?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameBubble Bowl
Organizer NAF namewobert (20177)
OrganizerAlistair Pring
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-07-31
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-07-31
ScoringWin (3pts) Draw (1pt) Loss (0pts)
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


be4ch (16914)Chaos Dwarf

Runner up

Nightwing (19902)Old World Alliance

Most Touchdowns

jip (22172)Black Orc

Most Casualties

elplanet4 (30428)Orc

Stunty Cup

Glowworm (10845)Halfling

Best Painted

thor87 (21674)Halfling

Other Awards

Rifles_Up (25627)Human
Wooden Spoon
jip (22172)Black Orc
Glowworm Award
Alatos (23926)Human
Rookie Wonder
Tournament Location
AddressIncom Games
 Church Street
ZipGL50 3HA
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

This is a friendly 3 games in one day event.
Due to current covid restrictions, groups of no more than 6 people can meet up. This means the event is restricted to 18 participants – 3 groups of 6 players. These groups will not mix across the day – you will only be able to play games against the people in your bubble. Pairings for each bubble will be drawn at random in advance of the day so each coach will know which bubble they are in. You cannot enter the other teams bubble during the day. If you want to catch up with someone from another bubble during the day – please do so outside the building and away from the playing area.
Masks should be worn during game time. No sharing of dice. All pitches will be wiped down between games.
Round one will be random pairings and then swiss for rounds 2 and 3. This will be a resurrection event which means SPP and injuries do not carry over between games.
We will use the BB2020 league points system for scoring the matches -
• Win – 3 points
• Draw – 1 point
• Loss – 0 points
In addition, coaches may score points for –
• Score 3 touchdowns – 1 point
• Concede 0 touchdowns – 1 point
• Cause 3 casualties – 1 point

Schedule for the day
9:30am - 10:00am Avengers Assemble!
10:00am – 12:15am Round 1
12:15am – 12:45pm Break
12:45pm – 3:00pm Round 2
3:00pm-3:15pm Break
3:15pm -5:45pm Round 3
5:45pm-6:00pm Awards and farewells
The start times may stagger by 5 minutes each time across each bubble on the day to allow the TO to kick each round off.

Team Building
Teams can be from any of those in either the rules for BB2020, the latest Teams of Legend or Slann and Daemons of Khorne rosters as per the NAF update.
All teams have 1,150,000 gold crowns with which to make their team. This covers buying players, staff, rerolls and inducements. All teams must have 11 players before buying inducements.
The following inducements are allowed –
• 0-1 Weather Mage
• 0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs
• 0-3 Bribes
• 0-2 Wandering apothecaries
• 0-1 Mortuary Assistant
• 0-1 Plague Doctor
• 0-1 Riotous Rookies
• 0-1 Halfling Master Chef
• 0-2 Infamous Coaching staff – all of those detailed in Deathzone
• 0-1 Wizard – only those detailed in Deathzone
• 0-1 Biased Referee – as per BB2020 and Deathzone
• 0-1 Waaagh! Drummer
• 0-1 Cavorting Nurglings
• 0-1 Dwarfen Runesmith
• 0-1 Halfling Hot Pot
• 0-1 Master of Ballistics
• 0-3 Bottles of Heady Brew
• 0-1 Medical Ungent
• 0-1 Giant
• 0-1 Star Player for tier 1 & 2 teams, tier 3 teams * may have 2 star players
* For a stunty team to be considered stunty, they are only allowed to take star players with the stunty skill or who are strength 5 or above.

We will not be using the following –
• Sponsorship deals
• Stadium rules
• Mercenaries
• Alternative weather tables
• Special play cards
• Match Events

Teams may add a number of free skills at the start of the tournament, depending upon their tier. Please note, the GW tiers have been followed except where Vampires are concerned . . . they are so bad they deserve to be in tier 3!
No skill may be taken more than twice. For example, a Human team may add block to 2 of their players, but the 3rd skill will need to be something different.
Coaches may stack 2 skills on 1 player if they wish.
Tier 1 teams – 3 normal / standard skills
Amazons, Chaos Dwarfs, Dark Elfs, Dwarfs, Humans, Lizardmen, Norse, Old World Alliance, Orcs, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Wood Elfs

Tier 2 teams – 5 normal / standard skills
Black Orcs, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Daemons of Khorne, Elf Union, High Elfs, Imperial Nobility, Necromantic Horror, Nurgle, Slann, Tomb Kings, Underworld Denizens,

Tier 3 teams – 1 double and 6 normal / standard skills
Goblins, Halflings, Ogres, Snotlings, Vampires

What you need to bring
• Team – ideally painted but ok if not
• Dice
• Reroll / turn / score markers
• Templates / rulers
• Pen / pencil to fill out results slips
• A printed copy of your roster
• The ability to tweak the nose of ill fortunes

The Bubble
The weather remains the same across the whole bubble. Therefore, the TO will roll the weather once at the start of the match to apply to all 3 games in each bubble. However, any subsequent change of weather rolls in any game in that bubble will change the weather for all of the games in that bubble. This means the weather could change mid drive for some matches, so watch out!
There will be a board with weather tokens on display – keep an eye on what the current weather is!

Glittering Prizes
There will be awards for the winner of each bubble, plus an award for the overall coach who for . . . .
• Most Casualties
• Most Touchdowns
• Highest placed stunty team in all 3 bubbles

Tournament Report
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