?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameLondon Grand Tournament
Organizer NAF nameLoynster (24104)
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-09-25
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-09-25
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


BartK (25878)Underworld Denizens

Runner up

howlinggriffon (3709)Amazon

Most Touchdowns

BartK (25878)Underworld Denizens

Most Casualties

gritter (24927)Norse

Stunty Cup

dubiousmongoose (28505)Halfling

Best Painted

dubiousmongoose (28505)Halfling

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressThe Lee Valley Indoor Athletics Centre
 61 Meridian Way
ZipN9 0AR
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document


The LGT - Blood Bowl is a 4 game, 1 day Blood Bowl resurrection
tournament held in London. It will use the Exhibition rules detailed in the
BB2020 rulebook (any changes are detailed in this document). It is NAFsanctioned and the pairings will be Swiss-drawn.


- Any of the 21 teams in the BB2020 rulebook may used as well as the 6
teams in the GW Teams of Legend PDF; and the 2 teams in the NAF
Rules for Tournaments 2021 PDF.
- More teams may be allowed if released in official GW supplements up to
and including the day of the event. The team rules in use will be the most
current by GW including supplements or Spike magazines.
- Coaches may spend up to 1.15 million gold on their team.
- No inducements may be taken aside from bribes (all teams), Bribery &
Corruption Rule is in effect. Halflings may take the Master Chef for 100k.


- There are 3 tiers at the LGT, as annotated on their roster:

1. Dark Elves, Dwarves, Elven Union, Humans, Lizardmen, Old World
Alliance, Orcs, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Wood Elves, Amazons,
Chaos Dwarves, Norse.
2. Black Orcs, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Imperial Nobility,
Necromantic Horror, Nurgle, Underworld Denizens, High Elves, Tomb
Kings, Vampires, Daemons of Khorne, Slaan.
3. Goblins, Halflings, Ogres, Snotlings, Goblin Bruisers*, Undergobs**
- 0-2 Star Players from the BB2020 rulebook and Spike magazines from
issue 11 onwards are allowed and may only be taken after you have 11
on your initial roster. No star may be given additional skills.


- Each team is tiered as outlined above and each tier has an
allocation of SPP to spend on skills for their team - outlined at
the bottom of this page.
- These SPP can be spent in anyway you like, including
purchasing random skills or stat boosts. These are purchased
as per the Advancements Table on page 71 of the BB2020
Rulebook. Skills/stat boosts may be stacked as much as you
wish on any player, or spread out among the team. Any extra
SPP not used are wasted.
- Don’t forget that if you stack skills you’ll pay the additional
price. So, for example, a second advancement would cost 4
SPP for a random primary skill, or 14 SPP for a chosen
secondary skill. You may stack your skills in any selection order
(so if you had a random primary and a chosen primary, it would
make sense to have the random primary as your second
selection since then it’s only 1 SPP more rather than 2).
- A player allocated a random skill or a stat boost will have their
skill/stat boost randomly assigned to them at the start of EACH
game as per the post-game sequence system detailed on pg 71
of the BB2020 rulebook.


TIER 1 - 33 SPP

TIER 2 - 45 SPP

TIER 3 - 57 SPP


- Win = 10pts
- Draw = 5pts
- Loss = 0pts


In addition to the above points, there will be 4 Special Play bonus points on
offer at the event. At the start you will receive 4 Special Play cards. You
MUST play one of these cards in each game and each card may only be
played once. Both players will play a card face down and flip at the same
time after both teams are set up for the 1st half but before the kick-off. You
will receive 1pt for each Special Play you achieve during the event.
The Special Plays are as follows:
1. Win a game by 2 or more Touchdowns
2. Cause an injury by fouling
3. Score a touchdown in the first 4 turns of EITHER half
4. Cause 2 or more casualties by ANY means, whether blocked, fouled or
even if they trip and injure themselves; if a player is in your opponents
dead/injured box at any point (including if successfully regenerated),
you get a casualty.

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