?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameTournament of Fear
Organizer NAF nameboldfox (22344)
Organizerboldfox (22344)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-12-07
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-12-07
StyleSwiss, Resurrection
Cost£10 / £17.50
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


KFoged (10691)Tomb Kings

Runner up

Lemmiwinks (25980)Dwarf

Most Touchdowns

KFoged (10691)Tomb Kings

Most Casualties

Lemmiwinks (25980)Dwarf

Stunty Cup

sirmattius (27720)Ogre

Best Painted

Other Awards

speedingbullet (16845)Nurgle
Tier 4 Winner
danster189 (27713)Halfling
Wooden Spoon
inkhar (26787)Norse
Tier 3 Winner
fubarpenn (25988)Dark Elf
Tier 1 Winner
Lemmiwinks (25980)Dwarf
Fan Favorite (most spp) + Tier 2 Winner
Tournament Location
AddressThe Hub
 82 Griffiths Drive
ZipWV11 2LH
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document


9:15 - 9:45 Registration

9:45 - 12:00 Game 1

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch

13:00 - 15:15 Game 2

15:30 - 17:45 Game 3

17:45 - 18:15 Awards


The updated 2019 NAF tournament rules will be used with the following in effect:

* No illegal procedure rule.
* The new BB2016 version of the Piling On skill (requiring a re-roll to use).
* No Special Play cards allowed.
* No Golden Era star players allowed.
* All 26 NAF approved teams are available for use.
* No inducements allowed with the exception of Star Players, Bribes and Master Chef as detailed below.

Team Building and Rosters

All rosters need to be submitted to tournamentoffear@gmail.com by midday on December 6th. This is so that registration on the day can be done as quickly and simply as possible.

All teams have a Starting Treasury of 1,000,000 with a Bonus Treasury according to the following tiers:

Tier / Teams / Bonus Treasury

1 / Wood Elf - Dark Elf - Lizardmen - Undead / +100,000

2 / Chaos Dwarf - Amazon - Dwarf - Necromantic - Orc - Elven Union / +150,000

3 / Norse - High Elf - Chaos Chosen - Skaven - Human - Chaos Pact - Bretonnian / +200,000

4 / Khorne - Underworld - Khemri - Nurgle - Slann - Vampire / +250,000

5 / Ogre - Goblin - Halfling / +300,000

Coaches may use this treasury to buy players, additional skills and where available inducements according to the following rules:

* Additional skills cannot be bought with the Starting Treasury.

* Any number of single skills can be bought for 20,000 each (though no more than 4 of any one skill).

* Tier 2 + 3 teams can buy 1 double skill for 30,000 each.

* Tier 4 teams can buy 2 double skills for 30,000 each.

* Tier 5 teams can buy 4 double skills for 30,000 each.

* One player can be given 2 additional single skills. All other players may only be given 1 additional skill.

* Teams can purchase up to 2 Star Players once they have rostered a minimum of 11 normal players.

* Star Players may not be given additional skills.

* Halfling teams may include a Master Chef for 100,000.

* Goblin teams may include up to 3 bribes for 50,000 each.

Special Rule - ‘The Fear’

**Be you a Dwarf of stout heart or a raging Daemon of the Ruinous Powers, no being is immune to fear in one form another. The Tournament of Fear comes to you from the City of the Damned in the dark heart of the Black Country - where the barrier to the Immaterium is thin, and fear itself manifests on the pitch**

At the start of each game both coaches randomly select one of their players to become an Avatar of Fear. This player will get the following 3 skills for free - Fend / Foul Appearance / Disturbing Presence.
Star Players and any player that already has Disturbing Presence or Foul Appearance cannot be the Avatar - reroll the result.
However, an Avatar of Fear who becomes a casualty is worth double SPP to the opponent and if returned to the pitch via Regeneration or Apothecary, it’s Avatar status is lost along with the extra skills gained.

The Glittering Prizes

In each round coaches will earn 3 points for a win, 2 points for a draw and 1 point for a loss.

Coaches should also keep a record of all Star Player Points earned in each game (excluding MVP), and submit this information along with the main result after each round. Teams will accumulate these SPP across all three rounds, and as well as being used to resolve tie break situations in the final rankings, they might just earn you a prize!
(Goblin teams earn 1 extra SPP for each casualty caused by fouling)

In addition to bragging rights and the extra swagger in your step that comes from Blood Bowl glory, the following prizes are also be up for grabs:

Spot Prizes - one available in each round, which will go to the first player to achieve one of the following:

‘The bigger they are, the harder they fall’ - Kill an opposing team Big Guy (still counts even if the dead result is Apoc’d)

‘No such thing as a sure bet’ - Roll triple skulls

‘Red Right Hand’ - One of your player’s inflicts 3 Casualties in a single game

‘Lightning strikes twice’ - Score two ‘1 turn touchdowns’ in a single game using Throw Team-mate

‘If you want a job doing well, do it yourself’ - Suffer 3 self inflicted casualties in a single game (failed Block, Dodge, GFI, Landing, Always Hungry or from a Secret Weapon)

Main Prizes - as well as the spot prizes each round there will also be awards for the following at the end of the day:

* Tournament Champion - awarded to the highest ranked coach.

* Fan Favourite - awarded to the coach with the most accumulated Star Player Points (excluding Tournament Champion).

* Tier 1 Winner - awarded to the highest ranked Tier 1 coach (excl. Tournament Champion).

* Tier 2 Winner - awarded to the highest ranked Tier 2 coach (excl. Tournament Champion).

* Tier 3 Winner - awarded to the highest ranked Tier 3 coach (excl. Tournament Champion).

* Tier 4 Winner - awarded to the highest ranked Tier 4 coach (excl. Tournament Champion).

* Stunty Champion - awarded to the highest ranked Stunty team coach (excl. Tournament Champion).

* Spirit of Blood Bowl - A.k.a. the wooden spoon - unfortunately no prize, but we will all salute you for deflecting some of Nuffle’s nonsense from the rest of us!

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