?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameSunday Slaughter II
Organizer NAF namefrostie (2271)
OrganizerDuro Bozic
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2020-10-18
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2020-10-18
ScoringNAF scoring
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageSunday Slaughter II - Facebook Event Page

Tournament Statistics


mateuso (24427)Chaos Dwarf

Runner up

DaBlackSkull (18004)Nurgle

Most Touchdowns

DaBlackSkull (18004)Nurgle

Most Casualties

mateuso (24427)Chaos Dwarf

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

durzas (24869)Dwarf

Other Awards

durzas (24869)Dwarf
Tournament Location
AddressThe Kewdale Tavern
 139 Kewdale Road

Ruleset Document

Single day event, 3 games in total. Themed as playing in the realm of Khorne so weather and kick off table altered to suit theme.
Weather Table (Roll D8)
1 Raining Blood!
A deluge of the crimson elixir of life engulfs the pitch, making footing treacherous for the players. Any player attempting to move an extra square (GFI) will slip and be Knocked Down on a roll of 1-2.
2 The Burning Winds from Saytn’s Bottom!
Foul emanation from Khorne’s back passage blast a foul wind across the pitch, making the ball dance erratically through the air. Long bombs are not possible, and a -1 modifier will apply to all throwing and interception attempts.
3-6 Pit Perfect!
What goes for Perfect Blood Bowl weather in the Pits of Khorne!
7 Hot as Hell!
The Warp-tainted walls of the Pit glow with a strange power, resulting in blasts of searing heat emanating from the walls, sapping the energy of any player that comes too near. Any player starting their action whilst standing adjacent to any sideline are counted as having -1 MA for that turn.
8 Fire & Brimstone!
The hellish skies roil above the pit, waves of hellfire searing the air around the players. Roll a D6 for each player on the pitch at the end of the drive. On a roll of 1, the player collapses and may not be set up for the next kick-off.
Kick-Off Table (Roll D8)
1 Blood Madness!
When any player declares a Blitz action during the drive, the player counts as having the Frenzy skill. If the player already has Frenzy, they can make an additional block (i.e. 3 blocks). All the normal rules of the Frenzy skill apply for this Blitz action.
2 Fists of Gory!
All players on the receiving team count as having the Mighty Blow skill for the first turn of the drive
3 Ravening Hordes!
Each coach rolls D3 and add their team's FAME plus any Cheerleaders on their roster. The team with the highest result gains an extra team re-roll this half. If both teams have the same result, then both teams receive a team re-roll.
4 Go Fetch Daemon Doggo!
Any one player on the receiving team who is not in an opposing player's tackle zone may be moved D6 squares towards the square where the ball will land, regardless of their MA.
5 Changing Weather!
Make a new roll on the Weather table and apply the new result. If the new weather roll was a Pit Perfect result, then scatter the ball one extra square in a random direction before landing.
6 Khorne’s Playbook!
Each coach rolls D3 and add their team's FAME plus any Assistant Coaches on their roster. The team with the highest result gains an extra team re-roll this half. If both teams have the same result, then both teams receive a team re-roll.
7 Enter the Jugger!
A Juggernaut has broken loose from the nearby holding pens and rampaged across the pitch. Each coach rolls a D6 and adds their FAME to the roll. The coach with the lowest roll has a random player on their team trampled by the enraged Juggernaut. In the case of a tie, the Juggernaut tramples a random player on both teams. Randomly determine which player on the affected team was hit (only players on the pitch are eligible) and roll for the effects of the injury immediately. No Armour roll is required.
8 Favoured of Khorne!
The favoured of Khorne, known to mortals as a Bloodthirster, suddenly appears on the pitch. Place a model representing the Bloodthirster in the middle of the pitch on the kicking team’s side of the line of scrimmage, then randomly scatter the model D3 squares from that square. If the target square is occupied, then continue to scatter the model one square until the model is placed standing in an empty square. The Bloodthirster has no tackle zones. The Bloodthirster’s characteristics / skills are MA 6; ST 5; AG 1; AV 9; with Claw, Frenzy, Horns, and Juggernaught. At the start of each turn the Bloodthirster will Block or Blitz the nearest player (regardless of which team they belong to), this action does not count as a team’s Blitz action for the turn. If two or more players are the same distance from the Bloodthirster then randomly determine its target. If not removed from the pitch beforehand, the Bloodthirster will leave the pitch at the end of the drive or half.

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