?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameWarpstone Cup Sevens
Organizer NAF namehouseblackfyre (28534)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-05-01
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-05-01
CostFree to NAF Members
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountyes

Tournament Statistics


keshdr (20048)Human

Runner up

paperbag_dar (24872)Goblin

Most Touchdowns

toastbandito (29043)Skaven

Most Casualties

houseblackfyre (28534)Chaos Renegade

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
Address2430 Harris
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Deep in the sewers, skaven and goblins cast off from their brethren toil in squalor... until a fresh cache of warpstone was discovered. Now they work with renewed purpose to mine the ore loaded with pure chaotic energy. But all that mining has made conditions for the nearby Sevens tournament unstable, as well as the players themselves...

Blood Bowl Sevens is a shorter, quicker version of the sport played on a smaller pitch by players who weren’t quite good enough to make it into the big leagues.

We will be using the official NAF ruleset which can be found here: https://www.thenaf.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Blood-Bowl-Sevens-2019.pdf. But 2020/Second Season Rules & Rosters will apply aside from Sevens-specific rules. We will be using a special subterranean weather table explained below:

- All Blood Bowl 2020 races & rosters available from the Second Season Rulebook, Teams of Legend pdf, as well as the NAF-approved rosters for Khorne and Slaan. No 2016 rosters
are available.
- No star players are allowed
- 600,000 gp to spend on your team
- You must hire 7 and up to 11 players, and only 4 non-linemen types allowed
- Re-rolls cost double (they’re amateurs)
- Inducements must be bought at team creation. Halfling Thimble Cup teams may take a chef for 100k, Bribery & Corruption teams may take bribes for 50k, and Low Cost Linemen teams may take riotous rookies for 100k. Teams may hire assistant coaches, cheerleaders, fan factor or babes as usual. No extra team training, wizards or infamous coaching staff may be induced.
- Apothecaries and Igors may be induced, but they’re also amateurs so only work on a d6 roll of 4+

- Each team is allowed to give some players additional skills within the restrictions below.
- Each team chooses 1 player to be the Team Captain - they gain the Leader skill. The Team Captain can swap the Leader skill for any primary skill if they so choose.
- Teams will have a number of additional skills based on the Team Tier ratings.
- No player can be given more than 1 additional skill as discussed below (this includes the Team Captain, who already has his or her additional skill)
- Tier 1: 1 skill, must be a primary
- Tier 2: 2 skills, up to 1 of which may be a secondary.
- Tier 3 (Includes Lizards with no Saurus and Underworld with no Skaven): 3 skills, up to 2 of which may be a secondary.

Mutations: The warpstone mining below the Warpstone Cup pitches has caused the chaotic ore to find its way into the locker rooms. Before each game, the tournament organizer will roll for a random mutation on a random player on your team. That mutation will stay with your player for the remainder of the tournament. That mutation is the only skill that can stack in this tournament, and theoretically the same "lucky" player could get as many mutations as Nuffle deems him worthy.

Weather table: Being underground, the following weather table will be used for all tournament games:

2 - Bubbling up from Below: The players are aghast as a viscous liquid begins to seep up through the cracks in the floor. All players on the pitch subtract 1 from the MA, but can attempt to rush(old gfi) one additional time (in addition to the sprint skill).

3 - Gloomy: The torches are in need of replacing, and shadows are growing long. Long passes and Long Bombs have an extra -1 modifier in addition to normal, and players attempting a second rush (or third with sprint) fail on a roll of 1 or 2 instead of the usual 1.

4-10 - Nice Enough: You might be missing the sun, but conditions are good enough to play as normal.

11 - Thermal Geysers. Mining below has caused vapor to whistle up from the ground in columns of steam. If a player on your team is Knocked Down (not just placed Prone), roll a D6. On a 1, they crack open a thermal geyser and are scattered D3 squares in a random direction (one more in the same direction if the square is occupied). The scatter roll and result happen before armor and injury checks. If a thermal geyser is activated in such a way, add 1 to armor and injury rolls.

12 - Seismic Activity: Uh oh... was that a tremor? Roll a D6 after each turn, adding one to the result for each player on the pitch ST 5 or more. If the result is 6, rocks tumble down from above. Each coach rolls a D6, the lower coach has a player at random from their team knocked down by a falling rock and has an injury roll made against them. If both coaches roll the same, one player from each team is hit in this manner.

9:00 - 9:30 Registration
9:30-10:45 Game 1
11:00-12:15 Game 2
12:15-1:00 LUNCH
1:15-2:30 Game 3
2:45-4:00 Game 4
4:15-5:30 Game 5
5:30 Awards Presentation

The first round of matches will be randomized. Each following round will be determined through Swiss pairings. Points are awarded as follows:
Win - 3 points
Draw - 1 point
Loss - 0 points
Tiebreakers are as follows: TD for, CAS for, TD differential, CAS differential, Nuffle (coin flip)

1st Place
2nd Place
Most Touchdowns
Most Casualties
Stunty Cup (Tier 3)

Your Blood Bowl Team (painted if you please - borrowing a team is also possible, email me)
Dice (extra sets will be on hand)
7 copies of your roster (one for tournament records, one for you, one for each opponent)

In honor of the Underworld theme, all players will receive a two-headed goblin model to take home with them. The winner will receive an underworld troll model as well.

**NOTE: In light of the ongoing COVID situation, tables will be socially distanced to the extent possible, and masks will be required during games (except of course for the occasional sip of a beverage). We also aim to continue running Sevens tournaments every 6-8 weeks, COVID permitting, until the tabletop scene largely resumes in the USA**

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