?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameNaughty or Nice: Naughty List Xmas 7s
Organizer NAF namehouseblackfyre (28534)
OrganizerSean Cowley
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-12-11
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-12-11
CostFree to NAF Members
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountyes

Tournament Statistics


Hellfish (25050)Skaven

Runner up

paperbagfox (16506)Khorne

Most Touchdowns

houseblackfyre (28534)Vampire

Most Casualties

bgood (30475)Dark Elf

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
Address2430 Harris
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

He's making his list, checking it twice... so are you naughty, or are you nice? Come find out at one (or both!) of our two Holiday-themed Sevens tournaments this weekend!

Blood Bowl Sevens is a shorter, quicker version of the sport played on a smaller pitch by players who weren’t quite good enough to make it into the big leagues.

Each day's tournament is a stand-alone event, and you can participate in one or both of them. There will be a special award for the overall points winner of the two combined days. You can play any of the NAF-approved races for 2020 tourneys (sorry, Brets), but if you play a "Naughty List" team on Saturday you get a free bloodweiser babe added to your roster (the "Nice List" teams will get the same thing on Sunday instead).

Naughty List Teams: Black Orcs, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Dark Elves, Goblins, Necromantic Horror, Nurgle, Ogres, Orcs, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Snotlings, Underworld, Khorne, Chaos Dwarves, Khemri, Vampires.

Nice List Teams: Dwarves, Elven Union, Halflings, Humans, Imperial Nobility, Lizardmen, Old World Alliance, Wood Elves, Slann, Amazons, Norse, High Elves.

We will be using the official Second Season 7s rules from the 2021 Death Zone, as well as that manual's pricing for inducements (including desperate measures if someone wants to purchase one or more of them).

- All Blood Bowl 2020 races & rosters available from the Second Season Rulebook, Teams of Legend pdf, as well as the NAF-approved roster for Slaan. The updated 2020 rules GW Khorne roster is approved for this tourney, as opposed to the NAF-approved roster from last year. No 2016 rosters
are available.
- No star players are allowed
- 600,000 gp to spend on your team
- You must hire 7 and up to 11 players, and only 4 non-linemen types allowed
- Re-rolls cost double (they’re amateurs)
- Inducements must be bought at team creation, at the pricing provided in the Death Zone manual. Desperate measures may also be rostered as an inducement, but a new roll on the table will be required before each game. No wizards, infamous coaching staff, or other inducements not listed in the Sevens Rules may be induced (see Death Zone p.93 for a full list of allowed inducements).

- Each team is allowed to give some players additional skills within the restrictions below.
- Each team chooses 1 player to be the Team Captain - they gain the Leader skill. The Team Captain can swap the Leader skill for any primary skill if they so choose.
- Teams will have a number of additional skills based on the Team Tier ratings.
- No player can be given more than 1 additional skill as discussed below (this includes the Team Captain, who already has his or her additional skill)
- Tier 1: 1 skill, must be a primary
- Tier 2: 2 skills, up to 1 of which may be a secondary.
- Tier 3 (Includes Lizards with no Saurus, Black Orcs with no Black Orcs and Underworld with no Skaven): 3 skills, up to 2 of which may be a secondary.

Weather table: It's the Holiday Season, so we will be playing with the Winter Weather table (Death Zone, p.78). Bundle up and stay warm out there!

9:00 - 9:30 Registration
9:30-10:45 Game 1
11:00-12:15 Game 2
12:15-1:00 LUNCH
1:15-2:30 Game 3
2:45-4:00 Game 4
4:15-5:30 Game 5
5:30 Awards Presentation

The first round of matches will be randomized. Each following round will be determined through Swiss pairings. Points are awarded as follows:
Win - 3 points
Draw - 1 point
Loss - 0 points
Tiebreakers are as follows: TD for, CAS for, TD differential, CAS differential, Nuffle (coin flip)

1st Place
2nd Place
Most Touchdowns
Most Casualties
Stunty Cup (Tier 3)

Your Blood Bowl Team (painted if you please - borrowing a team is also possible, email me)
Dice (extra sets will be on hand)
7 copies of your roster (one for tournament records, one for you, one for each opponent)

In honor of the Holiday theme, each player will receive festively-themed swag, as well as a bloodweiser babe to use during the competition if your team is eligible for one (see above). There will also be prizes for each one-day event as well as the overall two-day combined event.

Tournament Report
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