?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameThe Sacred Scarab Cup
Organizer NAF nameMagma (28306)
OrganizerDarcy Dirks
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2020-07-18
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2020-07-19
StyleSwiss Style-Ressurection
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountyes
WebpageFacebook Event

Tournament Statistics


Ty_lepko (23207)Elf Union

Runner up

MotherNurgle (21220)Khorne

Most Touchdowns

Innerdemon (18998)Dark Elf

Most Casualties

Big_Shawn (27626)Ogre

Stunty Cup

Big_Shawn (27626)Ogre

Best Painted

MotherNurgle (21220)Khorne

Other Awards

Ty_lepko (23207)Elf Union
Completed his 24.
Wyzard (20805)Elf Union
Best Defence
Bastich (19152)Tomb Kings
Most Crocs Fed
trepis (27628)Norse
stevehall (27749)Dwarf
Wooden Spoon
Tournament Location
AddressOgres Den
 #23, 3220 5th Ave NE
ZipT2A 5N1

Ruleset Document

Located in the extreme heat of the Khemri’s home province, the valley of death is not for the faint of heart. Filled with crocodile infested rivers, useless servants of the multiple Pharaohs and sand…so…much…sand!

• $30 each ($35 for non-NAF members, this will include membership to the NAF)
***Pre-Registration now open! Fees and Rosters may be sent to darcy.m.dirks@gmail.com
All rosters submitted before July 1st will be granted a free cheerleader inducement!***

What to Bring:
• Painted team with suitable models
• Skill rings or another appropriate way to identify skills/positions
• Block Dice
• D6s, d8, d12/16/20
• 3 copies of your team roster including skill purchases and inducements

• 9:00am-Registration
• 10:00am – First Game
• 12:15pm – Lunch Break
• 1:00pm - Second Game
• 3:30pm – Third Game
(Day 2)
9:30am: Fourth Game
11:30am: Lunch
12:30pm: Final Match
3pm: Wrap Up/Awards Processed
4pm: Tournament Finishes

Tournament Rules:
• Argue the call (coach model unnecessary), Timber are allowed. Pile On will not require a reroll and will be available as per original CRP document.
• Players must agree on cocked die rules, the use of dice cups and/or sharing dice at the start of the match.
• If there are any disagreements or rules disputes, tournament directors will be standing by to assist.
• Swiss Style, Resurrection Tournament with first games determined by random matchup, each round after will be determined based on points.
• Illegal Procedure and the 4 minute time limit will not be enforced.
• Games will have a maximum length of 2.5 hours. Chess clocks may be imposed if a game is at risk of going over the 2.5 hour time limit.
Team Building
• All 26 NAF sanctioned teams are eligible, including Slann, Khorne, and Brettonian.
• Teams get 1.2 million gold to construct their roster.
• Teams must purchase a minimum of 11 players.
• Star players are allowed to purchased if you have already purchased eleven players. A maximum of two star players may be taken. (Brick Farth and Grotty count as a single star player but will fill two roster spots as per the rules, the Swift Twins would be the same).
• The star players allowed are from the Death Zone Season 1, Season 2, the NAF document and any published Spike! Journals. Legacy stars are allowed.
• Star players are not “highlander” and may be present and used on both coaches rosters.
• Teams can purchase rerolls, bribes, regular apothecaries (if allowed), assistant coaches, cheerleaders or fan factor at the listed cost. No other inducements may be purchased (including wizards, cards, extra apothecaries, mercenaries, etc.)
• Chefs can only be purchased by halfling teams.

Each team will get a skill package based on its tier below (tiers taken directly from the NAF website).
• Tier 1: Chaos Dwarf, Dwarf, Wood Elves, Skaven, Norse, Lizardmen, Orc, Undead, Amazon, Dark Elves, Brettonians
(4 Regular Skills)
• Tier 2: Chaos, Human, Pact, Slann, High Elves, Nurgle, Necromantic, Pro Elves, Vampires, Underworld, Khorne
(4 skills and up to 2 may be a double)
• Tier 3: Halfings, Goblins, Ogres, Stunty Underworld, Stunty Lizardmen
(5 skills and up to 3 may be doubles)
• Tier Khemri: Khemri Only. Due to the location of the venue there is some bias towards Khemri.
(5 skills and up to 2 may be double)
Max of 2 skills added per player, no limitation on how many of the same skill you take – big guy skills are not more expensive than they are for a normal non big guy player.

Special Rules:
Desert Heat: The player that scored a touchdown has to roll for heat exhaustion. On a roll of 1-3 the player collapses and may not be set up for the next kick-off. Khemri are immune to this.
At the beginning of each round before anyone setups and before the coin is tossed to determine kick off or receive a random effect will occur for that entire game. The effect is determined by the 2 players. Each player is given one d3 Scarab dice. The effect is based on the sum total of both players d3 results using the following chart:
2 - All is well in the Valley of Death. Nothing special happens and you are booed for being boring to watch.
3 – Accidental Ball Embalming! One of the useless servants had the ball mixed up with a kidney while getting a pharaoh ready for the afterlife. This makes the ball extra sticky. Apply +1 to all pickup rolls for the whole game. (+2 if playing Khemri).
4 – Shifting Sands. One of the useless servants left the door to the stadium open during a sandstorm and a bunch of sand got in covering the entire field. Movement is even harder in 2 feet of sand making it even harder to “go for it”. All “go for its” fail on a 1-3. (Khemri will fail on a 1-2)
5 – Baby Anubis Awakens! Each plyer gets a Baby Anubis special character they can use for the entire match.
6 – Crocodile on the loose! A crocodile has climbed out of the river and onto the pitch and they are HUNGRY! Place a crocodile model in the very centre of the pitch. At the end of each turn, the crocodile moves three spaces using the scatter template and rolling a d8. If he moves over a player or multiple players proceed with knocking that player away and rolling for armor and injury if required. Each Armor roll has a +1 modifier and each injury roll also as a +1 modifier due to the crocodiles massive teeth and claws. Regeneration may be used as normal if the player is killed. This DOES NOT count towards anyone’s “fed the crocodile” total as the crocodile is doing all of the work. However, if anyone is pushed into the crocodile and they are still there at the end of the turn, apply the same result and this will count towards “fed to the crocodiles”
Baby Anubis
MA 4
S 5
AG 1
AV 10
Undead, Regenerate, Disturbing Presence, Tackle, Juggernaut, Dirty Player, Animosity, Toddler
“Toddler” – Baby Anubis is the most spoiled rotten and entitled baby god in the history of the Valley of Death. He spends most of his time complaining and blaming everyone else for his troubles while giving up on everything very easily. To represent this his disturbing presence modifier is -2 instead of the usual -1 since the other players cannot stand listening to him whine constantly. Additionally, if any team is ever up by 2 scores he leaves the field for both teams for the rest of the game and cannot return (one complaining about it being too hard and the other team complaining about it being too easy).

Crocodiles: The crowd is actually a bunch of angry, hungry crocodiles swimming about in the river Nile and waiting for something to jump in so they can get some lunch. Add +1 modifier to the injury roll for any player pushed or thrown into the crowd.

Win 65
Tie 25
Loss 0
Scoring Bonuses:
Each TD Scored: 3
Each Cas inflicted Not from Feeding the Croc (blocking, foul, stab, secret weapon): 2
Feeding the Croc: 1 (The player does not have to be injured for this point, they need to be pushed off the edge of the pitch or tossed towards the Crocodile on the loose. If a player is tossed in then the throwing coach gets the point.)

Performance Awards:
• Sacred Scarab Cup Champion – Most Overall Points
• Lesser Pharaoh – Second Most Overall Points
• Most Tut Downs - Most Touchdowns Scored
• Book of the Dead – Most Casualties Inflicted
• Baby Croc – Stunty Cup
• The Scorpion King- Best Defence
• Oi Crikey! – Most Crocodiles fed
• Curse of the Pharaohs – Fewest Overall Points (Wooden Spoon)

Community Choice Awards
• The Nefertiti Bust – Best Painting
• White Feather of Truth – Outstanding Positive Conduct

Swag and Prizes!!
The more people who register the more swag possible. Every player will leave with a Crocodile and Baby Anubis mini with bases. Trophies shall be made for each award. Sacred Scarab dice shall be produced for all players along with special dice for anyone winning a trophy.


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