?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Fan Factor of 1. rightstar
Tournament NameThe Quest for the Grail Shaped Trophy
Organizer NAF namerhaf (22512)
OrganizerJamie Woodard
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-09-28
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-09-28
Scoringpoint based
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountyes
WebpageFlorida Blood Bowl

Tournament Statistics


CasualtyCap (19437)Vampire

Runner up

paladinkwa (22466)Goblin

Most Touchdowns

space_modulator (28065)Wood Elf

Most Casualties

Grimmgubbinz (28463)Human

Stunty Cup

paladinkwa (22466)Goblin

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
Address6895 N 9th Ave
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Saturday, Sept 28th, 2019
First game we are shooting for 11:00

$20.00 Registration for NAF members
$25.00 Registration non NAF ($5 for registration)
2 Copies of your Team Roster (one for you / one for your opponent)
Dice (these will be shared if your opponents ask)
Blood Bowl Pitch
Dugouts & Templates

3 Games of Blood Bowl
Prizes and Awards

Each coach will be 1.2 million to build a team. Once your team is built, you can apply the tiered skill packages. (No Star Players - Reserved for Tier C and Tier D Teams)

Tier A - 4 Skills
Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Lizardman, Orc, Undead, Wood Elf
Tier B - 4 Skills (up to 1 Doubles)
Amazon, Dwarf, High Elf, Necromantic, Norse, Skaven, Bretonnians
Tier C - 6 Skills (up to 3 Doubles)
Chaos, Chaos Pact, Elf, Human, Kemri, Nurgle, Khorne, Slan, Underworld.
Tier D - 8 Skills (up to 4 Doubles)
Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Vampire
* Each player may receive no more than 2 added skills (regular or double)*
There is no limit on skill bestowments (ex. dwarves can have 4 guards / lizardmen can have 4 block)
*Please note that Tier C and Tier D teams also have access to Bribes, Halfling Master Chefs and Star Players)*

Special Play Cards:

All Special Play Card will be able to be used once per game.

Tis Only a Flesh Wound
Timing: Play at the start of any of your opponants turns, before any of their players take an action.
Effect: Pick a player on your team (No big guys). For the remainder of the game, any rolls on the Injury table against that player are treated as Stunned results.

I'm not Dead Yet!!!
Timing: Play after a drive has ended.
Effect. Roll a d6, on a 2+, you may move one player from dead & injured to the reserves box. on a 1, they are all actually dead.

Moistened Bink Distributin Swords
Timing: Play at the start of any of your turns, before any of your players takes an action.
Effect: Pick a player on your team and make an action with them. Each time you make a die roll for that player this turn, you can choose the result instead of rolling
(make any armour and injury rolls as normal). However you suffer a turnover immediately after that player finishes their action.

Weather table is normal but with the following addition.
On a roll of 7 treat as Typical Florida weather.
Turns 1-2 normal weather, turns 3-4 are pouring rain, turns 5-8 are sweltering heat. The end of a half or rolling a new weather resets this.

Games will be played using the NAF Tournament rules which includes DZ 1 and DZ 2. You can read about it here ... https://www.thenaf.net/2017/05/naf-and-death-zone-2/
• Illegal Procedure will not be used.
• Turns are to be coaches pace for the first half and the 4 min. turn timer for the second half.
• Sharing dice is required if your opponent requests it
• Rosters reset after every round. This means that
injured players are restored to health and players
gained through Raise the Dead are lost.
This also means that there are no earnings
or Fan Factor increases.
• Models MUST have some form of identification for skills that are purchased onto their players. The TO recommends skill bands, and will have some at the event.
• Highlander Rule: If two teams playing against each other have the same Star Player, the team with the highest FAME wins the Star Player and the losing team gains inducements equal to the Star Player cost FOR THIS MATCH ONLY!!!

Swiss Pairing: The tournament will be conducted using the Swiss method of pairing. This means that after the first round (in which pairs will be selected randomly, but with an eye toward
separating coaches from the same hometown or league),
coaches will play against those coaches that have performed
most similarly. So the coach with the most points will play
against the coach with the second most points, etc. The Coach with the MOST POINTS at the end of THREE ROUNDS will be declared the Tournament Champion
A coach will receive the following points, to be recorded after
each round of play:
• +30 Win
• +15 Draw
• +5 Loss
• +2 Each touchdown scored.
• +1 Per casualty (Stabs, Secret Weapons, Fouls and Crowd Surfs Count ONLY)

The coach with the most points will be the Tournament Champion and get first pick of the prizes. The remainder of the coaches will select next in a school yard pick in the following order:
King Arthur - Tournament Champion
Sir Galahad - Stunty Cup Champion
Sir Lancelot - Most Casualties
Sir Robin - Most Touchdowns
Any questions about the ruleset please POST here or Message me at your convenience.

Tournament Report
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