?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameThe NAF Championships (on BB2)
Organizer NAF nameponcho_dlv (29520)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-05-15
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-05-16
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
NationBB online

Ruleset Document

Welcome coaches
Welcome to our first ever NAF LIVE event on Blood Bowl II (Unfortunately it is PC only). We (the BB2 NAF Tournament team) have teamed up for this our first LIVE event with the crown jewel of our tabletop tournaments: The NAF Championship. The tournament was scheduled to take part in the same weekend as this Live NAF event, but was cancelled due to Covid.

This tournament will be played as 6 rounds of Swiss over the weekend of 15 and 16 May (with 3 rounds each day starting at 13.00 UTC, 15:30 UTC and 18:00 UTC). Deadline for submitting a team is Wednesday 12/5 at 20.00 UTC and the ticket needs to be accepted by Thursday 13/5 at 20.00 UTC to be entered into the tournament draw.
I want to take part
If you want to take part in the event, then you need to follow some simple steps:
Join the NAF Discord (as all announcements will be done here when the tournament is running and it is also the best place to ask any questions about the tournament).
Sign up to Spike (and fill in your NAF membership details if you want your games recorded). Here is a how-to.
Create a custom team (following the rules specified in this document under “The Rulespack”).
Join the competition “NAF Championship Signup” in the league “NAF Official League” with the team.
If you want your games record and are not already a member of the NAF then:
Join the NAF (and then add the NAF membership details to your Spike account).

Ask all your questions about this tournament in the #blood-bowl-2 channel on the official NAF Discord server. The official BB2 Online NAF tournament team is:

@Obsidian#1642 and @KFoged#1177 (Tournament Coordinator).
The Rulespack
Resurrection format and no overtime (a draw is a draw after 16 turns).
6 rounds of swiss with 3 min turns (3 rounds per day)
Saturday 15/5
Round 1: 13.00 UTC
Round 2: 15:30 UTC
Round 3: 18:00 UTC
Sunday 16/5
Round 4: 13.00 UTC
Round 5: 15:30 UTC
Round 6: 18:00 UTC
Team Build:
Minimum team build is 1,100,000 before adding skills (no stacking):
Tier 1
Amazon, Bretonnians, Chaos Dwarfs, Dark Elves, Dwarf, Lizardmen, Norse, Orc, Skaven, Undead and Wood Elves.
Normal: 6
TIer 2
Chaos, Elves Union, High Elves, Humans, Khemri, Necromantic, Nurgle, Underworld, Kislev and Vampire.
Normal: 6
Double: 1 (may be used as normal)
Tier 3
Halfling, Goblin and Ogre:
Normal: 6
Doubles: 2 (may be used as normal)
Minimum Players:
Teams must consist of a minimum of 11 players.

Inducements (please list in team motto):
Star Players are only allowed after the minimum 11 players have been purchased. (If both teams want to hire the same star player for a match neither will be able to field him).
No Mercenaries and no team wizard.
No Stadium Enhancements.

Tournament Scoring:
Points for the games will be awarded accordingly:
2 points for a win.
1 point for a draw.
0 points for a loss.
-15 points for conceding.

Net touchdowns+Net casualties
Net touchdowns
Net casualties
Ticketing and Scheduling
When the tournament is running your team will be invited to a competition for you and your opponent for each round (so one competition per table), so please accept those tickets asap, so the game can get started before you and your opponent plan to play it. So don’t leave it to the last minute. There is a bot starting games at 00 and 30, but the admin staff will also be at hand to start any games ASAP after both coaches have accepted their tickets.

There will be dedicated channels on the NAF Discord server for a range of tables (could be table 1 to 10, 11 to 20 and so on), so again it is very important to join the NAF Discord (see “I want to take part”) and to change your nickname to match your name in the BB2 client. Those channels can be used to communicate with your opponent and check if he is ready to start the game. The games can be started as soon as they are started in game.

If a coach has not accepted the ticket within 15 min. of the round start it will be considered as a concession by that coach. In any other cases the judgment will be done using the communication on the dedicated table channels.

The schedule might be adjusted on the day, so please keep an eye on the #bb2-tournament-news channel on the NAF Discord on the day of the event.
Prize (Cyans)
Cyans is awarded for the following:
1 Place: 1.000
2 Place: 500
3 Place: 250
Best Stunty: 500

Rules pack as Google doc:

Tournament Report
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