?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameMystery Bowl II - Cirque du Nufflé
Organizer NAF nameherotosucara (24115)
OrganizerJoe Smith
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-05-29
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-05-29
StyleSwiss Resurrection
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


jake_shealy (32132)Dwarf

Runner up

maxaphelion (25422)Old World Alliance

Most Touchdowns

Trefenwyd (25645)Slann

Most Casualties

Brownstone (19196)Ogre

Stunty Cup

icks (25946)Goblin

Best Painted

DanSprayberry (32122)Underworld Denizens

Other Awards

Tournament Location
Address3309 E Sunshine St A
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Please Note the Event Date has changed to 5-29-2022

Full formatted Rules:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wzsUi5Sm2wQ9_iq-ZGu496rd1TOffT0JPBHF_mDO6Ws/edit?usp=sharing

Pre-Register Link

Send Rosters to springfieldbloodbowl@gmail.com

$25 at the door
$20 If you Pre-register by May 1, 2022
$40 to attend both events (Chimera Cup & Mystery Bowl)

Things we will provide
Match Sheet
Custom Dice

Tournament Schedule
8:00 – Registration Starts
8:15 – Registration Ends
8:30 – Round 1 (Random)
10:45 – Break
11:00 – Round 2 (Swiss)
1:15 – Lunch
2:15 – Round 3 (Swiss/Finals)
4:30 – Break
4:45 – Results/Awards

What you should bring
Your Painted Blood Bowl Team
4 copies of your roster
Blood Bowl Field/Dugouts/Templates
Block Dice, D8, D16, and Ball.
Tournament Rules
NAF Rules for Tournaments
NAF 2021 Download
Grandma Wendy’s FAQ
Blood Bowl Second Season (2020) Rule Set
All Races in the Rulebook, Teams of Legend Document, & NAF additional
Special Play Cards will not be used
All injuries reset after each game
Apothecaries work as described in the Rulebook
Illegal Procedure can be shouted but will not be penalized

Cirque du Nufflé Kick-Off Table
There will be a Special kick-off table on the last page of this document that will be used instead of the Normal Blood Bowl kick-off table.

Team Building Rules

You are given 1,140,000 gold pieces to build your team.

You may purchase players, rerolls, dedicated fans, coaches, and cheerleaders as normal with this money.
Wizards, Journeymen, Special Play cards, and Mercenaries are NOT ALLOWED
You may purchase any other inducements for your team, including Star Players
Note: If you are including a Star Player, you must have 11 players on your team BEFORE hiring him. Having 10 players plus a Star is not allowed.
Remember: You cannot have the same Star Player as your opponent. If both of you attempt to field the same player, then that star player has swindled you both!! Neither of you can field them. Also, you cannot use Igors or Apothecaries on Star Players.
All teams will get 1 Dedicated Fan for FREE

The following Custom Star Players can be taken by any team: A Freak Show Star Player may be your 11th player and still occupies one of your roster’s star player slots. The Freak Show is well familiar with the use of smoke and mirrors to create the illusion of more than one of the Stars. As such, Freak Show Star Players will not follow the Highlander Rule(both teams may field the same Freak Show Star Player).

Freak Show Star Players:

Ivanna Nevashav - The Bearded Lady - 7 3 3+ 5+ 8+ - Loner 4+, Foul Appearance, Disturbing Presence, Tentacles, Prehensile Tail - 165,000
**Rat King - Once per game, activate on the beginning your opponent’s turn, Ivanna Nevashav gains the ‘shadowing’ skill and add +2 to all shadowing rolls by this player**

Ivan Hugharms - The Strong Man - 6 4 4+ 4+ 10+ - Loner 4+, Juggernaut, Mighty Blow, Break Tackle, Strong Arm - 210,000
**A Feat of Strength - Once per game, Ivan Hugharms may perform a ‘Throw Team Mate’ action as if they had 5 strength**

Ester-Ore - The Conjoined Twins - 5 3 3+ 6+ 9+ - Loner 3+, Guard, Multiple Block, Two Heads, Extra Arms, Sure feet - 185,000
**Together Now! - Once per game, Ester-Ore can double their strength stat when making blocks**

Willie Ghetoutentiem - The Escape Artist - 6 2 3+ 4+ 8+ - Loner 4+, Stunty, Right Stuff, Fend, Sidestep, Leap, Very Long Legs- 135,000
**Reliable talant - Once PER TURN Willie may choose to reroll a failed Dodge, Jump, or Leap action without using a team reroll.**

Bobbled Flay - The Chainsaw Juggler - 6 3 4+ - 9+ - Loner (4+), Secret Weapon, Chainsaw, Stand Firm, Jump-up - 140,000
**All Saws at Once! - Once per game, if Bobbled Flay knocks down a player with the chainsaw action, he may immediately follow up with a foul action(you must roll for kickback on both actions)**

Additional Skills
After you build your team with the 1,140,000 gold pieces your team gets an additional 160,000 that you can choose to spend however you would want on skills for your team.

A Primary skill upgrade costs 20,000
A Secondary skill upgrade costs 40,000
Stunty teams may take secondary skill upgrades for 30,000

You may assign up to 2 skills on any 2 players, one skill on any other players, and no skill may be taken more than three times. You may not assign a skill to a Star Player.

Weather: Top table will roll for initial weather

The time limit WILL be strictly enforced. You will receive ‘Time Remaining’ updates from the Tournament Organizer to help you stay on pace.
When time is called, you will play to “even turns”. If you just started turn 7(for example), then you and your opponent each finish turn 7. If the active player is the last part of a turn, the game ends upon completion.
Intentionally stalling is not allowed by the coach (stalling with the team is fine), each turn should take roughly 4 minutes. If the organizer feels that someone is stalling, a 4 minute timer may be used.

You are required to share dice with your opponent if requested. Only the Mystery Bowl Tournament D6’s received at registration may be used. You and your opponent should decide whose set of dice will be used.

During each round, you will fill out a score sheet to track your progress. For this tournament only, all casualties caused by chainsaws count for scoring purposes. At the end of the match, you will add up the scoring as follows:
A WIN is worth 60pts
A DRAW is worth 30pts
A LOSS is worth 10pts
If you lost by 1 Touchdown, you earn +2 bonus pts
If you caused 1 more CAS than your opponent from Blocking you earn +2 bonus pts
If you caused 2 or more CAS more than your opponent from Blocking you earn +5 bonus pts
If you clear the pitch you earn +5 bonus pts (Once per game)
If you won by 2 Touchdowns you earn +2 bonus pts
If you won by 3 or more Touchdowns you earn +5 bonus pts
If you finished the game by using all turns +3 bonus pts
There is no championship game the standings will solely be determined by total points

There will be no overtime played. If your game ends in a draw, it’s a draw.

The scoring system has been set up to hopefully get the most accurate representation of how everyone has performed. If, by chance there is a tie in Tournament points, the ties will be broken in this order:

Winning Percentage
Head to Head record for today (if applicable)
Net TDs plus Net CAS
Total TDs plus Total CAS
Talent Show

If it is still a tie at that point, the tournament organizer will use his best judgment in finding a way to break the tie.

All teams are expected to meet the minimum painted guidelines. They must have 3 colors on them and have had some attempt at making them appear finished.

We are here for the fun of the game. Sportsmanship is not encouraged from the coaches it is required!
Fouling 16 turns in a row and running up the score is not poor sportsmanship, but gloating and ridiculing your opponent while doing so is.
Tournament Organizer will strictly enforce the “Don’t be a Douche” policy. Basically, it consists of not performing any acts of Douchebaggery.

In order to qualify for any award, the coach must complete all 3 rounds.
The following awards will be given out after the last round:
Cirque du Nufflé Champion - Team that has the most points after 3 rounds
2nd Place -Team that has the 2nd most points after 3 rounds
3rd Place - Team that has the 3rd most points after 3 rounds
Best Offense - Team that scored the most TDs that did not place 1st - 3rd
Best Defense - Team that allowed the fewest TDs that did not place 1st - 3rd
Most Brutal - Team that inflicted the most Casualties from Blocking that did not place 1st - 3rd
Fan Favorite - Best fan favorite team as decided by the participants of the event. It could be based on anything, models, paint job, theme, your vote for the best team at the event. Tournament Organizer will break ties.
Best Sportsman - Best Sportsman as decided by participants. Tournament Organizer will break ties.
Stunty Cup - Stunty team with the most tournament points.
Back of the Pack - Coach that finished with the lowest number of Tournament points.

Spread The Wealth
A coach may only win one award. If they are in line to win more than one award, they will be asked which one they would prefer and the next coach in line will be given the other award. Tournament organizers reserve the right to adjust the awards, i.e.Back of the Pack has to have played in all 4 rounds.

Cirque du Nufflé Kickoff Table
Death Defying! - For each player in each team's casualty box, roll a d6. On a result of 4 or better, place that player in the KO box of their respective teams. This does not impact the casualty count for the game.
Popcorn Special! - The referees have all rushed off the pitch for complimentary popcorn! For the duration of the drive, players will not be sent off or ejected. (secret weapons included).
Encore! - That last drive was so good that they want to see it again! Move the turn tracker back by 1 if it is not the beginning of the half.
Hall of Mirrors - Don’t let your eyes deceive you! - For the duration of the drive, If a player were to be pushed out of either sideline and placed in the reserves box, instead, they are placed on the opposite side of the pitch. Corner and End zones are treated as a normal push out result.
Knife Throwing!- Fancy a game of skill, daring, death? - Both coaches randomly choose a player on their team with a passing stat and rolls a passing check adding fan factor to the result. A successful result gains a team reroll for the duration of the half.
A Round of Applause!
Both Coaches roll a D6 and add the number of cheerleaders on their Team Draft list. The coach with the highest total may immediately roll once on the Prayers of Nuffle table, in the case of a tie, neither coach rolls on the Prayers of Nuffle table. Note that if you roll a result that is currently in effect, you must re-roll it.
Stampede! - Some animals have escaped and are tearing up the pitch! Roll for weather using normal results
2 - Lions chase your players and are exhausted from running for their lives. (Sweltering Heat)
3 - Horses kick up a lot of dust making passing more difficult. (Very Sunny)
4-10 - Puppies! - Aw! (Perfect Blood Bowl Weather)
11 - Doves are everywhere! The swooping birds and droppings make the ball very difficult to handle. (Pouring Rain)
12 - Elephants enter the pitch, tearing up the turf and making it very muddy. (Blizzard)
Fortune Teller - Look into the crystal ball... - The receiving team may move any 1 unmarked player their entire movement allowance without crossing the line of scrimmage.
Freak Show - We’ve got the meanest and the greenest! - Each coach rolls 1d3 and adds their FAME. The Winner randomly chooses a rookie player on their team and may add their choice of mutation for the duration of the drive. In case of a tie, both coaches perform this process.
Dunk Tank - Humiliate your friends! Enemies welcome too! - Both coaches roll a D6 and add their Fan Factor to the result. The coach that rolls the lowest randomly selects one of their players from among those on the pitch, in the case of a tie, both coaches randomly select a player. Roll a D6 for the selected player(s), On a roll of 2+, the player gets dunked, The player is Placed Prone and becomes Stunned. On a roll of 1 however, the player is immediately Sent-Off
Globe of Death - Come one! Come all! See the most terrifying show on earth featuring… YOU! - Each player on the Line of Scrimmage makes an unmodified agility roll. Each failure collides with a skaven doomwheel, and placed prone. The opposing coach rolls armor adding +1 to both armor and subsequent injury rolls

Tournament Report
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