illegal procedure is not in effect unless agreed upon by both coaches prior to the first kick off.

Unpainted teams will grant their opponent +1 FAME for the game (FAME is still calculated pre-game) Team Creation Rules Coaches may choose to create a team using any of the 27 NAF approved race lists. A link to the complete list can be found at: http://www.thenaf.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/NAF-Team-List-v1.5_NO_BG.pdf

Once a coach has selected a race, the following constraints must be adhered to in creating the team:

Coaches have 1,150,000 gold pieces (gp) for all purchases. All gp must be expended (use fan factor etc)

Teams must have a minimum of 11 players (star players count toward the overall total)

Teams may only hire one star player each however Stunty teams* may hire two

Non star players may have a maximum of two additions added to them (as if they had earned 16 spp) Additional skills and stats added to players are purchased in accordance with their rulebook value

Teams may add ‘normal roll’ skills as they please. However non ‘normal roll’ skills are limited as such:

- Maximum of two (Stunty* four) 30,000 gp valued additions (double roll skills, +MA and +AV)

- Maximum of one (Stunty* two) 40,000 gp + valued additions (+AG or +ST) There is NO limitation on skill combinations outside that stated above.

A single player may have a stat and a double, two doubles, a normal and a double, a normal and a stat or two normal skills.

* Stunty teams include goblin, halfling and ogre teams

To encourage a diversity of races and variety of rosters at The Conquest Cup there will be roster awards to creative coaches. Awarded by the TOs prior to the commencement of the tournament, the following roster awards are available:

Superstar: Awarded to the player the TO’s determine to have the most potential to dominate the tournament. This player will receive the Fan Favourite skill for the duration of the Tournament

TO’s Choice: Awarded to the team that the TO’s determine to have the most creative, original and robust roster. This team will receive +2 Fan Factor for the duration of the Tournament.

Wildcard: Awarded to any team that is the only one of their race to enter the tournament. The team will receive +1 Fan Factor for the duration of the Tournament.

Rosters are required to be checked for compliancy with the above team creation rules prior to the tournament. This is to ensure that the competition is fair and allows the TO’s time to decide on roster awards.

As such, rosters need to be submitted no later than 8:00pm on Sunday 14 Apr 19. Late submissions will incur a -1 modifier for each day its overdue (max -5) applied to Fan Factor rolls in pre game sequences.

Tournament Report
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