?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameFruit Bowl
Organizer NAF nameClan_Skaven (2854)
OrganizerRoderick Davidson
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-04-27
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-04-28
Scoring3 pts Win, 1 pt Tie, 0 pts Loss
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


L3athalK (7465)Lizardmen

Runner up

KidRichard (24415)Wood Elf

Most Touchdowns

L3athalK (7465)Lizardmen

Most Casualties

SewerRat (5737)Halfling

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressMick & Angelo's Kitchen + Bar
 7600 Lundy's Ln
CityNiagara Falls
ZipL2H 1G8

Ruleset Document

It started with a wimper... a cry... a moan of despair....

It took place at the final Ottawa DeathBowl.....

Four Words spoken softly , yet loud enough for a few DeathBowl Coaches to hear...

These Four Words came from outside the DeathBowl, where there was a Gathering of Magic....

The few Coaches that heard these Four Words were inflicted with mixed emotions , at first Empathy for the pain in the young voice.... then Confusion as to what it all meant, then finally.... Pure Unbridled Sadistic Humor , as only one could expect from the Four Words whined out!

........and those words you ask?.............


From those Four Words the FRUIT BOWL was born.


The FRUIT BOWL will be held in Niagara Falls ON the weekend of April 27-28 at Mick & Angelo's doors open at 11 am , Saturday will have 3 games, Sunday 1 game

All 26 Races will be included, the CRP rules for Piling On will be used as well as the CRP rules for Inducement Cards

Team Build 1,150,000 to build team, No Inducements may be purchased except for Tier 4 teams: Bribes at 100k (50k for Goblins), Halfling Master Chef at 300k (100k for Halflings), and all Tier 4 Teams my include 1 Star Player.

Tier 1: Orc, Skaven, Wood Elf, Norse, Necromatic, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Chaos Dwarf, Lizardmen, Amazon, Undead
Tier 2: Human, Chaos, Nurgle, Chaos Pact, Elf, High Elf, Britonian, Khorne
Tier 3: Vampire, Khemri, Underworld, Slann
Tier 4: Goblin, Halfling, Ogre
Team Improvements
Tier 1: 1 Double skill, 4 Normal skills
Tier 2: 2 Double skills, 3 Normal skills
Tier 3: 3 Double skills, 2 Normal skills
Tier 4: 4 Double skills, 1 Normal skill

Special Fruit Gifts
Before Game One I will roll a d6 and the result rolled will determine the Special Fruit Gift all teams receive in round 1.
Before every round after round 1, the player who is in last place in the standings will roll 2d6 and chooses which Fruit Gift of the 2 rolled (if he rolled doubles he may choose any of the 6 Fruit Gifts) All chosen Fruit Gifts affect everyone (so each round everyone uses the same Fruit Gift the last place player chose)
The 6 Fruit Gifts
1: Lady's Fruity Drink (acts as a Bloodweiser Babe)
2: Fruit Punch (acts as a Dirty Trick Card from the CRP rules)
3: Fruity Energy Drink (acts as an Apothecary, except all 26 races may use it)
4: Fruit Loop (acts as a ReRoll, as time for a moment Loops backwards)
5: Whine Wine (acts as a Bribe)
6: Fruit of the Loon (acts as a rookie Goblin Chainsaw with the Loner skill, and he may bring your team to 17 players , but still only 11 may be set up on the field)

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