?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameFreedom Fest
Organizer NAF nameLoynster (24104)
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-07-31
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-07-31
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


lordajm (25431)Dark Elf

Runner up

gritter (24927)Dwarf

Most Touchdowns

lordajm (25431)Dark Elf

Most Casualties

halfabrain (28386)Chaos Renegade

Stunty Cup

JuJuu (26658)Ogre

Best Painted

EyeBallPaul (26398)Halfling

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressRule Zero
 4a Roach Road
ZipE3 2PA
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

FREEDOM FEST is limited to 40 players. To reserve your place please purchase a ticket by sending £20 to loyn@me.com. Use ‘Friends and Family’ and include your NAF name and number in the notes. This payment will include NAF membership if you are brand new to the NAF, we’ll sort your signup out! Once we are full you will be placed on a reserve list.
Please note that in this unique case, refunds will be given upto and including the day of the event in case of COVID impact. Otherwise no refunds will be given after 26th Jun. The event may also be cancelled upto and including the day of the event; pending both your own personal-covid circumstances AND govt guidance. If the event is cancelled full refunds will be given!

Team Roster
- Any of the 21 teams in the BB2020 rulebook may used as well as the 6 teams in the GW Teams of Legend PDF; and the 2 teams in the NAF Rules for Tournaments 2021 PDF.
- Coaches may spend up to 1.15 million gold on their team. Note, all new GW Spike rules/teams released up to the day of the event will be in use.
- No inducements may be taken aside from bribes (all teams). Halflings may take the Master Chef for 100k.
- There are 3 tiers at FREEDOM FEST, the Tier for each team is annotated on its roster in one of the above 3 locations.
- 0-2 Star Players from the BB2020 rulebook and Spike magazines from issue 11 onwards are allowed and may only be taken after you have 11 on your initial roster. No star may be given additional skills.

- Each team is tiered as outlined above and each tier has an allocation of additional skills. They will have a number of primary skills allowed, they may have a number of secondary skills allowed and they will have a number of random primary skills allowed.
- A player allocated a random primary skill will have their skill randomly assigned to them at the start of EACH game as per the post-game sequence system detailed on pg 71 of the BB2020 rulebook. Note, unusually this will occur at the start of each game rather than in a post-game sequence.
- Coaches may distribute the number of additional skills allowed by their tier allocation freely among their players. No player may be given more than one additional skill.
- A maximum of 4 duplicate skills are permitted Team-wide, i.e.: 4 players with block, 4 with guard etc, but not 5 with block. This does not effect any random skills taken (ie you don’t have reroll and may end up with more than 4 duplicates if they’re randomly rolled)

- Primary allocation: 4 - Secondary allocation: 0 - Random (primary) allocation: 1
- Primary allocation: 5 - Secondary allocation: 1 - Random (primary) allocation: 2
- Primary allocation: 6 - Secondary allocation: 2 - Random (primary) allocation: 2

- Win = 10pts
- Draw = 5pts
- Loss = 0pts

In addition to the above points, there will be 3 Special Play bonus points on offer at the event. At the start you will receive 3 Special Play cards. You MUST play one of these cards in each game and each card may only be played once. Both players will play a card face down and flip at the same time after both teams are set up in the 1st half. You will receive 1pt for each Special Play you achieve during the event.

The Special Plays are as follows:
- Win a game by 2 or more Touchdowns
- Cause an injury by fouling
- Score a touchdown in the first 4 turns of EITHER half

In order to determine the final standings at the end of the event tie- breakers will be applied as follows:
- Touchdown difference
- Casualty difference
- Sporting votes
- Fight to the death...or dice roll if both coaches don’t agree (boo!)

Tournament Report
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