?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameTrue Open 2
Organizer NAF namejopotzuki (20783)
OrganizerJoel Hulkkonen
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2020-03-07
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2020-03-07
Cost20e, 30e for non-NAF members
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


brutopatia (26969)Lizardmen
These lizardmen truly were cold-blooded.

Runner up

EvilSmoothie (28783)Orc

Most Touchdowns

brutopatia (26969)Lizardmen

Most Casualties

EvilSmoothie (28783)Orc

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

ajax (29427)Orc
Best food in the event, the legendary Earthquake-sauce
Tournament Location

Ruleset Document


Team creation:
Teams have 1.100.000 gold to buy the team, rerolls, apothecary, fan factor, cheerleaders, assistant coaches, inducements and star players. All official teams are welcome, as well as the five new races (Slann, Chaos Pact, Khorne, Bretonnia and Underworld.)

Halflings are allowed to buy a Halfling Chef for 100k. Goblins are allowed to buy up to 3 Bribes for 50k each. All teams may buy up to two star players, but you still need at least 11 regular players on your team. No other inducements are allowed.

Gold and tiers:
Before the tournament begins, you will receive gold according to the tier of your team. Gold can be used to buy star players, extra players, coaching staff, inducements, skills and extra equipment for your players. No player may be given more than one additional skill. The skills chosen can not be changed between games. Star players may not be given extra skills.

Tier 1 100.000 gold
Amazons, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Norse, Wood Elves, Undead

Tier2 120.000 gold
Chaos Dwarves, Orcs, Skaven, Necromantic

Tier3 140.000 gold
Bretonnians, Humans, Chaos

Tier 4 - 170k for skills/players/star players/inducements
Chaos Renegades, Elf Union, High Elves, Khemri, Nurgle, Slann

Tier 5 - 200k for skills/players/star players/inducements
Daemons of Khorne, Underworld Denizens, Vampires

Tier 6 - 230k for skills/players/star players/inducements
Goblins, Halfings, Ogres

When you buy one item the whole team will be equipped with the same item.
Winter jacket: 50.000. Without a winter jacket your team is at risk of freezing before the match. One random player from your team will have to stay indoors and warm themselves and miss the first half. On a roll of 2+ they return to the pitch for the second half.

Winter shoes: 50.000. Without winter shoes the pitch is very slippery. A GFI roll will fail on a roll of 1 and 2.
Sunglasses: 30.000. Without sunglasses the sun shines very bright and straight to your eyes and a -1 modifier applies to all pass rolls.

Winter gloves: 30.000. Without winter gloves your hands freeze easily. A -1 modifier is applied to all pickup and catch rolls.

1-2x Bottle of vodka: 10.000 each. Your team will get +1 to any KO rolls. On a roll of 1 or 2 after a player has drank from the bottle it is empty and cannot be used again in this match. You can only ever add +1 to the KO roll even if you have 2 Bottles of vodka. You can also give a bottle of vodka to the referee to try and bribe him whenever they spot a foul or when a secret weapon is sent off after a drive. On a 5+ the referee is happy and looks the other way.

Normal skill 20.000. Doubles skill 30.000.

Norse teams get the following advantage due to the stadium owners favouring their own.
+1 extra FAME

All norse coaches will get a token at the start of the tournament which can be used as a team reroll once in the tournament, the token will then be removed.

In addition all teams can buy a special star player sponsored by the tournament organizers. This player is the famous Santos Claudio. Santos Claudio works the same way as a normal star player except that he can be bought as one of the 11 players on your roster. Note that you still must bring your own miniatures and the tournament organizer will not bring any extra miniatures. You can play with any suitable miniature.

Santos Claudio: 150.000
M5 S3 AG3 AV8 Loner, Hypnotic gaze, Sure feet, Sprint, Foul appearance, Dodge.

Winter weather table is in use:
2D6 Result

Howling Winds:
The fans are shivering in the stands as a ferocious gale blows steadily down the pitch. Any pass attempts have an additional -1 modifier. Each player rolls a D6 (re-rolling ties) – the wind is blowing down the pitch towards the losing player’s End Zone. Whenever the ball scatters for a kick-off or inaccurate pass, it will be blown down the pitch. Before making the Scatter roll, place the Throw-in template over the ball so that the 3-4 result is pointing in the same direction as the wind, then roll a D6 and move the ball one space in the corresponding direction. Repeat this a second time, then scatter the ball as normal.

A sudden cold snap turns the ground as hard as granite (and not the ‘astro’ variety that players are used to). Whenever a player is Knocked Down, add 1 to the result of the Armour roll.

It’s rather chilly, but it is as close to perfect Blood Bowl weather as you can hope for at this time of year! This counts as a ‘Nice’ result for purposes of the Changing Weather result on the Kick-off table.

Heavy Snow:
Visibility is low, it’s slippery underfoot and it’s impossible to spot tripping hazards, making it very difficult indeed to block effectively. Whenever a player makes a Blitz Action, their ST is reduced by 1 for the duration of that Action.

Between the snow, the wind and the icy ground, it is a miracle the game’s still in progress! Any player attempting to move an extra square (GFI) will slip and be Knocked Down on a roll of 1-2, and only Quick or Short Passes can be attempted.

This is a resurrection tournament. Casualties are ignored at the end of the game, no SPPs or winnings are ever earned and your team-value is never calculated. In essence you play with the exact same team all 3-5 games.

Illegal procedure:
Will not be called in this tournament in order to keep things nice and friendly.

Time limit:
Each game will have 2 hours and 45 minutes to be completed. If the game seems to be progressing too slowly, the referees can place a chess clock with half the time remaining per coach to be used for the rest of the game. When your time has run out you are only allowed to stand your models up, or place them for kickoffs, but may not take any further actions.

No dice hogging, any dice used are allowed to be used by both coaches. Any cocked dice should be rerolled.

What you need to bring:
A sleeping matress and a sleeping bag
A painted team that you intend to play with and the roster with all information of purchases for your team

The games start when all participants have arrived. We will play a minimum of 3 games and a maximum of 5 games, depending on how the time goes and how many games the participants are willing to play. 3 games will be on Saturday and then we will decide if we want to play more that evening or Sunday morning. We will play on sunday morning if all people agree and we have time and no one is in a hurry to leave.

Tournament points:
Win = 2 pts
Tie = 1 pts
Loss = 0 pts

Tournament Matchups:
Tournament pairings will be setup in a bastard swiss style, so you will be paired up with coaches who have similar scores as yourself after each round. You can only play an opponent once in the tournament. If you play a coach for the second time, please notify a referee. There will be no final game, winners are determined by total score after last round. No overtimes will be played!

Strength of schedule
Most CAS
Most TD

Only casualties resulting from a block counts as a casualty for scoring purposes.

Paint and miniatures:
Your miniatures should be painted with at least 3 colours and based. It should also be clear what positional the miniature is intended to be. We encourage you to use the base colouring guidelines.

Jaatilansaaren uusi kota "Pentin kota" is located in Naumanniemi, Rovaniemi. There is a small cabin that we can sleep in and prepare food. You drive about 37,5km south from Rovaniemi, the road E75 towards Kemi, then turn left on Jaatilansaarentie and drive 400m then turn right and drive to the cabin about 800m. If you need transport to the venue please let the organizers know so we can arrange transportation for you.

Signing up:
The tournament fee is 20 euros for NAF members and 30 euros for non-NAF members. The fee will cover the cottage for sleeping and eating and the games.

You will need to pay the fee to FI87 8000 2915 3075 23
Put your name and phone number in the message box. You can also pay with cash.
If any money is left over after all necessary costs I will then buy food and drinks for everyone.

See you in True Open!

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