?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameRigor Mortis 3, ball lover edition
Organizer NAF nameasiemoagelis (23041)
OrganizerJurgen Colman
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2020-02-29
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2020-02-29
Scoringsee info
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Driesfield (6183)Necromantic Horror

Runner up

The_Tyser (13625)Bretonnian

Most Touchdowns

Driesfield (6183)Necromantic Horror

Most Casualties

Driesfield (6183)Necromantic Horror

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

woete (12500)Elf Union
Most Unlucky Player
Tournament Location
 Rivierstraat 12

Ruleset Document

Rigor Mortis 3 , the Shapeshifter edition.

A 3 game Blood Bowl tournament with a big twist and extra challenges on the 29th of february 2020
Location : Poc , Rivierstraat 12 , 9250 Waasmunster.
Start at 14h00.
Registration fee : 12 euros.
Schedule :
Game one 14u00-16u00
Game 2 : 16u15-18u15
Game 3: 18u45-20u45
21h: prize ceremony

Pizza’s can be ordered at discount prices (they will be delivered around 18'o clokc), other snacks and drinks at very democratic prizes.

We play according to the resurrection style of play. All coaches start each game with the same roster and skills they registered before the tournament.
Each coach builds their team with a treasury consisting of 1,100,000 gold crowns.
No inducements are available to any teams with the following exceptions: Goblins may buy 0-3 bribes and Halflings may buy 0-1 master chef.
All skills will be chosen before the tournament and will stay the same for all matches throughout the tournament. See the tier chart below for information on how many and which type of skills your selected team can choose. Skill stacking or stat
upgrades are not allowed

Tier 1 - Wood Elf, Undead, Lizardmen, Skaven, Dwarf, Chaos Dwarf, Orcs, Dark Elf, Norse, Amazon, Bretonnian
6 normal skills
Tier 2 - Chaos, Chaos Pact, Human, Khemri, Slann, Necromantic, High Elf, Elf, Nurgle, Vampire, Underworld, Khorne
7 normal skills & 1 double skill
Tier 3 - Halfling, Goblin, Ogre
6 normal skills & 2 double skills


MAJOR WIN (2+TD) - 5 points
MINOR WIN (1TD) - 4 points
DRAW - 2 points
MINOR LOSS (1TD) - 1 point
MAJOR LOSS (2+TD) - 0 points


Individuals will be ranked by the points they have earned. Should two or more individuals have the same amount of points, the following tiebreakers will be used.

TIEBREAKER 1 - Number of victories
TIEBREAKER 2 - Number of draws
TIEBREAKER 3 - Opponent score (the sum of all points from all your opponents)
TIEBREAKER 4 - Net TD’s + Net Casualties

Extra tournament Rules (extra side competition):

Every Kick off A Goblin balls lover will appear on the field (even if the previous one is killed)

Stats: 6-2-3-7
Skills : Block , Dodge, stunty
With every kick off, after set up off teams , the goblin is placed in the middle of the field.
He is then kicked off like a ball in a random direction (scatter template) . When he is out of the field he will be thrown in with the throw template.
Whenever the goblin lands on a player , this player is knocked down, roll on armor and if needed injury.

The goblin ball lover will go for the ball or ball carrier whenever he is able ignoring all tackle zones . Using all of his movement . If he gets to a free ball he picks it up automatically (same with intercept) , he will move in a random direction, using all of his movement , unless he's based by a player then he does nothing.
A plyer based by the goblin ball over needs to dodge away to get away from him.

When a goblin ball lover has the ball he can be pushed by other players, use the throw in template to mark the direction. You can use all off the pushers movement to do this.

Extra competition in the tournament:
Because there is a shapeshifter on the field some extra points can be earned by (ab)using him to his strengths. Points can be earned as follows (thes do not count tot he tournament result but are an extra side competition.
TD with the shapeshifter earns you 3 points
Cas on the shapeshifter earns you 2 points
A kill (death) on the shapeshifter gives you 3 points
Cas inflicted by the shapeshifter earns your opponent 2 points
Intercept by the shapshifter earns you 1 point (yes you can throw a pass over the shapeshifter , making him intercept to earn points and then score with him)

The winner of this side event will win a nice extra prize .

Several Gw Blood bowl teams will be given out at random between the participants , A nice trophee for the winner , The Wooden spoon and unluckiest player , we will dig out some extra prizes

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