?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameEnd of Days
Organizer NAF nameDarth_prophet (13501)
OrganizerGary Perkins
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2020-12-13
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2020-12-13
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressPhoenix Gym/PNH
 10 South Western Hwy
StateWestern Australia

Ruleset Document

$10 entry.
Doors open at 9:30 first round starts at 9:45am.

This is a fun tournament to say goodbye to the current edition of bloodbowl.

No prizes just some laminated A5 paper awards.
There will be some raffle prizes on the day to raise funds for prize support the first tournament of the new edition held at Perth Nerd Herd early 2021.

All lists to be submitted by the 10th of December to darthproph@gmail.com

Players may also submit lists to myself via messenger or may post them for all to see on Perth Blood Bowlers Facebook page.

3 Games: 2 hours 15 mins each.
Slow play may result in enforced clock use.

With some fast coaches here in WA, any drawn games that finish with approximately 40 mins of play time left may play overtime.
Note: both coaches must agree to overtime, it is not compulsory.

Win = 100pts
Draw = 40pts
Lose = 0pts

Bonus points
+2pts each touch down
+1pt each casualty from block/blitz, foul, chainsaw, stab, crowd. (Not from faceplanting a dodge or gfi)
+1pt for each successful completion

2 million to build a team, all 26 naf approved teams allowed

Bloodbowl16 variant of piling on will be used this tournament (you can afford to buy 8 rerolls) so a reroll must be used for piling on.

Each player may have up to 5 skills/stats purchased for it, adjust the cost of the player accordingly (20k normal skill, 30k double skill movement increase or armour increase, 40k agility increase, 50k strenght increase). Players may be given 2 of any stat as long as it doesn't take the value to greater than 10. Mutations can only be taken if allowed normally or on a double roll. Extraordinary skills may not be purchased

Stunty teams (halflings, goblin, ogre, no saurus lizardmen, no skaven underworld) may have up to two star players, but must have 11 players on their roster first.
These star players may be skaven or saurus in an underworld or lizardmen team.

Non stunty teams may not hire star players: make your own.

No inducement, other than stunty team star players, may be purchased.

Each of the three games will use a different weather event and kick off table.

Game one: Snow Storm

*The first game's weather is blizzard, this effect remains all game.
GFI 3+ no long pass, or long bomb.

*No one cleared the pitch and deep snow piled up across it:
This deep snow results in:
-1 on all armour rolls involving falls e.g. failed go for it and from blocks, but not foul, chainsaw or stab attacks.
This effect only last the first drive, after the first drive it's just trampled down sludge on the field providing no benefit or hindrance.

Game One Kick off table

2. Too cold to go out there: The ref guild has decided it is too cold to go outside and will watch the game on Kabal vision. Only fouls committed within 3 squares of the ball are subject to illegal procedure, a coach may not argue the call or bribe as they are in a dug out too far away.

3. Get dirty: Both players may draw a dirty trick card, or gain a bribe to use during the game.

4. Fast defense: The kicking team may move three players one square before the receiving coach makes any attempt to catch the kicked ball, or rolling for the kicked ball's bounce. No dodge rolls necessary, this movement may take the players off the line of scrimmage, and can take players onto the other half of the pitch.

5. I've got it: One player gains the kick off return skill this drive. If the player already has kick off return the effects stack (6 squares).

6. Witches curse: Both head coaches roll d3 add fame if any. Head coach with the lowest result looses a reroll this half. If the result is tied both will loose a reroll

7. Thrown snowball. Someone in the crowd throws a snowball at one of the players. Both coaches roll a d3 add fame if any. The coach with the lowest roll, or both if tied, has a snowball thrown at one of their players. Roll a die to select which player on the pitch is hit. That player suffers wild animal on the first turn. Players that already have the wild animal skill suffer an addional minus one on the players wild animal roll (3+/5+)

8. Witches curse: Both head coaches roll d3 add fame if any. Head coach with the lowest result looses a reroll this half. If the result is tied both will loose a reroll

9. Snap: 3 players on the receiving team may move one square. No dodges required and players may leave the line of scrimmage or cross into the opposing side.

10. Quick blitz: One player on the kicking team may make a blitz or normal move action, make any dodge/gfi rolls as per normal. Once this action has been resolved bounce the kicker ball.

11. Icy surface: This drive the pitch is extra slippery. All dodge, leap, go for it, and jump up blitz rolls are at minus 1.

12. Blizzard intensifies.
This drive
(1) every player is at -1 to movement but may gfi one additional time.
(2) -1 on all armour rolls made from falls e.g. failed go for it and from blocks, but not fouls, chainsaw or stab attacks
(3) Only players with strong arm can throw short passes.

Note this effect stacks with "No one cleared the pitch and deep snow piled up across it" (-2 on armour rolls)

If a players speed is reduced to below 3 squares and doesnt have an existing rule for standing up (treeman) then the player must make a +2 gfi roll to stand up with no turn over or armour roll if they fail the 2+ roll, just leave the model prone ending it's individual turn. Upon standing the player may gfi a second time at 3+ as per normal during a blizzard.

Game 2: Summer scorcher

*This game will be played in Sweltering heat.

*The Ball will bounce one additional time upon hitting the ground on both the kick off or from being dropped.

Game 2 kick off table

2. Too hot to run: The ref guild has decided it is too hot to go outside and will watch the game on Kabal vision. Only fouls committed within 3 squares of the ball are subject to illegal procedure, a coach may not argue the call as they are in a dug out too far away.

3. Both players may draw a random event card, or gain a bribe for the game.

4. Fast defense: The kicking team may move three players one square before the receiving coach makes any attempt to catch the kicked ball, or the kicked ball bounces. No dodge rolls necessary, this movement may take the players off the line of scrimmage, and can take players onto the other half of the pitch.

5. I've got it: One player gains the kick off return skill this drive. If the player already has kick off return the effects stack (6 squares).

6. Witches curse: Both head coaches roll d3 add fame if any. Head coach with the lowest result looses a reroll this half. If the result is tied both will loose a reroll

7. Waterboy. A kid brings down a bucket of water to refresh all players. All players on both sides automatically pass sweltering heat tests at the end of this drive.

8. Witches curse: Both head coaches roll d3 add fame if any. Head coach with the lowest result looses a reroll this half. If the result is tied both will loose a reroll

9. Halflings chef: The smell of the halflings chef's food was irresistible and has resulted in a player being late for the game. Both coaches roll a d3 the lowest rolling coach, or both in case of tie, may only set up 10 players this drive. At the end of the players first turn, this drive, place the 11th player in the end zone, on the side you fielded. This player may not activate until turn 2, this drive, but has tackle zones.

10. Quick blitz: One player on the kicking team may make a blitz or normal move action.

11. Throw a cold beer. Both coaches roll d3 add fame the highest scoring coach, or both in the case of a tie, has a crowd member throw a cold can of beer to his favourite player who chugs it down. Due to heat and dehydration that player is subject to bonehead this drive, but no longer requires to test for sweltering heat at the end of the drive. If the beer drinking player already has the bonehead skill then this drive it must test for bonehead on 3+.
* Note the winning coach(s) choose not randomly pick the player and this player can be from either team. In the case of a draw you may have the elf player give it to the chaos Minotaur to try and nullify its board presence and the chaos player giving it to one of his warrior players to make sure it was available next drive when he is receiving (no sweltering heat test).

12. Sweaty as a trolls balls. Due to the heat and humidity all players, this drive, suffer minus 1 to all pick up, catch/intercept, and pass rolls.

Game 3: Freo Doctor

*After each kick off the ball scatters twice before coming down to be caught or bounce.
*When the crowd throws in the ball after the initial d3 roll for direction roll 2d6 for distance then scatter the ball 3 times, before it comes down.
*Inaccurate passes scatter 4 times before coming down, this does not include thrown team mates.
*Plus one to all passing attempts, this does not include throw team mate.

Game 3 kick off table:

2. Better make an effort lads. The Ref guild has decided they need to be seen upholding certain rules. This drive no player can get off from rolling a double whilst fouling (unless saved by sneaky git). Bribes will not work this drive, nor will a coach win argue the call.

3. Mad out there: Both players may draw a mayhem card, or gain a bribe to use during the game.

4. Fast defense: The kicking team may move three players one square before the receiving coach makes any attempt to catch the kicked ball, or the kicked ball bounces. No dodge rolls necessary, this movement may take the players off the line of scrimmage, and can take players onto the other half of the pitch.

5. I've got it: One player gains the kick off return skill this drive. If the player already has kick off return the effects stack (6 squares).

6. Witches curse: Both head coaches roll d3 add fame if any. Head coach with the lowest result looses a reroll this half. If the result is tied both will loose a reroll

7. Screw you both: Both players lose a reroll.

8. Witches curse: Both head coaches roll d3 add fame if any. Head coach with the lowest result looses a reroll this half. If the result is tied both will loose a reroll

9. Snap: 3 players on the receiving team may move one square. No dodges required and players may leave the line of scrimmage or cross into the opposing side.

10. Quick blitz: One player on the kicking team may make a blitz or normal move action.

11. Shit, they've improved: a player on both sides may gain a skill for the rest of the game. This may not take a player past 5 additional skill/stat ups, it may be anything the player normally has access to, (no doubles rolled skills or stat ups). If this kick off result is rolled a second time the bonus skill can not go to the player that previously received the benefits of 'Shit, they've improved'

12. Streaker: Some hot elf chick runs onto the pitch naked. Both teams loose a turn watching. This may result in the half ending early with no round 8 for one side or both.

5:30 Wrap up.

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