?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameBrevard Gaming Lounge Presents ... Lord Borak Always Gets the Last Laugh
Organizer NAF nameLEGION (5222)
OrganizerJames Luft
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-07-31
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-07-31
StyleSwiss Pairings then Points
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageFlorida Blood Bowl

Tournament Statistics


Sol (28715)Skaven

Runner up

Makarri (22531)High Elf

Most Touchdowns

Sol (28715)Skaven

Most Casualties

Mowgli (27903)Halfling

Stunty Cup

Mowgli (27903)Halfling

Best Painted

Other Awards

Sol (28715)Skaven
BLUEWING711 (23576)Underworld Denizens
I AM CHAOS Award - Best Chaos Team
MrPickles (23153)Norse
The Wooden Spoon Award
Tournament Location
AddressBrevard Gaming Lounge
 3270 Suntree Blvd
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

For those who are going to Chaos Cup 2021 or for those who have never been,
here is your chance to get a taste of what the ONLY US MAJOR Blood Bowl Tournament has to offer.

+ Entry fee will be $20.00
+ If you are not signed up for NAF, add + $5.00
+ Each coach will get SWAG just for playing including but not
limited to d6 Tournament Dice, Tokens and Decals

+ A Blood Bowl team with each position easily identified
+ 2 copies of your roster (one for you and one for your opponent)
+ Pitch, Dugouts, Ball, Dice, Rulebook (if you can)

+ Blood Bowl Second Season (2020) Rule Set
+ All Races in the Rulebook, Teams of Legend Document,
& NAF additional
+ Special Play Cards will not be used
+ All injuries reset after each game
+ Apothecaries work as described in the Rulebook
+ Illegal Procedure can be shouted but will not be penalized
You are given 1,120,000 gold pieces to build your team. You may purchase players, rerolls, fan factor, coaches, and cheerleaders as normal with this money
Wizards, Journeymen, Special Play Cards, and Mercenaries are NOT ALLOWED

You may purchase any other inducements for your team, including Star Players

Note: If you are including a Star Player, you must have 11 players on your team BEFORE hiring him. Having 10 players plus a Star is not allowed.
Remember: You can not have the same Star Player as your opponent. If both of you attempt to field the same player, then that star player has swindled you both!! Neither of you can field them. Also, you cannot use Igors or Apothecaries on Star Players.

**All new star players from the Second Season Edition and subsequent Spike Journals will be allowed. Second Season Edition has given Star Players each their own "Special Rule". If you have a Star Player on your roster, you are expected to explain the "Special Rule" to your opponent. Please use the Chaos Cup Coin to represent when the Star Player has spent his special, once per game rule.**

After team is built, you are given +180,000 gold pieces to buy Normal and/or Doubles skills
Primary Skills cost 20,000 each
Secondary Skills cost 40,000 each
You may not purchase any stat upgrades
You may give each player up to two additional skills
Your team may only take up to four of each skill total

(For instance, a Human Blitzer may be given Mighty Blow & Dodge in addition to already having Block. Also, four Dwarf Blockers may be given Guard, but you cannot give Guard to anyone else.)

9am: Registration
12:00pm-12:30pm: LUNCH
12:30pm-2:45PM: ROUND TWO
3:00pm-5:15PM: ROUND THREE
5:30pm-7:45PM: ROUND FOUR
8:00pm-8:30pm: AWARDS CEREMONY
8:30-???: AFTER PARTY

+ You must use the Chaos Cup 2021 D6’s you received in each of
your games
+ You may use your own block dice provided they are from
GW or the NAF.
+ There will be no sharing dice, sharting dice, nor sharing
sharted dice.

Before Round 4, but after you know who you are playing, you may award 2 mutations to your team
The players gaining the mutations must be the lineman position type (0-12 or 0-16) on your team and cannot have been given an additional skill increase for the tournament already.

You must clearly mark which players have which mutation and make sure your opponent knows what you have chosen before the game begins.
If your team race is a CHAOS, CHAOS PACT, NURGLE, or UNDERWORLD of KHORNE team, you are an exception to the above “Linemen only” rule for awarding mutations. You can still only award a mutation to a player that has not yet received an upgrade, but it can be any player type, not just 0-12 / 0-16.

Tournament Report
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