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Tournament NameOrdo Bowl III: All Araby Derby
Organizer NAF nameWeav (13093)
OrganizerJason Weaver
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-08-17
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-08-18
StyleTwo-day resurrection
Cost$50/$45 for NAF
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountyes
WebpageOrdo Bowl III: All Araby Derby

Tournament Statistics


Vice (25799)Wood Elf

Runner up

Grither (10904)Shambling Undead

Most Touchdowns

jackbedead (26498)Skaven

Most Casualties

burk (16657)Norse

Stunty Cup

Ocrumsprug (16655)Goblin

Best Painted

wrage11 (22540)Shambling Undead

Other Awards

jollyork (9471)Skaven
Best Overall
Grither (10904)Shambling Undead
Best Defense
blammaham (14684)Shambling Undead
Best Canadian
ravenmojo (25954)Chaos Dwarf
Favorite Opponent
Tournament Location
Address301 W 6th
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Ordo Bowl III: All Araby Derby is a two-day, resurrection style Blood Bowl tournament, swiss style. First games will be determined randomly, with the remaining games determined based on tournament points. For the first round only, we will do our best to pair players off against members that are outside of their home club. The tournament will run six total matches, with four games on Saturday, and two on Sunday.

What to bring?
Your painted and based team with suitable models; a fully painted and based team is mandatory. Bringing an incomplete team will disqualify you from any and all awards, including the Ordo Bowl III championship. It's easy; bring a painted team! You are not required to paint your own team, just bring a painted and based team to play with.
Skill rings or another appropriate way to identify skills/positions (mandatory). Block dice
D6’s, D8, D12/16/20
3 copies of your team roster including skill purchases and inducements
Re-roll, turn and score markers
Pitch and dugouts will be provided

Tournament Rules:
Standard NAF Rules 2017 with the following exceptions:
NO Wizards
NO standard special play cards
Teams will resurrect at the end of each games; no SPPs, injuries or any roster changes carry over between games
Illegal Procedure will not be enforced
Four minute time limit can be enforced by opponent
NOTE: if the teams are not starting the second half by one hour and twenty minutes into the round, a four minute timer becomes mandatory for both players
Games will have a maximum length of two hours and thirty minutes
Event organizers will announce regular time checks as a courtesy to players
Players must agree on cocked die rules, and sharing dice at the start of the match (Ordo Bowl strongly encourages players to use one set of dice for the entire match)
If there are any disagreements or rules disputes, tournament directors will be standing by to assist
Teams with the ability to raise killed players will not be allowed to keep raised player on their roster past the game in which they are raised

Team building:
Players may choose from all 26 NAF Sanctioned Teams:
Human & Orc (Rules found in the 2016 Blood Bowl boxed set)
Dark Elf, Dwarf, Elf Union, High Elf, Nurgle, Skaven & Wood Elf (Rules found in the Death Zone: Season One gaming supplement)
Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Chaos Renegades, Chaos Chosen, Goblin, Halfling, Khemri Tomb Kings, Lizardmen, Norse, Necromantic Horror, Ogre, Shambling Undead, Underworld Denizens & Vampire (Rules found in the Blood Bowl Teams of Legend document)
Slann (Rules found in The NAF 2/1/2017 Tournament Rules document)
Daemons of Khorne, Bretonnians
Teams get 1,200,000 gold pieces to construct their roster
Star players can be purchased as part of a roster;
A star player can be your 11th player
A maximum of 2 star players may be taken (Brick Farth & Grotty count as 1 star player, but will fill 2 roster spots as per rules)
In the case that opposing teams hire the same star, both teams will be allowed to use the player
Please Note only Stars listed in the NAF document will be allowed for the tournament
Teams must be built with a minimum of 11 players
Teams can purchase re-rolls, apothecaries (if allowed), coaches, cheerleaders & fan factor
Teams may also include bribes as part of the roster as per the standard inducement cost
The only inducements available for purchase are star players (limit two; Brikfarth & Grotty and the Hightower twins count as one star player spot for this purpose; Grak & Crumbleberry, Black Gobbo, White Dwarf, and Josef Bugman are not allowed for purchase), Bloodwessier Babes, Master Chef (Only for Halflings), and Bribes.
Skill Packs; choose one of the following packs for your team for the entirety of the event; you may only give a player one skill in addition to what they already are equipped with, and no skill may be acquired via skill pack more than twice (i..e., if you are playing dwarfs several players come with tackle, but you can still use your preferred skill pack to apply tackle to one or two players that do not start with that skill):
A) Six normal skills
B) Four normal & 1 double skill(s)
C) Two normal and Two double skills

Tournament Scoring:Win: three points
Loss: zero points
Tie: one points
Tie-breakers: The first tie-breaker will be head to head record; the second tie-breaker winning percentage (victories divided by total games); the final tie-breaker will be Favorite Opponent voting, with preference given to the player with the most Favorite Opponent pins at the end of the event

Stunty Cup:
Stunty teams will play for their own cup while still participating in the main tournament
Stunty teams include Goblins, Halflings, Lizardman (only when team build is all Skinks or plus a Kroxigor), Ogres and Underworld teams (without Skaven players).
Star players can be added to a Stunty team without disqualifying them from the Stunty Cup.
The top two Stunty teams will be matched up in round six, and the winner will be the Stunty Cup champion, regardless of tournament points.


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