?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameMarina DOOM Invitational
Organizer NAF nameGORBLITZ (8270)
OrganizerMichael Morkve
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-07-24
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-07-24
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


mother_chucker (21901)Khorne

Runner up

russcastronovo (18550)Shambling Undead
Horatio (22081)Underworld Denizens

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

hilzari (17677)Norse

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

zach0nation (30558)Dark Elf
Wooden Spoon
Tournament Location
Address386 Redwood Heights Ct
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Location and Date
Morkve’s house

July 24th, 2021- (Check in 08:00-0:830)


There is space for 6 boards (12 players) comfortably.

NAF membership is not required but highly encouraged. If you are not a NAF member, you can sign up at thenaf.net website.

3 games of Blood Bowl against opponents in a domestic setting.
All pitches, dugouts, passing templates, throw in, and scatter templates will be provided by TO
Lunch – We are considering Hamburgers/BBQ style buffet lunch (Please DM organizer in advance with any specific dietary requirements & drinks you would like available)

You Bring:
Painted team (Teams must have 3 colors and a finished base, numbered properly and skills visibly marked. Failure to do so may result in disqualification from tournament)
Blood Bowl dice and rules
Multiple copies of your roster

NAF Rules for Tournaments
NAF 2021 Download
New G-Dub FAQ
Blood Bowl Second Season (2020) Rule Set
All Races in the Rulebook, Teams of Legend Document, & NAF additional
All injuries reset after each game
Apothecaries work as described in the Rulebook
Illegal Procedure can be shouted but will not be penalized

You are given 1,150,000 gold pieces to build your team. You may purchase players, rerolls, fan factor, coaches, and cheerleaders as normal with this money. Your starting roster must include 11 players at a minimum.
Wizards, Journeymen, Special Play cards, Giants, and Mercenaries are NOT ALLOWED
You may purchase any other inducements for your team, including Star Players
You do not need to roster 11 players before adding a star player. You can have the same Star Player as your opponent. You may not hire more than two Star Players. Also, you cannot use Igors or Apothecaries on Star Players.
**All new star players from the Second Season Edition and subsequent Spike Journals will be allowed. Second Season Edition has given Star Players each their own "Special Rule". If you have a Star Player on your roster, you are expected to explain the "Special Rule" to your opponent. Please use an appropriate marker or coin to represent when the Star Player has spent his special, once per game rule.**

SKILLS - After team is built, you are given +160,000 gold pieces to buy Normal and/or Doubles skills
Primary Skills cost 20,000 each
Secondary Skills cost 40,000 each
You may not purchase any stat upgrades
You may give each player up to two additional skills
Your team may only take up to three of each skill total
For example, a Human Blitzer may be given Mighty Blow & Dodge in addition to already having Block. Also, three Dwarf Blockers may be given Guard, but you cannot give Guard to anyone else.

MOST IMPORTANTLY! While we all play to win, we have a new updated ruleset. Patience, fair play, and good sportsmanship is required on the day. Some of us may not have played any games of the 2020 ruleset and others may have only played a few games. Share dice if asked, share range rulers, and share rules knowledge. Have fun! Please take care to grind your opponent’s hopes and dreams into the dust in such a way that you both have a good time.

COVID- My family is fully vaccinated. Im sure everyone would be more comfortable if all attending were fully vaccinated. We encourage this, but will not be enforcing this. Also, if you are more comfortable wearing a mask, you are welcome to.

July 24th:
8:00 - 8:30 Check In
8:30 - 8:45 Announcements
8:45 - 11:00 Round One
11:15 - 1:30 Round Two
1:30 - 2:30 Lunch
2:45 - 5:00 Round Three
5:15 - UTC Awards and wrap up

Make sure your dice are well marked, and visible at a distance. Roll dice where both players can see the result.

Pairings will be determined by wins, then tiebreakers based on the following, in this order:
Head to Head record
Strength of Schedule
Tournament Organizer discretion

AWARDS (Tournament Organizer will break any ties)
Champion - Winner of Top Table in Round 3
2nd Place - 2nd Highest Points from seats 1-4
3rd Place - 3rd Highest Points from seats 1-4
Most Brutal - Team that inflicted the most Casualties from Blocking and fouling combined (that did not win 1st or 2nd)
Wooden Spoon - Coach that wins the final game at the bottom ranked table.

Tournament Report
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