?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameS.T.A.R. Championship VI
Organizer NAF namespeedingbullet (16845)
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-09-04
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-09-04
Style3 rounds of Swiss
Scoring9:5:1:0 (Win:Draw:Loss:Concede)
Cost£11 (£5 discount for NAF members)
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountyes

Tournament Statistics


KFoged (10691)Lizardmen

Runner up

cornish (20634)Dwarf

Most Touchdowns

Podfrey (149)Underworld Denizens

Most Casualties

LORD_BONAN (26811)Lizardmen

Stunty Cup

speedingbullet (16845)Ogre

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressCoalport Village Hall
 High Street
ZipTF8 7HT
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

The Shropshire & Telford Annual Ruckus (S.T.A.R.) is a one day (3 game) Blood Bowl tournament.

If you have any questions, want to attend or would like a pdf of this information, please search for the Blood Bowl S.T.A.R. Championship Facebook Group or contact bbstarchampionship@gmail.com.

Anyone can enter but numbers are restricted to 20 coaches on a first come first served basis. Payment must be in advance and your place is only secured once payment is received.

Payments via Paypal please to bbstarchampionship@gmail.com. Please include your NAF name in the e-mail if you have one.

The Blood Bowl rules to be used are only:
• The Official Rules, published by GW in 2020, also known as BB2020
• Designer’s Commentary & Errata, hosted online by GW
• Teams of Legend, hosted online by GW
• The NAF approved Khorne and Slann teams as set out in the Rules for Tournaments from 1st January 2021, hosted online by the NAF

Rules introduced by Death Zone, The Ultimate Blood Bowl Companion, published by GW in 2021 are not allowed

Teams are reset between rounds i.e. all dead and injured players are returned to health for the next round.

Team rosters must be submitted during Registration to the Tournament Organisers. Registration opens at 09.00 and closes at 09.45. The tournament should be finished including awards by 18.30.

Coaches should spend 1,250,000 gold pieces (GP) to create their team. This may be spent on players, rerolls, assistant coaches, cheerleaders, apothecary, primary chosen skills, dedicated fans and inducements with the following requirements:

• A minimum of 1,245,000 GPs must be spent
• There must be a minimum of 11 players on the team roster.
• Induced star players are not permitted except that Goblin, Ogre, Halfling and Snotling teams may include 1 induced star player on the team roster. At least 11 players must be on the roster before an induced star player can added.
• Players on the team may be given one primary, chosen skill at a cost of 20,000 GPs. This is limited to 1 chosen skill per player and to 4 instances of a chosen skill per team (e.g. a dwarf team may purchase no more than 4 Guard skills).
• Induced star players may not be given additional skills.
• Special Play Cards are not allowed.

In addition to the above, each team is also allowed to upskill one of its players to a STAR Player as set out below.

One player per team may be upgraded to be the team’s STAR Player by the addition of one of the following 6 upgrade packages:

Option 1: 2 primary skills & 1 secondary skill
Option 2: 1 primary skill & +1 STR
Option 3: 1 secondary skill & -1 AG (e.g. 3+ AG would become 2+ AG)
Option 4: 1 secondary skill & -1 PA(e.g. 4+ PA would become 3+ PA)
Option 5: 1 secondary skill & +1 MA
Option 6: 2 primary skills & +1 MA

A primary skill may be taken instead of a secondary skill.

The upgrade packages use chosen skills rather than random skills. In a change to the rules of BB2020, characteristic improvements for the STAR Player are chosen by the coach rather than randomly selected.

The STAR Player may not be given a (+2) skill i.e. Mighty Blow (+2) and Dirty Player (+2) are not permitted.

Different combinations of skill and characteristic upgrades would normally raise team value by different amounts. However, the STAR Player’s upgrades are “free” for the purposes of this tournament i.e. they do not increase TV and there is no need for an inducement phase in the pre-game sequence.

The STAR Player must be a player who has not already received a primary skill and may not be an induced star player.

The upgrades must be chosen prior to Registration and all team rosters must be checked by a Tournament Organiser during Registration.

Sequence of Play
• Find/meet opponent
• Find a pitch
• Discuss / check team rosters
• Roll for fans, weather and kick-off
• Complete the match result slip and hand it in to a Tournament Organiser.
• No winnings are rolled.
• Teams are completely reset after each match, injuries do not carry over between rounds and players do not gain additional skills.
• Any zombies raised in a match are lost at the end of the match.

The timetable is based on 2 hours 15 minutes per match. No overtime is played. It is up to both coaches to ensure that games are completed within the allocated time. The Tournament Organisers have the right to end matches as they stand if the matches are not finished within the allocated time. Any coach found to be deliberately stalling for time to run-out a match can be penalised with a points deduction at the discretion of the Tournament Organisers.

If at any stage you are faced with a situation that can’t be solved between the two coaches, speak to a Tournament Organiser (TO). The TO’s decision is final.

What to Bring with You

Team Rosters: 2 copies of your roster, written or printed (on paper) so you team can be checked
at Registration and your opponent can refer to your roster, if required.

Models: Teams must be painted to a “decent” 3 colour minimum standard, based and
numbered with preference for the number to be on the front and back. Positionals should be
recognisable and representative. If you are unsure, please check in advance with the
Tournament Organisers.

Dice: Blocking dice x 3, D6 x 2, D8 x 1, D16 x 1 and you must be prepared to share with your
opponent, if asked, or alternatively to use dice provided by the Tournament Organiser. This is a requirement of entry, payment indicates agreement.

Pitches etc: A pitch, throw in template, scatter template, range ruler and dugouts

Round 1 match-ups will randomly chosen. From Round 2 onwards the Swiss system will be used.

Each round will be scored as follows: Win 9 points, Draw 5 points, Loss 1 point
Any coach who concedes a game will receive 0 points and will not be eligible for any awards.

During each game, record all touchdowns and casualties. These include casualties caused by fouls, the crowd, failed dodges, failed GFIs, secret weapons and stars.

If two or more coaches are tied at the end of the tournament then the following tiebreakers will be used:

Sum of opponents’ scores
TD difference
Cas difference
Random (e.g. coin toss)

There will be an award ceremony to recognise:
First place
Second Place
Highest placed stunty team (only Goblin, Halfling, Ogre and Snotling teams are stunty teams)
Most touchdowns scored
Most casualties inflicted

The STAR Championship normally presents prizes to the award winners but won’t do so this year. In the uncertain situation presented by the pandemic, the entry fee for Star VI has been reduced to a minimum level to cover the cost of hall hire only. This reduces the upfront cost to the Tournament Organisers and reduces the cost for participants.

The day is intended to be a fun day for all and coaches should conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all times, no matter how many 1s or skulls are rolled!

Tournament Report
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