?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameHookybowl VII: The Black Hole
Organizer NAF namevoorhees_carnivean (23520)
OrganizerVoorhees Carnivean
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-12-13
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-12-13
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


DwarfTossers (24978)Lizardmen

Runner up

MrPickles (23153)Dwarf

Most Touchdowns

nornbreeder (28371)Underworld Denizens

Most Casualties

voorhees_carnivean (23520)Vampire

Stunty Cup

nukafett (28372)Halfling

Best Painted

Other Awards

MrPickles (23153)Dwarf
Best Defense
Jogrenaut (22460)Dwarf
Fan Favorite Award
Tournament Location
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

A Blood Bowl tournament taking place aboard the USS Cygnus, a ghost ship perched precariously at the edge of a black hole – the vast empty nothingness where space and time end. Anything that crosses its border enters a universe of the complete unknown.
The Cygnus is crewed by robots, and her captain is determined to attempt mankind’s most dangerous journey.
And beyond.

December 2019 will be the 40 year anniversary of the release of Disney’s first rated PG movie, and to mark the occasion, I’ll be hosting a Blood Bowl tournament themed on my all-time favorite movie (note that I said “favorite” not one that I think is the best, or anywhere near)

Team Creation
Players will have 700,000 gold to create their team. No inducements other than halfling master chef and potions. Each team receives one potion for free and additional potions may be purchased at 50K each.
Rerolls cost double.
The ONLY Star Players that may be hired are Maximillian and the Grinch.
Only 4 positionals allowed (and Star Player counts as one)
After creating their team, players may add 4 normal skills or 2 normal skills and one double. No player may have more than two skills and no one skill may be used more than twice. No Leader skill.

Star Player: Maximilian
MV 5, ST 5, AG 1, AV 10
Break Tackle, Claws, Extra Arms, Guard, Loner, Stab, Wild Animal
Play for all teams
230, 000 pts

Special Play Cards
Each player will receive one of two special play cards based on whether or not they include Maximilian on their team. Teams with Maximilian receive “You Shouldn’t Have Done That!” while teams without receive Humanoid Disguise.

"You Shouldn't Have Done That!" (Special Play Card)
Disregarding his coach, Maximilian deploys his whirring blades and attempts to murder a player on the other team.
If Maximilian breaks armor as a result of a block or stab action, you may play this card to receive a +3 bonus on the injury roll. Whatever the result, Maximilian is removed from the pitch and placed in the Reserves box. Once per game

"Humanoid Disguise" (Special Play Card)
Disguised as one of the silent humanoid robots, a player saunters over to the far side of the field, then removes his disguise and joins the action in progress.
Can only be used at the start of your turn, and only if you have a player in a wide out space and a player in the reserve box. Take a player from the reserves box and place on any space bordering the edge of the field while at the same time taking a player in a wide out space off the pitch and placing in the reserve box. Players placed in this way may not blitz this turn

All other rules are standard Street Bowl with the exception of Changing Pitch Conditions, as detailed below.

Instead of a weather table, there will be Changing Pitch Conditions table, with a different chart to roll on for each of the 4 rounds as things get progressively chaotic aboard the Cygnus during her fated journey into the Black Hole. Players roll on the chart at the beginning of the game and as the result of a “7” on the kickoff chart as normal, but also after any turnover. Once any effects on the player and/or the ball have been resolved, the player whose turn it was rolls on the Changing Pitch Conditions chart before his opponent begins their turn.

Round 1
(1-11) Normal - no effect
(12) Anti Gravity Malfunction - All players are considered to have the Leap and Hail Mary Pass skills and only Hail Mary passes may be attempted. The ground gives a -1 to armor rolls for knockdowns instead of a +1

Round 2
(1) Crossifire! The sentry robots have engaged intruders in a firefight and laser beams are criss crossing around the pitch. Any player who fails a dodge or GFI is hit by a laser beam and must roll on the injury chart. Any injuries caused do not count for casualty points.
(2-11) Normal - no effect
(12) Anti Gravity Malfunction - All players are considered to have the Leap and Hail Mary Pass skills and only Hail Mary passes may be attempted. The ground gives a -1 to armor rolls for knockdowns instead of a +1

Round 3
(1) Crossifire! The sentry robots have engaged intruders in a firefight and laser beams are criss crossing around the pitch. Any player who fails a dodge or GFI is hit by a laser beam and must roll on the injury chart. Any injuries caused do not count for casualty points.
(2-4) Meteor Shower - The ship is rocked as meteors tear into the Cygnus with devastating results. Only Short Passes may be attempted and players receive a -1 penalty to pick up, catch, and interception attempts.
(5-11) Normal - no effect
(12) Anti Gravity Malfunction - All players are considered to have the Leap and Hail Mary Pass skills and only Hail Mary passes may be attempted. The ground gives a -1 to armor rolls for knockdowns instead of a +1

Round 4
(1) Crossifire! The sentry robots have engaged intruders in a firefight and laser beams are criss crossing around the pitch. Any player who fails a dodge or GFI is hit by a laser beam and must roll on the injury chart. Any injuries caused do not count for casualty points.
(2-4) Meteor Shower - The ship is rocked as meteors tear into the Cygnus with devastating results. Only Short Passes may be attempted and players receive a -1 penalty to pick up, catch, and interception attempts.
(5-8) Normal - no effect
(9-11) Structural Overload - The ship is beginning to break up in parts, and the pitch is buckling and twisting, with pieces of debris raining down. GFI fails on a 1 or 2, and the ground now adds +2 to the armor roll instead of +1
(12) Anti Gravity Malfunction - All players are considered to have the Leap and Hail Mary Pass skills and only Hail Mary passes may be attempted. The ground gives a -1 to armor rolls for knockdowns instead of a +1

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