?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameSearch and Seizure RapierBowl
Organizer NAF nameThePoPo (26517)
OrganizerHoward Adams
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2020-02-09
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2020-02-09
ScoringSee information above
CostConvention Fee + NAF Registration, no other fee
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageFacebook - Search and Seziure RapierBowl

Tournament Statistics


MrPickles (23153)Dark Elf

Runner up

Jogrenaut (22460)Dwarf

Most Touchdowns

Jogrenaut (22460)Dwarf

Most Casualties

Upscalegolem (28914)Chaos Renegade

Stunty Cup

BLUEWING711 (23576)Ogre

Best Painted

Other Awards

ThePoPo (26517)Shambling Undead
Best Defense
tombstone_frank (4668)Vampire
Fan Favorite
Tournament Location
Address2101 Dixie Clipper Dr.
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Date: February 8, 2020
Venue: Hilton DoubleTree Jacksonville Airport Hotel

Convention registration only ($35.00 for the entire weekend!)
Optional Swag Pack (TBD)
**ALL COACHES MUST BE OR BECOME NAF MEMBERS** If you are not NAF, please sign up at the event for $5.00** (In addition to the convention registration fee)

What to Bring:
3 Copies of your Team Roster
Dugouts & Templates – Dungeonbowl Pitches provided by Jason York (He’s awesome)

What you Get:
4 Games of Blood Bowl (Dungeonbowl)

Tournament Schedule (Tentative):
Registration 8:30am / Round One at 9:00am
Four Rounds
Round 1: 09:00am-10:00am
Round 2: 10:10am-11:10am
Round 3: 11:20am-12:20pm
Round 4: 12:30pm-1:30pm
Awards and then Lunch!
We will be pushing hard to maintain a strict schedule as this is a convention tournament with many other awesome events to check out for coaches! Lunch can also be ordered and delivered to you by the hotel restaurant staff if you do not want to wait on group lunch (Lunch is still paid on your own).

General Tournament Rules:
This is a RESURRECTION style event. Games will be played using NAF Tournament rules which includes DZ 1 and DZ 2 with the normal NAF Dungeonbowl rules.
• Illegal Procedure will not be used.
• Rosters reset after every round. This means that injured players are restored to health and players gained through Raise the Dead and Nurgle’s Rot are lost.
This also means that there are no earnings or Fan Factor increases.
• Models MUST have some form of identification for skills that are purchased onto their players. The TO recommends skill bands and will have some at the event.
• Swiss Pairing Rules
• The same Dungeon template pitch will be used for all matches.

Points are earned in the following ways:
 Annihilation Win / Runaway Win – 30 points
 Close Win – 20 points
 Draw – 15 points
 Close Loss – 10 points
 Annihilation Loss / Runaway Loss – 0 points
 Touchdowns – 2 points
 Casualties – 1 point (casualties caused by a trap from a chest do NOT count, all other casualties count)

Team Build will follow the following rules:
• Starting Gold is 700,000 (NO SKILLS).
• Inducements can be permanently purchased (except wizards) after your team has at least 7 players.
• Fan Factor CANNOT be purchased (it is useless)

Skills Packages (Once the team is built, the following skill packages are available)
Skills Packages (Once the team is built, the following skill packages are available)
• Tier A (Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Lizardman, Orc, Undead, Wood Elf): 3 skills total, NO doubles.
• Tier B (Amazon, Dwarf, High Elf, Necro, Norse, Skaven): 3 skills total, up to 1 double.
• Tier C (Chaos, Chaos Pact, Pro Elf, Human, Khemri, Nurgle, Bretonnians, Slann, Underworld, Khorne): 4 skills total, up to 1 double.
• Tier D (Goblin, Halflings, Ogre, Vampire): 4 skills total, up to 2 doubles
• No player can receive more than 2 added skills.
• There is no halftime, rerolls will not and do not reset!

Dungeonbowl Chest & Basic Rules:
 When a player opens a chest, roll a D6. If there are 5 or 6 chests, the ball will be in the opened chest only on a 6. If there are 3 or 4 chests, the ball will be in the opened chest on a 5+. If there are only 2 chests, the ball will be in the opened chest on a 4+.
 If the ball is already in play, all remaining chests are traps.
 If there is only one chest remaining, and the ball is not yet in play, the remaining chest automatically contains the ball.
 Rounds are a maximum of 1 hour long.
 Turns will be a maximum of 3 minutes.
 If one player is ahead by 2 or more TD’s after 30 minutes, they automatically win (Runaway Win).
 If one player is ahead by 1 TD after 45 minutes, they automatically win (Close Win).
 If both players are tied after 1 hour, it is a draw.
 If one player has casualtied all opposing players at any time (no reserves and no knockouts), they automatically win (Annihilation Win).
 Once the 3-minute turn timer goes off, the player can finish the current action. Once that action is complete, their turn ends.
 Once the match timer hits 1 hour, the player can finish the current action. Once that action is complete, the match immediately ends.
 Tournament champion will be most total points after four rounds. If there is a tie, we will use the tie breaking procedure outlined below.

Tiebreaking Procedure:
The patrons of the Colleges of Magic love to see exemplary play in the dungeon. In the case of a tie between teams in points, the team that will be placed ahead will be determined by a “fan favorite” vote. The patrons are looking for specific exemplary plays throughout the course of the games. They are:
 Hasty Exit (Knocking an opposing player into a portal)
 Pass Off The Wall (successfully complete a bounce pass off of one of the dungeon’s walls. This pass must be caught by someone on the throwing players team to count)
 Escape Through The Portal (your ball carrier must successfully go through a portal and come out the other side STILL HOLDING ON TO THE BALL.)
 Meat Shield (block an opponent into a chest, causing it to explode. If the chest had the ball, you do not earn this point.)
 Nuffle’s Blessing (successfully find the ball when opening the first chest. This has to be the first chest opened in the round, and the team the opener plays for gets the point, so if you block an opponent into a chest and it is the ball, your opponent gets the point.)
 You can earn each possible point in all six matches, but only once each match. This makes the maximum score for tiebreakers 20.
 If teams have the same tiebreaker score, then most points in the last round wins, followed by most in the third round, and so on in reverse order that the rounds were played in. If still tied, most TD’s scored, followed by most casualties, followed by TD differential, then casualty differential, and if somehow still tied at this point, whoever can bench press an ogre win (or coin flip, whatever works for the tied coaches).

Once per Game:
“Search” If you roll a “1 or 2” when opening a chest you may attempt to change your fortune. Roll 1d6 and consult the following table
1. Chest is trapped and explodes: Add 2 to the armor roll and adjacent players knocked down on 2+
2. Chest is trapped and explodes: Add 1 to the armor roll and adjacent players knocked down on 3+
3. Chest refuses to open: Leave the chest on the board and “Push” the player that entered the square in an appropriate direction as if blocked from the direction he was coming from. Player may attempt to open the chest again next turn. If all squares are occupied, chest explodes as normal.
4. Chest contains nothing – remove it from the board and proceed with play as normal.
5. Chest contains a secret weapon usable once for the player that opened the chest. Roll 1d6 – on a 1-2 the secret weapon is a bazooka that would be useful for throwing the ball (+1 to single pass action). 3-4 it is a single use chainsaw usable by end of match (Normal chainsaw rules for that single use to include rolling d6 to see if kickback occurs). 5-6 it is a single use bomb usable by end of match (normal bomb throwing rules, meaning no movement before throw, interception as normal, etc.).
6. Chest did contain the ball it was just behind some wires and goblin explosives. Proceed as if the ball was originally rolled in the chest. Bomb is a dud. Roll for ball pickup.

Once per Game:
“Seizure” once during a block on an opponent who has the ball. If a “Push” or variant thereof due to skills is caused, may treat player that was conducting the block as if they had the “Strip Ball” skill for that action ONLY. Balls drops in the square where the player was pushed and scatters normally per DungeonBowl rules.

The following will be awarded at Search and Seizure Bowl. Coaches are only able to win one award, and if qualified for multiple awards, will receive the highest one they qualify for on this list:
o Tournament Champion (most total points)
o Stunty Champion (most total points from a stunty team)
o Most Touchdowns
o Most Casualties
o Best Defense
o Fan Favorite (most tiebreaker points earn, following same tiebreaking procedure but if tied after comparing first round numbers go by total points, then a roll off)

Tournament Report
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