?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameSala Silverblod
Organizer NAF nameOberwald (22876)
OrganizerJoel Thungren
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2020-06-27
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2020-06-28
StyleBlood Bowl
Scoring10-5-0 (1p for 0-1 td loss)
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


kaju (19529)Orc

Runner up

Oberwald (22876)Chaos Renegade

Most Touchdowns

freddo (29571)Elf Union

Most Casualties

Theomir (29395)Nurgle

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressBorgmästaregatan 1
 733 30

Ruleset Document

We are happy to welcome you to Sala and the second official SilverBlood tournament.
When: 27-28 Juni
Location: “Blåsalen”. SalaStadsbibliotek Norra Esplanaden 5, 733 38 Sala
5 rounds.
Day1 Saturday 27 juni. (3 matches):
08.30 Registrering
09.00 - 11.30 Match 1
11.30 - 12.30 Lunch
12.30 - 15.00 Match 2
15.30 - 18.00 Match 3
Dag 2 Söndag den 28 juni. (2 matches):
08.30-11.00 Match 4
11.00-11.30 Lunch
11.30-14.00 Match 5
14.15 Prize Ceremony!
There are 3 groups: “5 match group”, “3 match group” and “the noob group” (noobs are decided
by the referee).
Everybody will play each other but the winner of the 3 match group and noob group will be
decided after 3 matches (day 1). The 5 match group will continue playing after that.
Entrance Fee
100 kr voluntary. (To cover rent and sausages)
Sas Facebook page or “sasforening@gmail.com”
Deadline for team builds
Submit team build for approval to sasforening@gmail.com by 23 Juni 2020.
Silver Blood are played with the current edition of Blood Bowl known as Blood Bowl 2016 with
the NAF tournament changes and with Death Zone 1 & 2.
Team creation:
- 1100k gold to be used for standard team building and inducements
- A minimum of 11 players and a maximum of 16 are to be rostered. Star players can only be
bought once 11 players are bought and a star player cannot take the roster to 17 players.
- 0-8 Re-Rolls
- Assistant coaches
- Cheerleaders
- 0-1 Apothecary or Igor, depending on race
- 0-9 Fan Factor
- Inducements. The cost will be as following and will count for all 6 games:
- 0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs for each 50 k
- 0-3 Bribes for 100k each, for Goblins 50k each
- 0-1 Master chef for 300k, for Halflings 100k
- 0-1 NAF-approved star players for their regular cost
Additional cash:
You may combine the extra cash with the starting cash and build your team the way you like.
The cost of the additional skills are:
- 20k for normal skills
- 30k for double skills
- 40k MA/AG/AV,
- 50k ST stat increase (one allowed for tier 8 only)
- maximum one player in each team can stack an additional skill (meaning a total of 2 normal
skills) , the second skill costs 30k. Both skills have to be normal skills. (Tier 8 may stack with a
double skill - wich still costs 30k).
- maximum one player in each team from tier 1-4 can have one double skill
- maximum two players in each team from tier 5-8 can have one double skill
- star players may not receive additional skills
- the Skill "Piling On" will be used according to Death Zone 1, i.e. Team Re-Roll is required.
- Giants Are allowed
- At the end in the roster there can be 0-1 NAF-approved star players (stars that can be taken
only as a pair (for example The Swift Twins) count as a 1 NAF-approved star player)
Tier 1
Undead, Wood Elves, Chaos Dwarfs
Tier 2
Lizardmen, Amazon, Dark Elves, Norse, Dwarfs
Tier 3
Skaven, Orcs, Necromantic
Tier 4
Nurgle,Humans, Elven Union
Tier 5
Bretonnian, Chaos;Khemri
Tier 6
Chaos Renegades, High Elves, Slann,
Tier 7
Vampires, Underworld, Khorne
Tier 8
Halflings, Goblins, Ogres (Instead of disposable: every player with that skills get a free none
”diving-tackle” agility skill)
Scoring system for individuals:
- An individual win is worth 3 points.
- A draw is worth 1 point.
- A loss worth 0 points.
Total time of 75 minutes each using chess clocks. Matches are aborted when the total 150
minutes are over. All coaches should bring app to use if necessary to keep matches on time.
Swiss format (3/1/0, Tiebreakers: SilverBlood Score>net TD>net CAS>fewest conceded
TDs>coin toss)
SilverBlood Score:
The first player that fulfills the criterias and announces it to the other players gets the points:
“Injury points”
First CAS: 2 points. (a standard spp generating CAS) “First Blood”
Crowdsurf an opponent: 1 point. “Everybody was surfing”
Fouling opponten resulting in a injury: 1 point “Say hello to my boot”
Fouling opponent with total or more then 5 players (including the fouler) resulting in injury: 2 point “Say hello to my friends”
Causing an injury on a player in any other way (chainsaw, stab etc.): 1 point. “Ops, I did it again”
“Turnover points”
Turnover as a result of dubble skulls: 1 point. “Nuffle knows best”
Turnover as a result of triple skulls: 3 points. “Nuffles moves in mysterious ways”
Turnover as a result of a failed GFI that otherwise would have resulted in a TD: 2 points. “I meant to do that”
Turnover as a result of rolling doubles on a foul: 1 point. “Say hello to the referee”
“Touchdown points”
First TD: 2 points. “Touchdown!”
Touchdown as an direct result of team-throw a ball-carrying teammate: 2 points + TD “Weeeeee!”
Touchdown in one turn after kick off (“one turn touchdown”): 1 point + TD “Now you see it now you don't”
Touchdown during your opponent's turn: 3 points + TD “Goodbye and thanks for the help”
Touchdown after 2 GFI and one team reroll used to reroll one of the GFI: 1 point + TD “Just...a...little..further”
“Pass points”
First CP: 1 points. “You're an Elf, Harry”
INT: 2 points. “Do you mind if I borrow this?”
Completed pass direct resulting in a touchdown: 1 point + TD “Pass it to the man”
Completed long pass: 1 point + CP “Long long paaaas (tune of long long man)”
Completed pass to an catching-player with agility 2 or less: 2 point + CP “What is this round thing?”
Paint and miniatures
The miniatures do not have to be original GW-minis. However the miniatures must be
representative for the roster's race and players (i.e a Norse thrower must look like a Norse
thrower) and be easily recognizable from other positionals.
If your opponent can't easily recognize the different player types on your team, you must let him
mark them somehow (without damaging the miniatures, of course). This could be with bottle
caps or coloured rings etc.
Rules for fairplay:
In order to ensure a tournament in good sport and the best fun for everybody there should be a
set of rules that can be agreed upon by both coaches in their mutual game. (E.G what
constitutes flat dice)
A rule you have agreed upon cannot be changed afterwards, unless both coaches agree.
Aside from this there is also a single rule to ensure both coaches feel the dice are, if not even,
at least the same.
You must allow your opponent to use your dice if he so wishes.
Referee and Time Rule
There will be a team of referees at the venue to help solve problems if they arise.
Feel free to contact one of the referees if you are not able to solve a situation by yourself.
Please remember that despite the fact that referees are walking encyclopaedias when it comes
to the rules of the game, they are not clairvoyants and were not present at the table when the
problem arose.
All problems not related to the rules of the game (in particular those related to cheating or
inappropriate behaviour of any player) should be dealt with between captains of both teams in
the first place.
Only one prize for one contender.
-Highest score in the 5 games group.
-Highest score in the 3 games group.
-Highest score in the “noob” group.
2020 NAF Changes / Updates
– All new positionals, star players published in the Shambling Undead, Halfling and Wood Elf
Spike! Journals have been considered appropriately balanced and are now available.
– The new material contained in the Lizardman Spike! Journal arrived too late to be considered
in this process and has not been included this time.
– Star players from the previous Blood Bowl edition (Competition Rules Pack / CRP) that have
not appeared in BB2016 to date have been retired and are no longer allowed.
– The star player Bo Gallante can now play for Bretonnians, and Zolcath the Zoat can now play
for Slann.
– Please refer to the free, Head Coach’s Handbook roster and star player download from
Games Workshop (Oct. 2019) for NAF legal tournament rosters and star player access
(exception: Chameleon Skinks, as noted above).

Tournament Report
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