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Tournament NameWinter Wizards IV: Return to the Dungeon Bowl
Organizer NAF nameJeffro (20148)
OrganizerJeff Gallenbeck
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-02-05
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-02-05
StyleStandard & Dungeon
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


szrlm (6193)Black Orc

Runner up

Rodney_Dangerfield (9813)High Elf
StoutYoungblood (7422)Dwarf
valdric (3228)Halfling

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressGrognard Games
 839 Roselle Rd
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Winter Wizards Bowl Special Rules

Ice Fields
A violent sport on ice? It’ll never catch on. After a ball bounces, it moves one more square in the same direction.

On Pitch Spellcasters
The fever pitch from last season’s Winter Wizards Bowl created such a feeling of superiority and Hubris among the wizarding community, that now… these weak-limbed book-sniffers think they are Blood Bowl players. And a few of the older, wiser ones are happy to let the younger bunch experiment with that over-inflated sense of self-worth. Every team now will automatically get (1) On-Pitch Spellcaster added to their team for free. They will also be allowed to cast up to three spells a game.

• Wizards all have regular stats of lineman of that race but with ST-1, AV-1 and Loner
• Each race has a specific spell they are allowed to do once a game.
• Each Wizard that starts on the pitch for the first time in either half gets a random spell from the Common Spell list that they may cast that half.
o Shuffle your cards, present them to your opponent, and your opponent picks one without seeing which it is.
o If that spell is not used during the half, they lose it.
• Spells may be cast after any movement, but normal turnover rules apply – and once the Wizard casts the spell, their movement is stopped (unless the spell additionally grants them the ability to do more).

Special Weather Table
There will be a Special Weather Table on the last page of this document that will be used instead of the Normal Blood Bowl Weather Table. Each pitch will roll independently for their weather. Final round in the Dungeon will, however, have perfect weather.

Argue the Call
In accordance with Second Season Rules, A Head Coach may ‘Argue the Call’ on a sending off for a foul. Teams must have a Head Coach model in order to do so (so it can be taken away for the match if the Head Coach is sent off)
Winter Wizards Bowl Team Building

Team Building Rules
You are given 1,100,000 gold pieces to build your team using Second Season or Dungeon Bowl rules. You may purchase players, rerolls, apothecary, fan factor, coaches, and cheerleaders as normal. You may also purchase skills (see Player Advancement below) and what you do not spend of the 160K allotted, you are welcome to add to your team value. So yes – you can have a team value of 1,260,000 gp and not put any skills on them beyond what they start with.
All inducements (should you choose to use them) will be from the new rulesets (including any extra Wizards you may want to add). No Special Play cards will be allowed, as we have enough special winter stuff happening.

Spike Journal Adds
As outlined by NAF Approved Tournaments, all Spike Journal stuffs are on the table. New Wizard use and all inducements are allowed with the exception of any players. That means no Star Players. Wizards, being a jealous and conceited lot, do not want any ringers taking away glory that they may achieve. No mercenary players will be allowed either, and much to everyone’s appreciation and relief – NO GIANTS (who would just wreak havoc and take up too much space in the final Dungeon Round).

Player Advancements
You may choose to spend up to 160,000 gold pieces to purchase player advancements for players of your choice. This is for regular positions only, not the On-Pitch Spellcasting Wizards.

A Primary skill upgrade costs 20,000 gold pieces.
A Secondary skill upgrade costs 40,000 gold pieces.
You MAY NOT purchase ANY stat increase.
No player may have more than 2 skill upgrades.
No skill may be taken more than four times.

All injuries will reset as this is a Resurrection Tournament.
Winter Wizards Bowl Etiquette

Peter Henlein’s Timing Rule
Two hours rounds will be strictly enforced for the first two rounds. You will receive ‘Time Remaining’ updates from the Tournament Organizer to help you stay on pace. In the spirit of good sportsmanship, you should complete your turns in a satisfactory pace. Last round being Dungeon Bowl and being four player games… I have no idea how long these might take, so we’re just gonna wing it. Don’t take forever and be ready to heckle those who might be taking forever.

Kilowoggy’s Guide to Banding
Folks that mark their skills with bands are awesome. If you have other ways to mark your skills, that’s great. If you use bands – please adhere to the following simple guidelines. Blue bands mean BLOCK. White bands mean WRESTLE. Green bands mean GUARD. Yellow bands mean DODGE. Red can mean anything “dangerous” (e.g. Mighty Blow, Tackle, Claw, Pass Block…). Anything else is up to you, but those first four should be across the board.

Jonas Lindgren’s Dice Sharing Rule
You are not required to share dice with your opponent unless they request it. Then you should be honored to share dice with them. Dice towers and/or dice cups are highly encouraged.

Anthony Sarlo’s Illegal Procedure
You are allowed and encouraged to yell or cackle “ILLEGAL PROCEDURE!!” and shake one or both fists in the air simultaneously if your opponent fails to move their turn marker. In the spirit of good sportsmanship, though, Illegal Procedures will not be enforced… but move your turn markers, please.

Jeffro’s Sportsmanship Outline
We are here for the fun of the game. Sportsmanship is encouraged and required. Doing things within the context of the game is not poor sportsmanship (e.g. fouling 16 times, surfing players, stalling out, running up the score, etc.). How you react to your choices, your opponent’s choices, and Nuffle’s whim determines your sportsmanship. Whether you are winning or losing – gloating, ridiculing, pouting, and complaining IS poor sportsmanship. Don’t do it. Be empathetic to your opponent’s failures and chuckle at your own and everyone is gonna have fun.

• A WIN is worth 70 points
• A DRAW is worth 30 points
• A LOSS is worth 10 points
• Each Casualty Inflicted upon the other team (blocking, surfing or fouling) earn +1 bonus point
• Each Touchdown Scored is worth +1 bonus point

T’ain’t none, son.

Tie Breakers
At the end of two rounds, points will be tallied and teams will be sorted into the four Tiered Dungeons to play for the final awards. If there is a tie in Tournament Points, ties will be broken in this order:
• Winning Percentage
• Head to Head Record
• Touchdown Differential + Casualty Differential
• Total Touchdowns + Total Casualties

If it is still a tie at that point, there will be a Feat of Wintry Skills challenge to be determined by consensus with the Tournament Organizer and Grognard’s Staff.

The following awards will be given out after the last round:

• Top Tier Dungeon #1 Champion – Overall Big Cheese Winner
• Tier Two Dungeon Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
• Tier Three Dungeon Thrice Damned Winner
• Tier Four Sewer Rat Roaster Dinner Winner

Winter Wizards Bowl
Weather Table
2D6 Result

2 Wicked Wind Chill: "Cold out here, ain't it? Well… when you're out there, and you're thinking it's so cold you might die, you just think of me… I'll be sitting over here by the heater in the dugout." Roll a D6 for each player on the pitch at the end of a drive. On a roll of 1, the player's brain has not yet frozen to the point where they don't think sitting by the heater would be in their best interest for the next drive. They may not be set up for the next kick-off.

3 Heavy Snow: Visibility is low, it's slippery underfoot and it's impossible to spot tripping hazards, making it very difficult to block effectively. Whenever a player makes a Blitz Action, their ST is reduced by 1 for the duration of that Action.

4 - 10 Brisk: It's rather chilly, but it is as close to perfect Blood Bowl weather as you can hope for at this time of year! This counts as a 'Nice' result for purposes of the Changing Weather result on the Kick-Off table. But don't forget you are still playing on ice!!

11 Blizzard: Between the snow, the wind and the icy ground, it is a miracle the game's still in progress! Any player attempting to move an extra square (GFI) will slip and be Knocked Down on a roll of 1-2, and only Quick or Short Passes can be attempted.

12 Ice Storm: If the fans weren't raging drunk, they would have had enough sense to leave. It's nose-hair cracking cold and raining ice!! Any player attempting to move an extra square (GFI) will slip and be knocked down on a roll of 1-3, they will then slide an additional 2 squares (use the sideline throw-in template to determine direction). in addition, only Quick Passes may be attempted. **When effects of sliding after a failed GFI are applied, they do so BEFORE the armour roll and subsequent scatter of the player per the Ice Pitch rules**
Winter Wizards On-Pitch Spellcasters

The fever pitch from last season’s Winter Wizards Bowl created such a feeling of superiority and Hubris among the wizarding community, that now… these weak-limbed book-sniffers think they are Blood Bowl players. And a few of the older, wiser ones are happy to let the younger bunch experiment with that over-inflated sense of self-worth. Every team now will automatically get (1) On-Pitch Spellcaster added to their team for free. The Wizard will have the skills of a regular lineman of the team, but ST-1 and AV-1 (i.e. Human Wizard will be MA6, ST2, AG3, AV7). They will also be allowed to cast up to three spells a game.

• Each race has a specific spell they are allowed to do once a game.
• Each Wizard that starts on the pitch for the first time in either half gets a random spell from the Common Spell list that they may cast that half.
o Shuffle your cards, present them to your opponent, and your opponent picks one for you without seeing which it is.
o If that spell is not used during the half, you lose it.
• Spells may be cast after any movement, but normal turnover rules apply – and once the Wizard casts the spell, their movement is stopped (unless the spell additionally grants them the ability to do more).

Winter Wizards Racial Spells

Spell Race 1 Race 2
Siren Call Amazon Dark Elf
Zen for Animals Chaos Dwarf Chaos Chosen
Smart Shot Chaos Renegades Ogres
Blizzard Dwarves Norse
Artificer High Elves Pro Elves
Blessing Human Bretonnian
Swamp Call Lizardmen Slann
Mist Form Necromantic Vampire
Cry of Jyhad Nurgle Khorne
Shaman Potpourri Orcs Goblin
Rune of Fear Skaven Underworld
Curse Undead Khemri
Rapid Growth Wood Elves Halflings

Siren Call
Race: Amazon and Dark Elf
Successful Result: All opposing players within 3 squares of the spellcaster, must roll a D6. On a result of 4+, they resist the spell. On a result of 1-3, the player is entranced by the siren call. For the remainder of this and the opponent's following turn, the entranced player(s) may not move or take any further actions. If the hypnotized player(s) is blocked before he recovers, then his Strength is halved (rounded down). All entranced players still have a Tackle Zone and may lend assists.
Failure Result: No effect.
Range: 3 square radius
Succeeds on: 4+

Zen for Animals
Race: Chaos Dwarf or Chaos Chosen
Successful Result: For the rest of the half, a targeted player with Wild Animal may play as if he did not have this trait.
Failure Result: The player enters such a blood rage for the rest of the half that this player must be moved first. If there is any adjacent player from either team, this player MUST throw a block at one of them. If there are no adjacent players, he MUST use the team's Blitz move to Blitz the nearest player from either team. If this player is prone, he will jump up and blitz the closest player from either team.
Range: Any player on the pitch with Wild Animal
Succeeds on: 3+

Smart Shot
Race: Chaos Renegades and Ogre
Successful Result: For the rest of the half, players on the team with Bone-Head, Wild Animal or Really Stupid may play as if they did not have this trait.
Failure Result: Said players must play the rest of the half as if they had Really Stupid.
Range: Any player on the pitch with Bone-Head
Succeeds on: 3+

Race: Dwarves and Norse
Successful Result: The spellcaster changes the weather to a Blizzard until next Kick-off at which point the previous weather returns. During this Blizzard, your team’s players will only slip on a roll of 1 for Go For It squares and can still attempt to throw Long Passes.
Failure Result: No effect
Range: Weather
Succeeds on: 2+

Race: High Elf and Elven Union
Successful Result: The magic of the spellcaster equips the targeted player with a random Magic Item for this match only. Roll a D6:
• 1: Lucky Rabbit's Foot - Player gains the skill Pro. If he already has Pro then he may gain the reroll skill of his choice (Dodge, Pass, Catch, Sure Feet, or Sure Hands).
• 2: Sandals of Leaping - Player gains the skill Leap. If he already has Leap then all uses of the Leap skill are automatically success (no dice roll required).
• 3: Magic Helmet - Player gains +1 AV. If this would take his AV above 10, then no modifiers are allowed to his armour roll instead (Claw, Mighty Blow, Chainsaws, Foul Assists, etc).
• 4: Boots of Speed - Player gains +1 MA, Sure Feet, and Sprint. If he already has Sure Feet and/or Sprint, give the player an additional +1 MA for each of those skills he already has.
• 5: Helm of Distraction - Player gains the trait Foul Appearance. If he already has Foul Appearance, then reroll on this chart.
• 6: Armbands of Blocking - Everytime this player blocks, he may convert one of the blocking dice to a POW result.
Failure Result: A random player on the opposing team gains a random Magic Item for this match only.
Range: Any of your players on the pitch
Succeeds on: 3+

Race: Human and Bretonnian
Successful Result: The team is blessed by the Gods - every action performed in this turn (and only this turn) can be re-rolled as if a team reroll has been spent. You still cannot re-roll a single action more than once.
Failure Result: No effect
Range: Entire team
Succeeds on: 4+

Swamp Call
Race: Lizardman and Slann
Successful Result: A target square and all eight adjacent squares become a puddle of magic mud for a brief instant and then harden again. All players in these 9 squares become trapped in the pitch. In order to escape, after declaring their action for that turn, the player will need to make an unmodified Strength roll (unmodified AG table roll using Strength). Failure means the player has a movement of zero for that turn. A player with zero movement may still pass, hand-off, cast, block adjacent opponents with no follow-up, or foul an adjacent opponent. The spell lasts for each trapped player until they succeed at the strength roll or the drive/half ends.
Failure Result: The square the spellcaster is standing in and all eight adjacent squares get swamped instead.
Range: Maximum of seven squares
Succeeds on: 3+

Mist Form
Race: Vampire and Necromantic
Successful Result: Target player (from either team) becomes mist for the rest of this turn. The player loses his tackle zone, may not lend assists, cannot throw blocks or blitzes, and may not pick-up, catch, or carry the ball. If the player was carrying the ball, it will drop and scatter one square (which will result in a turnover if you cast it on your ball carrier). The player may ignore tackle zones and may even pass through occupied squares. Other players may pass through the square that he is standing in as well. When the player rematerializes at the end of the turn, if another player is standing in the same square both players are knocked over (make AV and Injury rolls). The player that was not gaseous is placed in an unoccupied square (use scatter template to determine). Casting this spell on an opponent is more difficult.
Failure Result: No effect
Range: Maximum of seven squares
Succeeds on: 3+ / (4+ for opponents)

Cry of Jyhad
Race: Nurgle and Khorne
Successful Result: All standing players on the Holy Araby team other than the Spellcaster receive +1 ST, Mighty Blow, and Frenzy until the end of the turn. At the end of the turn, lay all players effected by this spell prone on the field and make armour/injury rolls as normal to see if they hurt themselves during their religious frenzy.
Failure Result: No effect
Range: All players other than the spellcaster standing on the pitch
Succeeds on: 4+

Shaman Potpourri
Race: Orc and Goblin
Successful Result: Select two players on the pitch from the same team (either your or your opponent's). Then roll a D6 to see the spell's effect.
• 1 – EXPLODING SNOWMAN: A Snowman appears and EXPLODES centered on each player's square. Roll a D6 for every player in or adjacent to the player's square. If the roll is higher than the player's Agility place the player prone. Make armour and injury rolls at +1.
• 2 - ZAP!: Roll a D6 for each player. On a 4+ he is turned into a Toad until the end of the drive. Toads have the following stats: MA: 4, ST: 1, AG: 4, AV: 4, Skills: Dodge, Leap, Stunty. Toads will drop the ball if they had it. Toads may not try to pick up or catch the ball and cannot use any skills or gain SPPs. However, if they suffer an injury or even death, this carries over after their re-transformation. Toads re-transform back to normal at the end of the drive or the match (whichever comes first).
• 3 - THE COLOURS: The players have a bad mushroom flashback and are placed prone (no armour/injury rolls) and gain the trait Bonehead for the rest of the drive.
• 4 - NOXIOUS FUMES: The players gain Foul Appearance until the end of the drive.
• 5 - PORTENTS OF POWER: The players are gifted with the ability to see slightly into the future allowing them second chances at mistakes. The players gain the Pro trait until the end of the drive.
• 6 - STRENGTH OF THE GODS: The players gain +1 Strength until the end of the drive.
Failure Result: Nothing Happens
Range: Any two players on the pitch from the same team
Succeeds on: 2+

Rune of Fear
Race: Skaven and Underworld
Successful Result: The entire team now generates an aura which causes intense fear in opponents. For the rest of this and your opponent's following turn, treat all players on the team as if they had Foul Appearance.
Failure Result: No effect
Range: Entire team
Succeeds on: 3+

Race: Undead and Khemri
Successful Result: A Curse spell may be targeted at the entire opposing team or just one player. If targeted at the entire opposing team, the team loses D3 re-rolls for the rest of this half (cannot go below zero). If targeted at a single player, that player ages to an extremely old age. For the rest of the half, this player is considered to have a Strength of 1 and an Agility of 1. The cursed player also has a +1 modifier for any injury roll made against him (brittle bones and all).
Failure Result: Nothing happens.
Range: Dugout or any opposing player on the pitch.
Succeeds on: 4+

Rapid Growth
Race: Wood Elf and Halfling
Successful Result: This spell causes a small plant/seed on the field to grow into a Treeman player for the duration of the spell. This created Treeman player may be grown in any empty square on the pitch. This Treeman will have the following stats: MA: 0, ST: 6, AG: 0, AV: 10 with Mighty Blow and Stand Firm. The spell/created Treeman will last until the end of the drive or until it is knocked down. This created Treeman may NOT: move, follow-up, attempt to catch, hand-off, intercept, or grab/pick-up the ball in ANY manner. The created Treeman may block without follow-up, lend assists, and does extend a tackle zone. If the created Treeman attempts to block the turn the Rapid Growth spell was cast, it must use the team's blitz action for that turn. The referee will not call a penalty if this created Treeman takes the number of players on the field for the Treeman team above 11.
Failure Result: A created Treeman grows on the square where the Spellcaster was standing. The Spellcaster is thrown into the air by the rapid growth of the created Treeman. The Spellcaster becomes Badly Hurt. This will result in a turnover.
Range: Any empty square on the pitch.
Succeeds on: 3+

Common Spell Table
D12 Result Spell learned
1 A Soul in Chains
2 Medusa's Gaze
3 Speed of Light
4 Healing Hand
5 Lightning Bolt
6 Zap!
7 Guidance
8 Fireball
9 Mischevious Imp
10 The Long Door
11 Invisibility
12 Time Bubble

A Soul in Chains
Successful Result: Target player has his soul imprisoned. The player is removed from the pitch and must miss the rest of the half but may return for the second half (if the spell was cast during the first half). If this player was holding the ball, it scatters one square.
Failure Result: The soul of the spellcaster is imprisoned. The spellcaster is removed from the pitch and must miss the rest of the half.
Range: Anywhere on the pitch
Succeeds on: 4+
Medusa's Gaze
Successful Result: The target player loses his Tackle Zone, cannot give assists, and cannot perform any actions or use any skills during this and your opponent's following turn. His ST is halved (rounded down). If the target player was holding the ball, this spell does not cause him to drop it.
Failure Result: Apply the effects of this spell to the spellcaster.
Range: Maximum of seven squares
Succeeds on: 3+
Speed of Light
Successful Result: Target player may move 1d6 squares in addition to his normal MA for this turn only.
Failure Result: No effect
Range: Maximum of seven squares
Succeeds on: 3+
Healing Hand
Successful Result: One player (for either team) who has been Knocked Out, Badly Hurt, or Seriously Injured is healed and moved to the Reserves box.
Failure Result: No effect
Range: Dugout
Succeeds on: 2+
Lightning Bolt
Successful Result: The spellcaster throws a lightning bolt at the target according to the Lightning Bolt template and rolls 2D6, trying to roll over the AG of the first player in the line of fire. If that succeeds, the player is knocked over and must make the armour roll and the following injury roll with a +1 modifiers. If this 2D6 roll is less than or equal to the first player's AG, then the bolt misses, and the roll is repeated for the next player in the line of fire and so on, until a player is hit by the bolt or the bolt has reached its maximum range. If the bolt hits one of your players, this will result in a turnover.
Failure Result: The lightning bolt discharges in the square of the spellcaster, who is automatically knocked over by the bolt. Make armour and injury rolls at +1. This will result in a turnover.
Range: 7 Squares
Succeeds on: 2+
Successful Result: Roll a D6 after the Casting roll. On a roll of 4+, the target player becomes a slimy toad. On a roll of 1-3, the spell scatters as often as you rolled (i.e. if you rolled a 2, the spell scatters twice). If someone is in the new target square (after resolving all scatter rolls), he becomes a toad. Toads have the following stats: MA: 4, ST: 1, AG: 4, AV: 4, Skills: Dodge, Leap, Stunty. Toads will drop the ball if they had it (which will result in a turnover if this player was on the moving team). Toads may not try to pick up or catch the ball and cannot use any skills (other than Dodge, Leap and Stunty). However, if they suffer an injury or even death, this carries over after their re-transformation. Toads re-transform at the next kick-off or at the end of the match (whichever comes first).
Failure Result: The spellcaster becomes a toad
Range: Anywhere on the pitch
Succeeds on: 2+
Successful Result: Target player does not have to roll dice for one single action for this turn, he succeeds automatically. Such actions would include a single Dodge, Pass, Catch, Block, Go for It, Hand Off, or Pick up the Ball action. The spell may not be used on Armour, Foul, or Injury rolls or on Skills that require a dice roll (like Hypnotic Gaze). The player must declare what action will automatically succeed before performing it.
Failure Result: No effect
Range: Anywhere on the pitch
Succeeds on: 2+
Successful Result: The spellcaster throws a snowball into a target square as if he was throwing the ball (use range ruler, etc.). The Spellcaster coach rolls a D6 for each of the players in the target square and in all eight adjacent squares. If the roll is higher than their AG, they are knocked over and have to make an armour roll. This armour roll and following injury roll are made with +1 modifiers. If the ball carrier is knocked over while his team was the moving team, then a turnover takes place. Deal with inaccurate and fumbled Snowballs just as with inaccurate or fumbled passes. Throwing a Snowball is not the team's pass action for the turn. A Snowball cannot be caught, pass blocked, intercepted, but can be thrown in by the fans. Follow normal fumbled ball rules to determine how the fans managed to catch and toss back the Snowball.
Failure Result: The Snowball goes off the spellcaster's square and affects the eight adjacent squares. Roll for adjacent player's AG as normal, but the spellcaster is knocked down automatically which will result in a turnover.
Range: Passing Range Ruler
Succeeds on: 2+
Mischievous Imp
Successful Result: A Mischievous Imp interferes with the opposing team's abilities temporarily. For the rest of the current drive, no player on the opposing team may use any skill that rerolls a specific failed result (examples: Dodge, Pass, Catch, Sure Feet, and Sure Hands). The opposing team may still reroll failed results through Pro and any Team or Leader rerolls
Failure Result: The spellcaster's team loses the specific failed result reroll skills for the rest of the drive.
Range: Entire opposing team
Succeeds on: 3+
The Long Door
Successful Result: The spellcaster chooses a target unoccupied square that is no more than seven squares away where the door opens, and in 1d6 squares from there another unoccupied square where the other end will be. The first player to enter either end of this dimension tunnel will immediately appear in the other square without having to pay movement points for the travel. He can now continue moving and perform other actions as usually, but right after its first use, the tunnel closes and disappears.
Failure Result: No effect
Range: Maximum of seven squares
Succeeds on: 3+
Successful Result: Target player (from either team) becomes invisible for this and your opponent's following turn. This player may ignore enemy Tackle Zones when moving, but he cannot receive a pass or hand-off while invisible. The player may not be blocked. If he throws a block at someone, no offensive assists may be used.
Failure Result: No effect
Range: Maximum of seven squares
Succeeds on: 3+
Time Bubble
Successful Result: The target player may perform another legal action right after the first one (move and then blitz, blitz and pass, block twice, move twice, etc.) Legal means, that you may still only blitz, foul, pass, or cast only once per a turn (unless a special play card allows you more than one of these actions per turn.)
Failure Result: No effect
Range: Anywhere on the pitch
Succeeds on: 4+

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