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Tournament NameFar From Albany Cup 2
Organizer NAF nameWatto (18626)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2020-11-06
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2020-11-08
Cost$75 Early Bird or $85
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Brunificus (13246)Dwarf

Runner up

Talanis (12626)Skaven

Most Touchdowns

Talanis (12626)Skaven

Most Casualties

DaBlackSkull (18004)Shambling Undead

Stunty Cup

Flainimal (27185)Ogre

Best Painted

Flainimal (27185)Ogre

Other Awards

Tournament Location
Address51 Leake St
StateWestern Australia

Ruleset Document

Where is it happening?

The FFA Cup will be held at the Eaton Scout Camp, Western Australia, just outside of Bunbury. Eaton Scout Camp is located at 51 Leake St, Eaton.

When is it?

The FFA Cup will run over the weekend of Saturday 7th November to Sunday 8th November 2020. However as it is run away from where most people live, we have booked Eaton Scout Camp from 4pm Friday 6th November until 6pm Sunday 8th November. Participants will be able to and are encouraged to stay overnight on both Friday and Saturday night to make the most of the facility and event, enjoying the social aspects of the weekend outside of the tournament itself.

What is Scout Camp Eaton?

As the name suggests, Scout Camp Eaton is a Western Australia scout facility. More importantly for us though, it is a nice location on a river which will provide dorm style accommodation (including A/C), modern ablutions, cooking facilities, dining facilities with some little extras like a grass area that can be used for camping (Maximum 10 tent spaces available).
It is a self-catered facility, which means you will be required to bring your own bedding (pillow, sleeping bag, bed sheets, etc), your own toiletries and your own food and drink to cover meals and the social atmosphere of the event.
A shopping centre with access to major supermarkets, fast food chains and pub are a 5 minute drive from the site. Also within 30minutes drive will be many other restaurants in Bunbury.
Parking is limited at the site, so car-pooling is encouraged.

How much will it cost?

To cover the cost of hiring the facility and to be able to allow a little prize support as well, the early bird entry fee will be $75 otherwise the entry fee will be $85. Early Bird sales will last until Friday September 25th 2020.
For those wanting to camp instead of using the dorm, it’ll be a case of first in, best dressed (only 10 camping spaces available). However, for those wishing to camp, they may also bring non-participating persons at an additional cost of $16 per person.

How will the weekend run?

The tournament itself will include 6 games over both the Saturday and Sunday, however as the dining hall is close by to the accommodation, travel time will be very low and as such, we can start playing the games sooner, to give ourselves more time later if required.
Arrive anytime from 4pm and enjoy an evening of gaming and socialising with friends, new and old.

Game 1: 9.00am – 11.15am
Lunch: 11.15am – 12.15pm
Game 2: 12.15pm – 2.30pm
Game 3: 2.45pm – 5.00pm
Free evening for gaming and socialising, use this time as you please, just remember to be respectful.

Game 4: 8.45am – 11.00am
Lunch: 11.00am – 12.00pm
Game 5: 12.00pm – 2.15pm
Game 6: 2.30pm – 4.45pm
Awards: 5.00pm – 5.15pm
Due to having to leave the facility by 6pm, the Sunday schedule will need to be strict and participants will need to use their free time wisely on Sunday to ensure the facility is left clean and all their belongings are packed and ready.


The BB2016 version of the rules will be used with the exception of the Piling On skill not requiring a team re-roll for use. The tournament will be Resurrection style (Injuries and deaths do not carry over, teams reset after every game).

Roster Creation

Coaches may select a race from the 23 official races in the BB2016 including all BB2016 publications and the “Teams of Legend” document, whichever is more up to date, and the 3 additional NAF recommended races, Slann, Khorne Deamons and Bretonnians. (Old World Alliance will not be allowed at this tournament)
Coaches will have 1.15 Million GP to spend on their team to purchase players, apothecaries, team re-rolls, assistant coaches, cheerleaders, fan factor, star players and all inducements (except special play cards, mercenaries and wizards) with the following restrictions applied:-
- Teams must have a minimum of 11 players on their team, this can include a Star Player.
- Maximum of 1 Star Player per team, except Stunties who may select 2 Star Players
- Stunty teams are Ogres, Halflings, Goblins, Stunty Lizardmen (no Saurus), and Stunty Underworld (no Skaven).
- You can give 3 different players a Normal skill prior to game 1.
- Prior to each subsequent game (games 2 to 5), coaches will add 1 additional skill to a player who has not been given an additional skill prior to that point.
- For these additional skills, 1 must be selected from each skill category (General, Agility, Strength, Passing and Mutations). Extraordinary skills are excluded.
- Coaches must choose their skill and order of their skill progression prior to the tournament (i.e. before knowing your opponents). For example Claw (mutations) selected for game 2, Leader (passing) selected for game 3, Guard (strength) selected for game 4, Dodge (agility) selected for game 5 and Wrestle (general) selected for game 6.
- No Star Players can have an additional skill.

What miniatures can I use?

Appropriate painted and based miniatures should be used. Coaches will not be allowed to field unpainted or undercoated figures. There is an award for best painted. Players are allowed to use minis from Games Workshop or any other range, but the figures must clearly be of the same race as the team. The importance here is that other coaches can easily recognise what type of player the other team is fielding and that they are obviously of the race/type being played. Miniatures must be clearly numbered to correspond with team roster sheets – no number, no run-on! The only exception to the numbering rule is for Star Players – we all know who they are!

Format and Scoring

The format for this tournament will be random draw for match ups in the first round with subsequent rounds determined by a Swiss style round robin draw.

Scoring:- Win 100pts
Draw 45pts
Loss 10pts

1 bonus point will be awarded for each TD/Cas scored for a maximum of 4pts in each category and a maximum of 7pts combined. All casualties caused will count. Note that Bonus points will be used as the first tie breaker, not for overall points in the final standings. Subsequent tie breakers if required will be TD difference, Cas Difference, TD for and Cas For.


1st Place
Stunty Cup
Best Sport
Best Painted

City Vs Country – Civil War

To help build a friendly rivalry, broaden the player base the coaches play against and give players something to aim for, no matter where they are ranked, there will be a City (any coach who lives in Perth) vs Country (any coach who lives elsewhere) Civil War. In the first round, the draw will be made to have as many City coaches vs Country coaches. Throughout the remaining rounds, games will still be based on the Swiss system, however any further civil war matches will still count towards the overall civil war result.

Scoring for the City Vs Country will be a simple 2pts for a win, 1 pt for a draw and 0 points for a loss.

How do I get my ticket?

So by now you know all you need to know and you’ve decided that this is a tournament you can’t miss and you want to register right now. Well the process is simple, simply PM me on Facebook, or contact me via email (michael.watson4@hotmail.com). I will provide bank details to allow you to make an electronic transfer.

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