?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameBunvegas Dolphin Bowl
Organizer NAF nameBeyond (27983)
OrganizerMatt Denham
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-08-14
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-08-14
ScoringSee player pack
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountyes

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressUnit 3E-1 Homemaker Centre
 42 Strickland Street
StateWestern Australia

Ruleset Document

The Bunvegas Dolphin Bowl 2021
Saturday 14th August
Welcome to The Bunvegas Dolphin Bowl - A Blood Bowl Tournament. Here you will find all the information you need to participate.

System: Blood Bowl 2020
Beyond HQ, Bunbury
Unit 3E-1 Homemaker Centre
42 Strickland Street
Bunbury 6230
Commissioner: Matt Denham

Tickets: $35 ($30 for Beyond Champions and NAF Members) available via beyondgamesandhobby.com.au or in store or call (08) 9117 2751. Tickets are non-refundable but are transferable up to a week in advance.

Food: Included in the ticket price. More information and preorders closer to the event.

Tournament type: You will play four games over one day, each with a different player. The format for the tournament is Swiss: Randomly drawn first round followed by peer vs peer subsequent rounds. This means you will be playing against coaches that are about as good, bad or lucky (delete as appropriate) as you are!

Blood Bowl Rules: The latest Blood Bowl rules (including May 2021 Errata/FAQ) will be used, along with the NAF-sanctioned tournament rules . All players should have a copy of the current edition of these rules.

Team Selection: Each coach has a gold allowance (see below) with which to purchase a roster for the tournament using the current blood bowl rules. This allowance may be spent on players, apothecaries, team rerolls, assistant coaches, cheerleaders, fan factor, Star Players, and inducements. The following are not available: special play cards, mercenaries, and journeymen. Teams are only allowed to recruit one Star Player, except stunty teams which are allowed two Star Players.
In addition, each coach receives a free skills package (see below) to upgrade players on their roster. This allowance may be used to add skills to rostered players only, not Star Players. In addition, the following restrictions apply:
No player may be assigned more than two skills.
No Skill may be added to your roster more than four times (The Bruno Rule).
Tier 1 - 1,200,000GP - 8 Skills (Max 2 Secondary skills)
Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Human, Lizardman, Norse, Old World Alliance, Orc, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Wood Elf
Tier 2 - 1,250,000 - 8 Skills (Max 3 Secondary skills)
Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Daemons of Khorne, Elven Union, High Elf, Imperial Nobility, Necromantic Horror, Nurgle, Slann, Tomb Kings, Underworld Denizens, Vampire
Tier 3 - 1,300,000 - 8 Skills (Max 4 Secondary skills)
Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Snotling
Star Players purchased on a team’s roster may be included in the 11-player roster minimum. If two coaches have hired the same Star Player, they will both be able to field the Star Player. Obviously, some cray-cray wizard magicked up a clone of the Star Player so both teams will get their gold’s worth! Please note that Apothecaries and Wandering Apothecaries may never be used on Star Players.

Player Skill Progression: Unlike in league play, players will not gain skills or carry injuries through the tournament. The list you start with in game one, will be the list you use for each following game.

Roster submission: Once you have completed your roster, send it to matt@beyondgamesandhobby.com.au
All team rosters must be submitted by 7th August 2021. Coaches who submit their roster after the above date (without prior arrangement with the Tournament Organiser) will automatically lose the roll for kick-off at the beginning of the game.

Painting standard: Fully painted, WYSIWYG. Make sure your models are clearly marked with their squad numbers and each model clearly represents both its position and its race. Star Players do not need to have squad numbers You will be asked to remove any models that do not conform to this standard.

Registration: 0845
Game 1: 0900 to 1100
Game 2: 1115 to 1315
Lunch: 1315 to 1345
Game 3: 1345 to 1545
Game 4: 1600 to 1800
Awards: 1815
Players who are not present at the start of the scheduled round could be penalised and may forfeit their game. Any coach who does not attend a scheduled match at the scheduled time (plus up to 5 minutes at the Commissioner’s discretion) will be treated as conceding the match, with effects as per the rules. The game will be recorded as a 2 TD, 2 CAS victory.

In the bootbag: You will need to bring your painted team, dice (3 Block dice, 1 D8, 2 D6) templates, a pen or pencil, all relevant rules publications, and at least 2 physical copies of your team roster. Any electronic devices used to carry official rules references should be charged and available for reference at all times. Magic sponges are not mandatory, but are recommended. Glue for emergency repairs helps too.

Player Conduct
The most crucial part of Beyond events is that everyone has a good time and creates cool memories in a safe and secure environment. We place great emphasis on playing excellent games of Blood Bowl with like-minded people. Therefore, we expect players to play each game according to a certain code of conduct to support this. When you arrive at your table for a game, greet your opponent, introduce yourself, offer them a copy of your team roster and start the game promptly. We then expect players to treat each other positively and demonstrate good sportsmanship. After all, part of your overall score is based on doing just this.

Arrive on time with all of the things you need to play the game.
Give your opponent a chance to examine your roster before the game starts and answer any questions they have about your team and its rules.
Be polite and respectful. Introduce yourself and make a gesture of friendship (fist bump, handshake, wave etc)
Don’t use offensive language or distract your opponent during their turn. Remind them if they’ve forgotten a rule, particularly when it is to their benefit.
Ask permission before touching any of your opponent’s miniatures.
Play through your turn as briskly as you can but ensure you communicate your intentions clearly and provide your opponent with opportunities to intervene when they can. Never deliberately waste time during a game or leverage the clock to disadvantage your opponent.
Be gracious in defeat and humble in victory. Temper your banter and don’t bemoan instances of luck or brag about outcomes. By all means, tell stories of heroic deeds!
Never fix the outcome of a game or cheat in any way.
Give your opponent the chance to examine your dice rolls before picking up the dice, measure moves and distances carefully, and record your score and casualties accurately.

Coaching: The game should be played between you and your opponent – no help from other coaches, friends, family or other onlookers is permitted. It is, however, always good to discuss the game afterwards with your opponent, you may learn something!

Taking Moves Back: This is about Sportsmanship by both coaches. If the opposing coach allows you to take a moved player back, that is fine. However, the opposing coach does not have to agree. Yet, if a coach has moved a player, & then starts moving another player, the first player cannot have his move taken back. This is also true of rolling dice. Once you have rolled a die it “cements” that player’s action.

Cocked Dice: All cocked dice are to be rerolled, no exceptions. Cocked dice include those that do not finish up on the game table or are “even a little bit” off lying flat on the table.
That guy already moved!
In tournament play, the convention is that a player’s facing will change once it has completed a move – hence you should be able to look and see everyone who has moved at any point. This convention is to be followed – if you are not sure how it works – ask your oh so friendly Commissioner!

Disputes: If there’s a dispute about a rule even after having consulted the rulebook, ask the Commissioner to provide a definitive ruling. Right or wrong, that is the final answer. No further discussion will be entered into once the Commissioner makes a ruling.
Any further disagreement with the Commissioner after a definitive ruling may result in a coach being sent from the sidelines! The Commissioner will determine a suitable penalty as he sees fit for the transgressing coach.

Quit Policy: We expect all players to see the game through to the very end and not concede, as doing so can impact tiebreakers and, ultimately, the final rankings. In the unlikely event that a player does concede before the game has reached its natural conclusion, then the conceding coach earns a loss and the opposing coach player records a 2-0 victory.

The Champion - Awarded to the Coach who finishes with the highest amount of Tournament Points.
Best Painted Team - Awarded to the Coach who accumulates the most painting votes.
Sportsmanship Award - Awarded to the Coach who accumulates the most sportsmanship votes.

Scoring tournament points:
Win = 5 points
Tie = 2 points
Loss = 0 point
Ranking Factors: In order of priority:
Tournament Points
Touchdowns Scored
Casualty Caused
Touchdowns Difference
Casualty Difference
Every achievement counts so please ensure you record all casualties and touchdowns on the score sheet provided.
The Best Painted Team award itself will be peer based. During lunch, players will be requested to set up their army for their peers to vote for their favourite and second favourite painted army. The team with the most votes will win the painting award. To be eligible for the painting award, the team must have been painted entirely by the coach playing the team.
The Sportsmanship Award will be awarded at the end of the day to the player with the most sportsmanship points. Blood Bowl teaches us to laugh in the face of the many adversities Nuffle places before us and to share our joy in smashing opposing teams and scoring touchdowns. Blood Bowl coaches are renowned psychopaths who, despite their status as the weirdos in the corner muttering about Nuffle and failed rerolls, are a lovable bunch of lunatics. After each game, coaches will vote for Sportsmanship (a.k.a. how awesome was your opponent), using the voting slip provided. Award points to your opponent from 5 down to 1 at the end of each game. The more sporting and enjoyable your opponent, the more you score them - simple!

Prizes: Will take the form of product and or gift vouchers and will scale up according to ticket sales.
Western Australian Super Series: 2018 saw the birth of the Western Australian Super Series, although the first event didn't actually happen until the 6th of January 2019. The idea behind the Super Series was to create a Championship of Events, linking at least three, preferably four or more Single Day Blood Bowl events, by awarding points for finishing in the top ten. The idea was formed, and it arose from there.
From its very humble beginnings as an idea, the Super Series was born, and has quickly gained a following. The idea is very simple - the top ten of each of the events earn points in reverse order - so the event champion will take ten points, whilst second place will earn nine, etc. - right down to tenth place, who will take home one point. As a bonus, the Coach who takes home the Most Touchdowns, or the Most Casualties will earn two points, meaning if you finish first, and have most touchdowns and most casualties, you'll earn 14 points. Coaches who tie for Most Touchdowns and Most Casualties will both be awarded bonus points.
NAF Tournament: Registered NAF coaches will receive international ranking points where games are played against other NAF members. While you do not have to be a NAF member to play in the event, if you are a NAF registered coach, please include your current NAF registration name/number with your entry. If you want to become a NAF member, or just want to know what a “NAF” is, please go to www.thenaf.net or seek out Brendan Schuts, aka Bruno, the WA NAF representative. Just remember, membership has its privileges, like that very desirable NAF merchandise. Once NAF approval has been confirmed we will make an announcement.

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