?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameButcher Bowl 2
Organizer NAF namenodgefodgekins (25323)
OrganizerEd Roebuck
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-09-25
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-09-25
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


thulean (28239)Necromantic Horror

Runner up

spleggy (20768)Orc

Most Touchdowns

spleggy (20768)Orc

Most Casualties

papa_laza_rou (29966)Shambling Undead

Stunty Cup

wobert (20177)Goblin

Best Painted

slimjono (23894)Dwarf

Other Awards

vernandosanchezz (25137)Goblin
Carnage Award
littleleadperson (23767)Snotling
Darwin Award
MattyDutDut (33280)Chaos Chosen
Wooden Spoon
Tournament Location
AddressLast Bastion
 Effingham Street
StateSouth Yorkshire
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

This tournament uses ‘Season 2’ (2020) rules taking any recent FAQs/errata into account. The format is a standard 3-game resurrection tournament with the same team roster to be used in every match with no injuries, deaths, raised players or player progression carrying over between games.

Trophies are up for grabs for the Overall Winner, Most Cas, Most Touchdowns, Carnage Award (most cas caused by your Ch@insaw mercenary), Darwin Award (most cas suffered by any means), Best Stunty team and Best Painted Team**.
**This must be painted by the participant him/herself, be fully painted and based and must be the team you are actually using in the tournament.

Note that, with the exception of painting awards, all prizes will be distributed so that no one wins more than one - we like as many prize winners as possible!

Coaches have 1.1 million gold crowns to spend on buying players, Assistant Coaches, Cheerleaders, Apothecaries, Bloodweiser Kegs, Dedicated Fans and Rerolls.

All teams from the ‘Season 2’ rulebook and Teams of Legend PDF can be chosen from.

Other inducements are not allowed with the following exceptions:

- Tier 3 teams may purchase 0-1 Star Players once the roster has 11 standard players on its roster (for the purposes of this tournament, Grak and Crumbleberry are also allowed even though they are considered 2 stars and will take up 2 spots on rosters as normal).

The following Special Rules are in effect:
Teams with the ‘Halfling Thimble Cup’ special rule may take a Master Chef for 100,000 gold pieces.
Teams with the ‘Bribery and Corruption’ special rule can buy 0-3 Bribes for 50,000 gold pieces.
Teams with the ‘Masters of Undeath’ special rule can gain a Zombie in a game in which they kill an opposing player (as per official rules) but the new zombie will not carry over into the next game(s); the same rule applies for Nurgle’s Plague Ridden trait.

In addition to your 1.1m roster and skills, each team has a free Bribe and a mercenary lineman with the following profile:

MA 6, ST 3, AG 3+, PA 4+, AV 9+
Cha!nsaw, Loner (4+), No Hands, Secret Weapon

Each team has a skill package to enhance their players. You may not assign more than one additional skill to any player and star players may not have additional skills added, though you CAN allocate a skill to your cha!nsaw mercenary!

Coaches will have the following skills allowance for their team:

Tier 1 - 2 primary skills or 1 secondary skill
Tier 2 - 4 primary skills (coaches may exchange 2 primary skills for 1 secondary skill once)
Tier 3 - 6 primary skills (coaches may exchange 2 primary skills for 1 secondary skill up to three times)

(Tiers are based on the 2020 rulebook)

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