?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameSpiky Cup 9
Organizer NAF nameKilowoggy (11278)
OrganizerSteve Campbell
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2020-03-15
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2020-03-15
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageOrclahoma Bowl

Tournament Statistics


FACESTOMP (24606)Tomb Kings

Runner up

Oni_Goku (19551)Necromantic Horror

Most Touchdowns

mysticjon (26477)Skaven

Most Casualties

lelund (26361)Wood Elf

Stunty Cup

herotosucara (24115)Ogre

Best Painted

Other Awards

ramdoman (25270)Lizardmen
Best Sportsman
Trefenwyd (25645)Skaven
Del Zine Cup
thedukeofdirty (25606)Amazon
Fan Favorite
cyberedelf (19538)Wood Elf
Best Defense
kidrock (23506)Halfling
Back of the Pack
Tournament Location
Address3717 W Main St
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Spiky Cup IX


March 15, 2020 at Wizards Asylum
3717 W Main St, Norman OK


EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Pre-register by Jan 31, 2020

$30 – Spiky Cup (Only)
$50 – Orclahoma Bowl & Spiky Cup (Both Events)

REGULAR Pre-register by Jan 31, 2020

$35 – Spiky Cup (Only)
$60 – Orclahoma Bowl & Spiky Cup (Both Events)


$40 – At the door the day of the event

All Events can be signed up and paid for at Orclahomabowl.com

Friends of Nuffle Charity Tournament –

This weekend’s tournaments are dedicated to our friend and fellow coach, Bryan Hill (effin1984) who passed away from Gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma cancer. We will be holding raffles for prizes all weekend. These raffles will generate funds for his widow and his 2 young daughters that are left behind.
All donations will be collected by Friends of Nuffle Charity a federally recognized 501(c)(3) charitable organization and we will be able to provide documentation of any donations for tax deductions upon request.

All attendees will receive 2 raffle tickets for just registering for the event.
You will also receive 1 extra ticket for signing up before Jan 31, 2020,

World Cup Team Raffle

Up for raffle this year is a special donation from Scott Hess, Dustin Parsons and the Friends of Nuffle Charity. A fully painted World Cup team (Figures and coach models) along with a 3D World Cup Pitch and custom 3D printed display base. This raffle will be open to all coaches around the world and tickets for the drawing will be available at the event. The actual drawing will take place at the end of the year.

Pre-Registration Bonus

If you pre-register by Jan 31, 2020 you will get 2 additional Spiky Cup D6’s, an extra prize ticket for regular raffles and discounted tournament entry fee.

All coaches that pre-register for Spiky Cup are required to send in their Roster by March 1, 2020.
Players can email their Roster to BDRosters@gmail.com

Tournament Schedule

8:00 – Registration Starts

8:15 – Registration Ends

8:30 – Round 1 (Random)

10:30 – Break

10:45 – Round 2 (Swiss)

12:45 – Lunch (one hour, ask when to be back if we are off schedule)

2:00 – Round 3 (Swiss)

4:00 – Break

4:15 – Results/Awards

What you should bring

Your Painted Blood Bowl Team
Four Copies of your team roster
Blood Bowl Field/Dugouts/Templates
GW or NAF Block Dice & D8

Things we will provide

Match Sheet
Custom Dice

Weather table

Weather is normal and rolled by each table individually

Special Rules

No cards are allowed
Piling On will use the BB16 Rules version
All teams, inducements and Stars (including Legacy Stars) that appear in NAF Tournament Info are permitted, except for Golden Era Stars, Wizards, Cards, Mercs and Journeymen.
Any Non-Rulebook stars are not allowed (ie – White Dwarf, Black Gobbo, Grak/Crumbleberry, Josef Bugman)
Argue The Call – For this to be allowed, you MUST have a coach model that is thematically accurate for your team. No regular players or oddball figures. Final discretion is given to the organizer as to what qualifies.
See below for clarification on Star Players that are allowed.

Team Building Rules

Each Non-Goblin team will be given 1 free bribe (this is in addition to the 3 you can normally buy).
Each Goblin team will be given 2 free bribes (Maximum of 4 bribes may be received: 2 bought and 2 free).
You are given 1,300,000 gold pieces to build your team using the NAF Tournament Info
You may purchase players, rerolls, fan factor, coaches, and cheerleaders as normal.
You may purchase any other allowed inducements as part of your team built.
NO STAT INCREASES are available for purchase for your team, only skills.

Skill Purchases
You may purchase up to 10 skills in total for your team.

Regular skills are 20k & doubles are 30k (Except for stunty (Ogre, Halfing, Goblin) who may buy double skills for 20k).
Spiky Norman is a crazy Goblin so there is no limit on number of skills on a player. Choose wisely.

Friends of Nuffle Charity

Spiky Norman has decided it’s time for the Spiky Cup to take over Orclahoma Bowl Weekend and this is where he starts to make that happen! In order to do this, he’s partnered up (aka tricked) the well intentioned Blood Bowl charity Friends of Nuffle (FN) to assist in his felonious endeavors.
All teams will recruit one of the Friends of Nuffle Assistants (FN Ass’s) before each HALF. These assistants are happy to help your team, but may provide additional assistance if you have chosen to donate to their FN Charity (you will be required to show your raffle ticket to get the benefit if asked).
You can find a list of them below.

FN Ass’s
Drummer – He’s the FN star! He loves to drum and will drum on anything! You get +2 cheerleaders.
If you’ve donated to FN Charity, then when one of your opponents is pushed into the stands, he tracks them down and drums on their head for +2 to the injury!

Prophet of Nuffle – The FN holiest of holies! He not a bad assistant, so get +1 to Assistant Coaches!
If you’ve donated to FN Charity, give one of your players Pro for the half!

Aspiring Apothecary – The FN quack! He wants to help, but he sucks. No regular benefit

If you’ve donated to FN Charity, he actually did something! Move the first casualty against you to the KO box automatically! If coaching a stunty team, move the first two!

Coaching Hopeful – An FN real assistant! She’s a great assistant, so get +2 to Assistant Coaches!
If you’ve donated to FN Charity, you get +2 to all Argue the Call rolls! (and you don’t need a model!)

Cheerleader Hopeful – The FN most enthusiastic! He tries hard, so you get +1 to Cheerleaders!

If you’ve donated to FN Charity, one of your opponent’s players is infatuated with him! Choose a player on their team to have Bonehead for the half that works only when in your side of the pitch!

Beer Boy – The FN favorite of players! He’s here to help your heads, you get +1 to KO rolls!

If you’ve donated to FN Charity, you can also reroll any of your KO rolls! (Knock Outs are rolled BEFORE a kick off, so it would be in the beginning of the 2nd half, not end of the 1st. Just to clarify)

Vendor – Our FN most helpful! Yummy! Before EVERY kick-off, roll 1D6, only on a 6 gain a reroll!

If you’ve donated to FN Charity, roll a D3 instead and gain the reroll on the 3!

Symian Substitute – The FN crowd favorite! You get +1 to your FAME rolls.
If you’ve donated to FN Charity, then when you are less than 11 players who can set up, he will take the pitch for you. If you have a secret weapon, he may take the pitch at any time besides the initial kick off for the game.
4 3 3 6 – Loner, Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, No Hands, Stunty, Tentacles

Before each HALF, determine which assistant you want to use.

You may not use that assistant again in a future game.

Kick Off Table

It’s normal this year… how about that? Never thought you’d see that huh? Donate more money if you’re reading this!

Star Players

Note: If you are including a Star Player from NAF Tournament Info you must still have 11 players on your team BEFORE being able to hire them. Having 10 plus a Star is not allowed.

Rule for Multiple of the Same Star Player

This is a once in a lifetime event for most of the guys. As such, some players may pretend to be a Star Player or some of the smart ones will be cloned by Wizards to get double the pay. What does that that mean? Star Players may play for both teams. There will is no “Highlander Rule”.

NAF Tournament Info

This is a NAF approved tournament. You may register onsite for $5.
More information can be found at TheNAF.net

Illegal Procedure

In the spirit of good sportsmanship, Illegal Procedures will not be called


The time limits WILL be strictly enforced. You will receive ‘Time Remaining’ updates from the Tournament Organizer to help you stay on pace.

The 4 Minute turn rule will not be used unless the Tournament organizer feels your game is in danger of not completing in the two hour time limit. He may insist on a timer being used and enforcing the 4 minute turn rule.
When time is called, you will play until each coach has had equal number of turns.


You are encouraged to share dice with your opponent. Only GW, NAF or Both Down Block Dice may be used and only the Spiky Cup D6’s received at registration may be used. You and your opponent should decide whose set of dice will be used.


After each round you will fill out the game sheet based on the game just completed.

ALL KNOCK OUTS from Blocking, Fouling, Crowd Surfing, Weapons etc will provide 2pts (Not for failing GFI or Dodges)
ALL CASUALTIES from Blocking, Fouling, Crowd Surfing, Weapons etc will provide 4pts (Not for failing GFI or Dodges)
A WIN is worth 60pts
A DRAW is worth 30pts
A LOSS is worth 10pts
If you lost by 1 Touchdown, you earn +2 bonus pts
If you caused 1 more CAS from Blocking than opp you earn +2 bonus pts
If you caused 2 or more CAS from Blocking than opp you earn +5 bonus pts
If you clear the pitch you earn +5 bonus pts (max once per game)
If you won by 2 Touchdowns you earn +2 bonus pts
If you won by 3 or more Touchdowns you earn +5 bonus pts
If you finished the game by using all turns +3 bonus pts


There will be no overtime played. If your game ends in a draw, it’s draw.


Goblins love causing chaos, cheating and mayhem. If by chance there is a tie in Tournament points, the ties will be broken in this order:

Goblin Team wins tiebreaker against over any other team(For prizes, not necessarily for overall listing at end)
Most Casualties
Most Casualties + Knock Outs
Whoever pays the organizer the most (Cash or Paypal accepted, no personal checks)
Knife fight (Goblin Style)


All teams are expected to meet the minimum painted guidelines. They must have 3 colors on them and have had some attempt at making them appear finished. If this is an issue, please advise us. Some discretion will be provided for new players or especially thematic teams.


We are here for the fun of the game. Sportsmanship is not encouraged from the coaches, it is required!

Fouling 16 turns in a row and running up the score is not poor sportsmanship, but gloating and ridiculing your opponent while doing so is.

Sportsmanship Awards will be determined based on answers given in the Etiquette Sheet.

Tournament Organizer will strictly enforce the “Don’t be a Douche” policy. Basically, it consists of not performing any acts of Douchebaggery.


To be eligible for an award, you must have played all 3 rounds of the tournament and stay for the awards ceremony, unless there is a legitimate reason provided by the coach and they notify the organizers before leaving.

The following trophies will be given out after the last round:

Spiky Cup Champion – First Place Team in standings with the most overall points after 3 rounds.
2nd Place – Second Place team in standings with the most overall points after 3 rounds
Del Zine Cup – Third Place team in standings with the most overall points after 3 rounds
Best Offense – Team that scored the most TDs
Best Defense – Team that allowed the fewest TDs
Most Brutal – Team with the most KO and CAS bonus points
Stunty Champion – Best Stunty Team (Halflings, Goblins, Ogre) in standings with the most overall points
Fan Favorite – Best fan favorite team as decided by the participants of the event. It could be based on anything, your vote for the best team at the event.
Best Sport – Best Sport as decided by participants via Etiquette sheet. Tournament Organizer will break ties.
Back of the Pack – Coach that finished with lowest number of Tournament pts

Spread the Wealth

A coach may only win one award. If they are in line to win more than one award, they will be asked which one they would prefer and the next coach in line will be given the other award. Tournament organizers reserve the right to adjust the awards based on previously explained reasons or extenuating circumstances.

QUESTIONS? Email us at OrclahomaBowl@gmail.com for Answers!

Tournament Report
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