?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameThe Seven Plays Of Nufflemas
Organizer NAF namenodgefodgekins (25323)
OrganizerEd Roebuck
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2020-01-04
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2020-01-04
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


flickcom (12347)Chaos Renegade

Runner up

Java (24641)Norse
thulean (28239)Elf Union

Most Touchdowns

drdarkside (27421)Bretonnian
thulean (28239)Elf Union

Most Casualties

drakmere (24208)Vampire

Stunty Cup

Picnicmik (25936)Ogre
poloscar (28260)Ogre

Best Painted

haychdee (24423)Skaven

Other Awards

Tournament Location
Address18 Pitt Street
StateSouth Yorkshire
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

The Seven Plays Of Nufflemas

Once a year, all races of the Old World celebrate the only thing they have in common: Nuffle. During this festive period, men, women, children, spawn and angry green fungi gather together in droves to honour their god the only way the know how - by playing Blood Bowl!

Of course, all the big teams show up to the gigantic stadiums for a Nufflemas friendly (or deeply unfriendly as they usually end up!) but, often overlooked, are the little teams. The unknown and untrained teams also take to the streets and small-scale pitches for a friendly (or deeply unfriendly) game of Sevens.

On this most sacred day, Nuffle has noticed the teams of Orcshire’s celebrations and has decided to shower them with gifts as a reward for their worship. The teams here today are blessed indeed, as you, dear coach, are about to find out...

Tournament Schedule
Arrive - 12:00
Game 1 – 12:15 to 13:30
Game 2 – 13:30 - 14:45
Game 3 – 14:45 to 16:00
Game 4 – 16:00 to 17:15
Break - the chance to parade your team and vote for best painted.
Game 5 - 17:45 to 19:00
Game 6 - 19:00 to 20:15
Tournament close – 20:15 to 20:30

Team Building
Teams are purchased using only 600,000 gold crowns and may not have more than 11 players on the roster.
A team will only field 7 players at a time. In addition, only 4 “specialist” players (meaning any player whose availability is less than 0-16*) can be taken.
(*0-12 in the case of Underworld)

Sevens are not very well trained or reliable. Team rerolls cost double their listed cost. For example, a human team reroll would cost 100,000 gold crowns.

Tier 1 - This group has no starting skills:
Undead, Amazons, Wood Elves, Lizardmen, Dark Elves, Skaven, Norse, Orcs, Necromantic
Tier 2 - This group can take one starting normal skill:
Humans, Bretonnia, Khorne, Pro Elf, Dwarves, High Elves, Chaos Dwarfs
Tier 3: This group can take two starting normal skills or one double skill.
Chaos, Vampire, Nurgle, Khemri, Underworld, Slann, Chaos Pact, Lizardmen without Saurus
Tier 4: This group can take three starting normal skills or one normal skill and one double skill.
Ogre, Halfling, Goblin, Underworld without Skaven

Tournament special rules: The Gifts Of Nuffle

Nuffle is a fickle god, especially around the festive season of Nufflemas. He is pleased to see Sevens being played at this time of year and, as such, feels obliged to shower the participating teams with gifts!

At the beginning of each game, after rolling for kickoff and selecting your starting lineup (but before setting up), roll a D8 to determine which player will be given a Nufflemas present (allocate your players numbers 1 to 7 and on an 8 you get to pick!). This player will lose the skill once the game is complete. After all, these skills are for Nufflemas, not for life.

Once you have your lucky player selected, roll another D8 to reveal what his/her/its gift is. It is highly recommended that the coach sings along with the dice roll.

(If the player already has this skill, they may re-roll until they get one that they don’t. Nuffle would rather exchange the gift than redistribute it! Players may find that Nuffle wishes to bless them more than once throughout the celebrations. Such is the will of the god of football.)

On the (dice roll) day of Nufflemas, Nuffle gave to me:

7. Guard for helping others
6. Tackle to stop dodgers
5. Mighty Blow!
4. Side Step for fun
3. Frenzy fun
2. Quick and easy Dodge
1. A Block skill to batter enemies.

8. Nuffle has 7 gifts, so if a coach is really lucky, they get to choose a skill from options 1-7 for the lucky gift receiver!

Entry fee is a bargainous and apt £7 and includes a pair of exclusive SYBBL Cheerleader and Assistant Coach counters as an entry gift!
Entry fee is payable to edroebuck@hotmail.co.uk on PayPal.

The Seven Plays of Nufflemas shall be observed at The Red Deer, Sheffield. The pub offers a wide range of real ales and a great menu.
18 Pitt St, Sheffield S1 4DD
(Please do not consume your own food and drink on the premises - it is a pub!)

Victory Points
Winning a game 50 points Tournament points
Drawing a game 25 points
Losing a game 0 points
1 point (to a max +3) for Casualties per game
1 point (to a max +3) for Touchdowns per game
The winner will be the person with the most wins - please remind me of this on the day! Ties are broken by the total Tournament points accrued and then strength of opponent.

Most Touchdowns
Most Casualties
Best Stunty
Best Painted Team**
**This must be painted by the participant him/herself, be fully painted and based and must be the team you are actually using in the tournament.

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