?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NamegB4Bg
Organizer NAF namebrocCooLi (12552)
OrganizerTy Nilsson
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-11-16
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2019-11-17
Cost100 SEK (10 euros)
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageSwedish Blood Bowl Alliance

Tournament Statistics


Skuld (20481)Necromantic Horror

Runner up

Pidpad (20957)Norse

Most Touchdowns

Drexxl (21319)Elf Union

Most Casualties

Pidpad (20957)Norse

Stunty Cup

tjub (17908)Halfling

Best Painted

Other Awards

melisqus (16238)Nurgle
Bästa Nurgle.
spoiledsquid (19252)Elf Union
Tournament Location
AddressSiriusgatan 96

Ruleset Document

9:00-9:15 registration
9:15-11:35 round 1
12:35-14:55 round 2
15:00-17:20 round 3
18:20-20:40 round 4

9:15-11:35 round 5
12:35-14:55 round 6
15:00 end of tournament

The time for each round is 2h and 20min.

Last day to apply for the tournament and send in your roster is 10 november.

1170000 to buy players, rerolls, apo, fan factor, cheer leaders, assistant coaches and inducements.
All 26 NAF teams are accepted.

Halfing can get Chef for 100k, goblin can get 3 bribes for 50k.
Tier 1 can buy one star player by paying 1 skill point. Tier 2 can buy one star player or pay 1 skill point to be able to buy two star players. Tier 3 can buy two star players, if they dont buy any star player they get 2 extra skill points and if they buy only one star player they get 1 extra skill
The teams needs 11 ordinary players before star players.
No other inducements are allowed.

TIER 1 – Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardmen, Norse, Orc,
Skaven, Undead, Wood Elf, Bretonnia
TIER 2 – Chaos, Chaos Pact, (Pro) Elf, High Elf, Human, Khemri,
Necromantic, Nurgle, Slann, Underworld, Vampire, Khorne
TIER 3 – Goblin, Halfling, Ogre

Nurgle gets +1 FAME and 2 extra disturbing

Tier 1 = 4 skill points
Tier 2 = 6 skill points
Tier 3 = 8 skill points

Normal skill costs 1 skill point, a double costs 2 skill points. Tier 1 and tier 2 can pay 1 skill point to increase the number of star players they can buy from 0->1 (for tier 1) and from 1->2 (for tier 2). Tier 3 gets 2 extra skill points if they dont have any star players and 1 extra skill point if they only have one star player.
All skill points doesnt have to be used.
Each player can only get one skill (except nurgle who can add the extra disturbing presence to any player).

Tiebreakers are (in order): strength of schedule, td net+ plus cas net+, made td, made cas, dice off.

If one (or both) player puts 12 players on the field, randomly select one to be removed until the team has 11 players left on the field. The ball carrier cant be removed in this way.

Weather table
2-3 – See the sea mews. All passes and attempts to catch the ball have a -1 modifier because of the noise from the sea mews. No modifier is applied on picking up the ball.
4-10 – Genuine Gothenburg Weather. The ball scatters one square before it lands. If it is genuine Gothenburg weather and it becomes it again, the ball scatters two times. At failed passes and throw ins the ball also scatters one more square before it lands. No extra scatter on fumbled pass, failed catch or Throw Team-Mate.
11-12 – Seal cub club! Seals have invaded the field and are following the ball to play with it. Every time the ball lands on an empty square, after it has scattered from a square with a player in, roll one more squatter due to a seal is trying to catch it. The seals also makes it harder to pick up the ball, -1 modifier.

Kick off table has changes to 11 and 12.
11 Throw a Rock: An enraged fan hurls a large rock on to the pitch that replaces the ball for this drive. The Rock works almost as a spiked ball and can be thrown at the exact same way. Any fail to catch the Rock will result in a ’stab’, roll 2D6 for armor on the poor player that failed the catch. If armor breaks, roll for injury. This will lead to a turn over just as a normal failed catch will do, but if the Rock bounces to another player in your team that catches it (no matter if the first player is removed from the pitch or not), there will be no turn-over. And yes, you can throw the ball at your opponent if you want.
However a failed pick up will not result in a stab roll, as it does with spiked ball.
12 The Ref Got YOU!: Every foul made this drive will lead to a sent off no matter the result of the foul. Bribes and arguing can be used as normal. After this drive a new ref will replace the one since they are a bit to hard on the rules.

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