?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameLegendary Leagues - Chaos Wastes Cup
Organizer NAF namewobert (20177)
OrganizerAlistair Pring
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-05-28
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-05-28
Scoring30pts win 10pts draw 1pt per TD/Casualty (capped at 3each)
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


spleggy (20768)Chaos Dwarf

Runner up

lord_chelmsford (27589)Norse

Most Touchdowns

thulean (28239)Skaven

Most Casualties

DazzaMac (30935)Orc

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

billsy (31626)Ogre
Team Winner - Nurgle
lamour (26503)Chaos Dwarf
Team Winner - Nurgle
lord_chelmsford (27589)Norse
Team Winner - Nurgle
spleggy (20768)Chaos Dwarf
Team Winner - Nurgle
jmfing (30686)Underworld Denizens
3rd place out of 40
cjtaylor_uk (1132)Khorne
Chaos Crown - highest placed Chaos team
TheIrnBruiser (31759)Dwarf
Rookie Wonder
docminiature (30923)Halfling
Team Winner - Nurgle
scalesnscars (32372)Skaven
Team Winner - Nurgle
Tournament Location
AddressSanctuary Gaming Centre
 St. Michaels Street
ZipNG17 4GP
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

The Chaos Wastes Cup is normally fought over by the fell powers of the great north. However, since the fall of the NAF, they have flung the doors wide open for any and all teams to take part. However, all teams that register must still represent one of the great ruinous powers whether they like it or not.

The usual wide range of tricks that a coach may employ on the pitch are more limited than normal. Only those inducements and stars that are freely available to Chaos teams can be taken . . . other stars aren’t stupid enough to travel there!

Take part in the Chaos Wastes Cup can do funny things to a teams players. Often time they grow unusual mutations and some really ill-fated players can balloon out into a Chaos Spawn!

Can you lift the Chaos Wastes Cup . . . . ?

This is a 3 game event as follows -

9-10am - Avengers Assemble
10am-12:15pm - Round 1
12:15pm-1pm - Lunch
1pm:3:15pm - Round 2
3:15pm-3:45pm - Break
3:45pm-6pm - Round 3
6pm-6:30pm - Awards

Scoring will be as follows -
Win - 30 points
Draw - 10 points
Loss - 0 points

Each touchdown to a maximum of 3 will earn up to 3 bonus points
Each casualty up to a maximum of 3 will earn up to 3 bonus points

Coaches on the same points score will be separated as follows -

* Head to head results
* strength of schedule
* total touchdown and casualty difference
* A dice off

All coaches have 1200 TV to spend on their team. They must buy a minimum of 11 players for their team before they spend anything on inducements. They may also use this money for rerolls, coaches, cheerleaders and dedicated fans.

Only inducements normally open to Chaos coaches are allowed at the Chaos Wastes Cup. The only difference is any team may hire them

* Infamous Coaching staff – only Josef
Bugman or Papa Skullbones are available
* Wizards – only Chaos Sorcerer or
Horticulturalist of Nurgle allowed by any team
may hire one
* Cavorting Nurglings
* Bottles of Heady Brew
* Team Mascot
* Weather Mage
* Bloodweiser Kegs
* Bribes
* Biased Referee – generic one only

Star players
Tier 1 and tier 2 teams may hire 1 star player, tier 3 teams may hire up to 2 players. As this is a tournament themed on the chaos wastes, only limited stars who would play on a Chaos team are available. However, anybody may hire these stars regardless of the usual restrictions.

The star players available are –

Akhorne the Squirrel
Glart Smashrip
Grak & Crumbleberry
Grashnak Blackhoof
Helmut Wulf
Lord Borak the Despoiler
Max Spleenripper
Scyla Anfingrimm

If any new stars are added by GW, then they will be considered as well.

About now a few of you will be asking . . .where are Morg and Hakflem? Well lets face it, if they were on the list then we wouldn’t see any of the other stars. So by complete coincidence, they are on a lads holiday in Estalia on the exact same day as the Chaos Wastes Cup and so couldn’t make it. Shame eh?

Wait a minute . . . . he looks like me . . . . ?
If 2 coaches hire the same star player or infamous side-line staff, both players can still use them.

All teams may apply 3 skills to players on their team before the tournament. Tier 1 teams can only select 3 normal skills, tier 2 teams can select 1 double skill and 2 normal skills and finally tier 3 teams can have 2 double skills and 1 normal skill. Skills may not stacked, so must be given to 3 different players.

Teams that enter the Chaos Wastes Cup will represent one of the chaos gods or chaos undivided. However, you do not choose a patron, instead a patron chooses you . . . . . or in other words, you will be randomly allotted a chaos patron by drawing lots when you first arrive on the day. The only exception to this is Nurgle teams may choose Nurgle and Khorne teams may choose Khorne if they wish (it is kind of in keeping). However, each patron will have a limited amount of spots so even they will need to arrive early if playing Khorne or Nurgle to ensure your spot!

The Chaos Wastes Cup has a loose team feel to it as well. There will be a prize for the coaches who represent the winning patron. However, the day isn’t organised around teams, so depending upon the draw you may end up playing and crushing a team from the same dark patron as you, such is the fickle nature of Chaos!

Before each game, each coach will randomly select a player on their team (star players are not included in the random roll) to receive a blessing from their patron. Then they will roll a d16 on the appropriate table and allot that player a new skill or mutation. Try and avoid rolling a 1! These skills last for the remainder of the tournament. The tables will be available on the day and on the event page.

Each column has 1 nega-trait, mutations, traits as well as passing, agility, strength and general skills appropriate to that god. Expect frenzy to be on the Khorne list for instance.

If you roll a skill that player already has then you don't gain an additional skill. Your patron chose not to reward you that go.

From game 2 onwards, there is a chance that the same player will be granted 2 blessings . . . . . this is never a good thing! Should that happen, that players loses all of their skills and traits other than the blessings they were bestowed with. In addition they gain the Really Stupid, No Hands, Frenzy and Mighty Blow +1 skills as they turn into a Chaos Spawn! Their Strength and Armour Value go up 1 and their movement and agility and reduced by 1. Enjoy! This may improve some players and ruin others . . .but you know . . . . it is chaos.

There will be awards for the following -

* Winner
* Runner Up
* Most Casualties
* Most Touchdowns
* Stunty Cup (highest placed stunty team – Goblins, Halflings, Snotlings, Ogres, stunty Black Orcs (Troll and all goblins), Stunty Underworld (Troll, Goblins and Snotlings) or Stunty Lizards (Kroxigor and all Skinks)
* Highest placed Chaos team (only available to Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Khorne and Nurgle)
* Rookie Wonder (highest placed coach who has attended 5 or fewer NAF tournaments)
* Winning team
* Wooden Spoon

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