?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameSilverBlod
Organizer NAF namecrazywibe (29044)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2020-03-07
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2020-03-07
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Oberwald (22876)High Elf

Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressRudbecks Gymnasium, Skolgatan 5
Zip722 15

Ruleset Document

3 rounds.

9.00-9.30 Registration and Welcoming
9.30-12.00 Round 1
13.00-15.30 Round 2
15.45-18.15 Round 3
18.30-19.00 Prize Ceremony and Goodbyes.

Go to: https://ebas.sverok.se/registrations/add/436

Deadline for team builds
Submit team build for approval to sasforening@gmail.com by 1 Mars 2020.

Rules, and rules for Team builds follow 2020 Eurobowl Rules: http://www.eurobowl.eu/2020/default.asp?p=2

We will have two ways to rank players:
Serious Blood Bowl:
Swiss format (3/1/0, Tiebreakers: Opponent Score>net TD>net CAS>fewest conceded TDs>coin toss)

GFIBB (Go-for-it-Blood-Bowl) (optional state if you want to or not in the registration)
During the match you will get points for a wide range of different activities. This is to promote a little more “exciting” playstyle.

“Standard points”
TD: 3 points.
CAS: 2 points. (a standard spp generating CAS)
CP: 1 points.
INT: 2 points.

“Injury points”
Crowdsurfing opponent: 1 point.
Fouling opponten resulting in a injury: 1 point
Fouling opponent with total or more then 5 players (including the fouler) resulting in injury: 2 point
Causing an injury on a player in any other way (chainsaw, stab etc.): 1 point.

“Turnover points”
Turnover as a result of dubble skulls: 1 point.
Turnover as a result of triple skulls: 3 points.
Turnover as a result of a failed GFI that otherwise would have resulted in a TD: 2 points.
Turnover as a result of rolling doubles on a foul: 1 point.

“Touchdown points”
Touchdown as an direct result of throwing a ball-carrying teammate: 2 points + TD
Touchdown in on turn after kick off (one turn kick-off): 1 point + TD
Touchdown during your opponent's turn: 3 points + TD
Touchdown after 2 GFI and one team reroll used to reroll one of the GFI: 1 point + TD

“Pass points”
Completed pass resulting in a touchdown: 1 point + TD
Completed long pass: 1 point + CP
Completed pass to an catching-player with agility 2 or less: 1 point + CP

Playing GFIBB is optional and please state if you want to or not in the registration.

Prizes, there will be a exquisite painted trophy for every catagory:

-”The most serious of player” (Highest ranked used Serious Blood Bowl ranking)
- “Best stunty” (Because of our support of the “little people”)
- “SilverBlod” (Highest total points, GFIBB)
- “Nuffle loves me not today.” (Highest amount of “turnover points”, GFIBB)
- “There’s a ball?” (Highest amount of “Injury points”, GFIBB)
- ”I love balls!” (Highest amount of “Touchdowns points” + “Pass points”, GFIBB)

Tiebrakers GFIBB: Highers amount of total GFIBB points>highest rank “serious blood bowl”

Tournament Report
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