?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameBeantown Brouhaha VII
Organizer NAF nameMelifaxis (248)
OrganizerRob Fossey
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-07-31
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-07-31
ScoringTournament Points
Cost$30 (Non-NAF) or $20 (NAF)
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountyes
WebpageRules Packet - Google Doc

Tournament Statistics


kowal (20918)Halfling

Runner up

pauladin (24875)Chaos Dwarf

Most Touchdowns

kowal (20918)Halfling

Most Casualties

kowal (20918)Halfling

Stunty Cup

kowal (20918)Halfling

Best Painted

pfd_suf (27701)Ogre

Other Awards

underx (25235)Goblin
Wooden Spoon
pauladin (24875)Chaos Dwarf
Best Defense
Tournament Location
AddressGreat Stories Comics & Gaming
 2 Main St (2nd Floor)
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

3 Rounds of Blood Bowl Mayhem!!

Event Schedule:
9:30am Registration/Check-In
10:00am-12:15pm Round One
12:15-1:00pm Lunch Break
1:00-3:15pm Round Two
3:15-3:30pm Raffle Winner(s)
3:30-5:45pm Round Three
5:45pm Awards

Full Rules Pack at this link or in the tournament thread:

Team Creation:
* Teams will be created using the BB2020 Rules
* All 21 teams in the Blood Bowl 2020 Core Rulebook, all 6 teams in the Teams of Legend pdf, and the 2 NAF recommended teams may be selected for tournament play. Bretonnians coaches should use the Imperial Nobility team in the Core Rulebook.
* Teams will be created utilizing 1.2M gold crowns and must contain 11 players before any inducements are purchased.
* Prohibited Inducements: Star Players, Special Play Cards, (In)famous Coaching Staff, Wizard Inducements, Biased Referees, Giants & Side Bets are prohibited from purchase. Everything else in the Core Rulebook and Death Zone is fair game.
* Special Note on Inducements: 0-3 Mercenaries are part of what is fair game and I would expect that most folks would want to look into this option as they are not quite star players but will have a potentially large impact on play (Deathzone pages 41-51)
* After this, coaches will add skills to their teams based on the tier they fall in.
* Tier 1 (6 Primary Skills plus 1 Secondary Skill, maximum of 1 extra skill per player):
Amazons, Chaos Dwarves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Humans, Lizardmen, Norse, Old World Alliance, Orc, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Wood Elves
* Tier 2 (7 Primary Skills plus 2 Secondary Skills, maximum of 1 extra skill per player):
Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Daemons of Khorne, Elven Union, High Elves, Imperial Nobility, Necromantic Horror, Nurgle, Slann, Tomb Kings, Underworld Denizens, Vampires
* Tier 3 (9 Primary Skills plus 3 Secondary Skills, maximum of 2 extra skills per player):
Goblins, Halflings, Ogres, Snotlings
*ALL skills MUST be noted on the team roster which is submitted to the Tournament Organizer at registration. Pro tip: Putting the added skills is BOLD font or highlighting them on your roster will help them to stand out.
* Colored rubber bands or skill rings will keep the tournament moving along and are strongly encouraged. I will have some on hand if you need them.

Tournament Rules and Gameplay:
*THE GOLDEN RULE: Sportsmanship matters more than winning. We are gathering to enjoy our time together and share our love of Blood Bowl. Be considerate of your fellow coaches. At the end of the day this is still just a game. Should the TO need to address bad sportsmanship, a coach may be removed from the tournament at the TO’s discretion.
* NAF 2021 Tournament Rules are in play (inducement and skill related items specific to the Beantown Brouhaha are clarified above under Team Creation)
* Prior to each game, coaches should agree what constitutes a ‘cocked’ die and discuss any other issues relating to dice rolling mechanisms and reach consensus (ie dice towers). Should either coach request, dice must be shared between coaches.
* Player aids, such as probability Apps, calculators and the like must not be used while in-game.
* External coaching of players in-game is not permitted.
* The Illegal Procedure rule will not be in use; just politely remind your opponent to move their turn marker.
* Turn timer rules will also not be in place. Please note that you may be given a certain amount of time to complete your game should you be running late at the discretion of the Tournament Organizer.
* Casualties may be scored by Block, Blitz, Foul, Crowd-Push, Secret Weapon, or TTM Collisions

Tournament Scoring:
* Teams will be ranked after each match using the below point scale (10-75 potential points):
* Winning the Match = 55 Points
* Tied the Match = 35 Point
* Losing the Match = 10 Points
* Blowout Bonus = 10 Points (win by 2 or more TD’s)
* Smackdown Bonus = 10 Points (inflict more casualties than your opponent)
* Kept It Close Bonus = 10 Points (lose by only 1 TD)
* The Tournament Champion will be determined by Total Points after three rounds of play and if needed, by Tie-Breakers in the following order:
* Head-to-Head Result (if they have played one another)
* Sum of TD Differential & CAS Differential
* TD’s Scored
* CAS Inflicted
* Coin Toss/Random Die Roll/Other Random Method Determined by TO

Tournament Report
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