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Tournament NameKobold Cup: Kobolds Ate My Blood Bowl!
Organizer NAF namenornbreeder (28371)
OrganizerBen Kampschroer
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-06-12
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-06-12
ScoringPoints Based Scoring: 30 Win / 15 Draw / 5 Loss / Minus 5 Forfeit
Cost$15 NAF $20 Not NAF
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Sol (28715)Skaven

Runner up

Jogrenaut (22460)Dark Elf

Most Touchdowns

FloridaMan (24677)Underworld Denizens

Most Casualties

BLUEWING711 (23576)Norse

Stunty Cup

LordAntoine (30148)Ogre

Best Painted

Zephiel (29825)Human

Other Awards

Grentain (26711)Amazon
LEGION (5222)Vampire
Tournament Location
Address38430 5th Ave
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

King Torg (ALL HAIL KING TORG!) sent a party of his kobold subjects out of The Caves to get some ingredients for his highness’ royal feast. The condition, as always, “bring back something good for dinner or YOU will be the main course.” The little fellas did not disappoint; they brought home a bounty of Popkhorne, McMurdy’s Squig-Burgers, Big Moot sammitches, and a Bloodweiser keg! But more than just these delicious snacks, the kobolds rambled on to their king about some bizarre and hilarious ritual where all manner of strange humanoids gather on a grass field, line up, a whistle is blown, and then they all beat each other up! The place is filled with people watching and cheering, so engrossed with the antics that no one notices when you steal their food. Of course, this explanation came from a half dozen excited and incoherent babbling kobolds, so the details were pretty unclear, but King Torg (ALL HAIL KING TORG!) was intrigued. He gathered up all the kobolds he could and had his scouts lead him to the nearby stadium. The riotous mob got to the gate where a minotaur demanded the EACH present some kind of paper scrap to get in. Pausing for a moment, the kobolds scavenged for all manner of paper scraps off the ground, they quickly scrapped the plan to gather scraps and went with plan B: One minotaur couldn’t stop all of them, though he sure did try!
Once inside the stadium things went from chaotic to… well, whatever is more chaotic than chaotic… King Torg (ALL HAIL KING TORG!) quickly had his royal guard secure the best seating, which happened to be the stadium owner’s empty personal box. Meanwhile, the horde of kobold rampaged through the stands, eating anything in sight and completely pillaging the concession booth. The game in progress screeched to a halt as the angry fans rioted and stormed out, demanding a refund for the disruption.
Rioting, breaking seats, disrupting play, these things aren’t uncommon during a Blood Bowl match, but demanding a refund? That’s unheard of! Word quickly spread to the stadium owner who wasted no time in sending for Fink da Fixer. Isn’t it convenient that he was already working for one of the teams? As always Fink did what he did best. Looking around in the chaos he noticed that ogres and trolls seemed un-phased by all the commotion. They seemed to be contently snacking on something… Kobolds!
Fink found an injured kobold lying nearby and took a bite. They tasted pretty good… Just then, it hit him! “It” being the rampaging squig mascot that got free during the confusion. When he got off the ground he had a plan. Fink quickly arranged a meeting with King Torg (ALL HAIL KING TORG!) and the stadium owner and worked out a deal to recoup the loses from the day. The first draft of the plan involved the kobolds fielding their own team, but an entire team of kobolds proved to be too unruly and even worse, it didn’t make for entertaining Blood Bowl.
They finally struck a deal: The stadium would organize a tournament. King Torg (ALL HAIL KING TORG!) would provide each team with kobolds, not only because watching the little fools get crushed on the pitch is hilarious, but also because the dead and injured would be sold at the concession stand as kobold nuggets, burgers, kabobs, still kickin’, and whatever the halfling master chef and his new kobold short order cook assistant could whip up. The king saw an opportunity for his subjects to prove their mettle in Blood Bowl, while the stadium owner gets heaps and heaps of gold; everyone wins… except the kobolds.
And so the first Kobold Cup was born.
To get more games in (and thus more kobold shenanigans) the tournament will use Second Season rules and the 7’s variant.
You will build your team using the updated Blood Bowl Sevens Rule Set in the 2021 Release of the Death Zone.
*Teams may be purchased using 600,000 GP
*A team may not have fewer than 7 or more than 11 players on the roster. A team will only field 7 players at a time.
*In addition, only 4 “specialist” players (meaning any player whose availability is less than 0-12) may be selected.
*After the roster is created, each team adds a Kobold to their roster. This player doesn’t count against the 4 “specialist” players and can put the team at over the 11 player limit.
*A Kobold is a 5MA 2ST 3AG 6AV with Stunty, Dodge, and the Right Stuff. (Same Stats as a Halfling Hopeful) Additionally, they have the extraordinary trait “Tastes Like Kobold”: Whenever a player tries to use the “Throw Team-mate” skill with this player, they gain the “Always Hungry” extraordinary skill until the end of the turn. If they already have “Always Hungry” apply -1 to the roll (and -1 to the escape roll if applicable.)
*Star Players, Mercenaries, and Extra Training are removed from the inducements list.
*Wandering Apothecaries, Babes/Kegs, Igor, Bribes, Chefs, Wizards and other inducements are all allowed as normal.
*Teams may be selected from any of the Official Games Workshop teams and the 2 additional NAF recommended teams (Slann and Daemons of Khorne).
*No skill upgrades may be added
*Team Re-rolls cost double their listed cost. For example, a re-roll for a Human team would cost 100,000 GC.
*The Prayer to Nuffle table will NOT be used for TV variance.
*When your kobold suffers a casualty or a knock out (looks dead to me boss) they are dragged off to the snack bar and sold to the hungry fans. Additionally, if the naughty little kobold is caught fouling by the referee (and you don’t bribe or argue successfully) they will suffer the same fate. You immediately get a new Kobold added to your reserves (See Kobold Soliloquy)
Round 1 of FOUR ROUNDS starts at 12pm and each round is 1 hr 15 min matches.
11:00am - 11:55am Registration
11:56am – 11:59am Dook Break
12:00pm - 1:15pm Round 1
1:15pm - 2:30pm Round 2
2:30pm - 3:00pm Dook Break
3:00pm – 4:15pm Round 3
4:15pm – 5:30pm Round 4
5:30pm – 5:35pm Dook Break
5:35pm – 1:30am Awards Ceremony & Feast of St. Kampschroer patron of kobolds
Shop Rules on Covid will be respected and coaches will wear masks when requested. Additionally we say please, thank you, and otherwise respect the shop staff. (I don’t have to say any of this because Florida Blood Bowl coaches have a WORLDWIDE reputation of respect and honorable play!)
Dice Sharing: Once again, we Floridians are known for our honorable play and respect. That said, dice sharing is time honored tradition. If you would request dice sharing, instead, the TO will supply BOTH teams with a cleaned set of dice, and both teams will use those for the rest of the match.
Any questions, please email nornbreeder@gmail.com
Registration Fees $15 to be paid via Pay Pal to: nornbreeder@gmail.com
Standard Sevens Pitch is to be used.
Points Based Scoring:
30 Win / 15 Draw / 5 Loss / Minus 5 Forfeit
Tiebreaker will be based on the coach with the most kobolds lost in the name of Nuffle. Then, kobolds eaten on the pitch. Then kobold thrown the farthest. If it comes to this and neither team has thrown a kobold during the tournament, then the two players will go outside and literally throw their kobolds as far as they can in the street.
Kobold Soliloquy: When your kobold inevitably shuffles off their mortal coil you immediately get another one added to your reserves box provided that you stand up and give a brief eulogy for the fallen kobold. Give them a name, recount their deeds or failures, and then deal with your grief by greeting the replacement with a kobold bark!
Kobold Drinking Song: At the start of the tournament the tournament organizer will roll a D4 to select a round. At the beginning of that round, if ALL of the players stand up and participate in the Kobold Drinking Song then ALL players will add a reroll to their roster for that round. Yes, if ONE spoilsport spoils the sport, then the sport is in fact spoiled
The following players will get some kind of spot prize. Once you get a spot prize you are ineligible for a second one, don’t be a greedy little kobold:
1. Creative Kobold: We will take a vote on the best painted kobold. Get creative, add stuff, and make that kobold your own.
2. Kobold Conservasionalist: Suffer the least Kobold Casualties during the tournament.
3. Kobold Killer: You caused the most Kobold Casualties during the tournament.
4. First to Feed: The first coach to have a kobold eaten by another player (or coach) on their team.
5. Flying Kobold: First coach to get a kobold to be thrown by a teammate, land, and score a touchdown all in the same turn.
6. Uphill Hero: First Coach to get a Casualty with a block using a kobold on another player with strength 3 or higher. (can have other players assist)
7. Naughty Little Kobold: First coach to have three kobolds sent off for fouling.
Awards: Not only are these shiny trophies that signify your accomplishment but also, if you win one the next time you play a Florida Blood Bowl sanctioned game of Kobolds Ate My Baby you will start the game with the special bonus as well.
1st Place: Start with any outfit you choose.
Stunty Cup: Start with +5 VP.
Most Touchdowns: Start with SPORT skill in addition to your other starting skills.
Most Casualties: Your weapons always deal an additional 1 damage.
Best Defense: Your armor always starts with an additional 1 armor point.
Comeback Kid: -1 to your Kobold Horrible Death Checks.
Wooden Spoon: Start the game with a wooden spoon. 1 Damage and +Cook

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