?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameForest City Bowl
Organizer NAF nameragingengie (30764)
OrganizerKyle Frye
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-12-18
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2021-12-18
Style11s Swiss Pairing
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageShieldwall Gaming Club

Tournament Statistics


malkor (28633)Shambling Undead

Runner up

houseblackfyre (28534)Black Orc
ragingengie (30764)Wood Elf

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

ganzai (31331)Lizardmen
Wooden Spoon
Tournament Location
Address35104 Euclid Ave
 2nd Floor Suite
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

$20 Entry Fee.
Prizes Dependent on Entrants, all entry money will be returned in Prizes and store credit.

Printed Bloodbowl Tokens will be provided

COVID Safety
We will follow all state of Ohio guidelines. Treat others with respect. If you develop a viral type illness prior to the event please do not attend.

We will play three games over the course of the day. Your team will receive additional skills in a random manner before each game to simulate the type of team development that might occur in an actual league.

We will use the Blood Bowl Second Season rules set supplemented by the NAF* Tournament rules for 2021 NAF Tournament Rules for 2021 and will allow Slann and Khorne teams.
We will use the Exhibition Play rules as listed in the Blood Bowl Second Season rule book starting on page 101 with adjustments as noted below. We will not use mercenaries, special ball rules, or weather from Deathzone.

**Note Star Player will not be allowed on rosters for this event. Rosters must be filled using positionals from their respective team.****

If any additional GW releases comes out between the 2021 NAF Rules Update and Crossroads Bowl the Tournament Organizer will review the release and decide on additions.

Building a team:

You have 1.1 Million gold to build your team you may purchase support staff and inducements with this money. Inducements are as noted in the Blood Bowl Second Season rule book (page 89 and onwards) You may NOT purchase mercenaries or any wizards from any source, the weather mage or special play cards. If you are taking an inducement you must have a hard copy of the rules in question for your opponent to review. If in doubt please check with us at the email listed below.

Skills Access:
Your team brought to the event can not purchase any skills. You will randomly be assigned additional skills as the tournament progresses. Coaching staff are NOT eligible for these random skill upgrades.

Prior to game 1: Selected players will roll a random primary skill per the Blood Bowl rule book. This roll should occur before the tournament organizer, their designee or your first round opponent. Document these skills on your team list and have your witness initial them.

Tier 1: One player of your choice
Tier 2: Two players of your choice maximum of one per player
Tier 3: Three players of your choice maximum of one per player

Tier 1: Chaos Dwarfs, Dwarfs, Wood Elfs, Skaven, Norse, Lizardmen, Orcs, Shambling Undead, Amazons, Dark Elfs
Tier 2: Chaos Chosen, Humans, Tomb Kings, Chaos Renegades, Slann, High Elfs, Nurgle, Necromantic Horror, Elven Union, Vampires, Underworld Denziens
Tier 3: Halflings, Ogres, Goblins

Before game 2 and 3 your team will develop additional skills. Pick two different players to get a roll on a primary skill table before your opponent for the upcoming game. Document these skills on your team list and have your opponent you are about to play initial the upgrades. Coaching staff may NOT be selected to receive additional skills.

While Wins and Losses will determine the majority of scoring. Tie breakers will be touchdown differential and then casualty differential with further tie breaking based on ranking of players played. There will be a number of awards dependent on the total number of attendees.

Tournament Schedule
Check in and roster checks 930-10 am
Game 1 : 10:00 am –12:15 pm
Lunch : 12:15 pm – 1:00 pm
Game 2 : 1:00pm – 3:15 pm
Game 3 : 3:30 pm – 5:45 pm
Awards 6 pm

A chess clock will be provided to players that are not on the second half of the game by half time to ensure that all games finish on time.

We expect models to be numbered in some manner. Painting is optional but strongly encouraged. Painting scores will not be part of the overall score, but there may be a painting award depending on the total number of coaches. Conversions and Proxies are encouraged but should strive to be clear to your opponent.

What you need to bring:
Your team, at least 2 copies of your team roster, dice and balls. We encourage folks to type out their roster or use a free online list designer such as one of the ones available here https://www.thenaf.net/resources/roster-creation/


The prize pool depends on the number of registrants, and will be paid out in cash or store credit.

Note that fouling and secret weapon casualties on your opponent WILL COUNT towards casualties inflicted, its called Blood Bowl for a reason.

*The NAF --- Registration pending (Nov 5 2021(
The NAF is an international organization of Blood Bowl players. This will be an NAF official event. You do not need to be a NAF member to play in this event, however we do encourage you to join (it comes with cool swag!)

Rules subject to update as questions are asked.

Packet inspiration credit to the Da Boys Gt.

Tournament Report
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