?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameThe Dungeon of the Drowned
Organizer NAF nameMelifaxis (248)
OrganizerRobert Fossey
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-02-05
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-02-06
ScoringTournament Points
CostFree for NAF members with Convention Badge
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountyes
WebpageRules Packet - Google Doc

Tournament Statistics


mechmage (27715)Dungeon Bowl
College of Metal

Runner up

Melifaxis (248)Dungeon Bowl
College of Metal

Most Touchdowns

Melifaxis (248)Dungeon Bowl
College of Metal
mechmage (27715)Dungeon Bowl
College of Metal

Most Casualties

Melifaxis (248)Dungeon Bowl
College of Metal (8 Casualties)

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressCrowne Plaza Providence-Warwick (Airport)
 801 Greenwich Ave
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

★ Registration ★
Registration will be open to all NAF members until we hit our capacity of 12 coaches.

* However, if 50% of coaches do not provide a Dungeon Bowl set, we will not be able to play. Thus, pre-registration is mandatory for this event with preference given to those bringing a Dungeon Bowl set. If you don’t have a set we can not guarantee you will be allowed to attend. Unlike Blood Bowl where I can bring a dozen pitches, I can only provide a single playing surface for Dungeon Bowl.
* To pre-register (NAF members only) first make sure you have a badge for the convention (Saturday only or Multi-Day), then get your event ticket online, next simply e-mail robert.fossey@gmail.com and tylarledoux@gmail.com , with your name, NAF ID, team name, College of Magic, your commitment to be there on the date of the tourney with or without a Dungeon Bowl set, & roster if it’s ready. You can change your team right up until the event if you need to, but the more teams reviewed in advance the quicker we can get started on the day of the event.
* All e-mails for pre-registration will be processed in the order they are received.

★ Team Creation ★
Teams will be created using the Dungeon Bowl 2021 Exhibition Rules on page 85. All eight teams representing the eight Colleges of Magic in the Dungeon Bowl 2021 Core Rulebook may be utilized.
* Budget: Teams will be created utilizing 1.15M gold crowns and must contain 11 players before any inducements are purchased.
* Inducements: All inducements in the Dungeon Bowl 2021 rulebook on pages 77-79 are fair game as long as prerequisites are met. Inducements from Blood Bowl and Death Zone may not be used.
* Skills: Each team is allotted 36 SPP to spend on either Primary Skills or Secondary Skills based on the chart on page 59. However, random skills and characteristic improvements are prohibited.
* ALL skills MUST be noted on the team roster which is submitted to the Tournament Organizer at registration. Pro tip: Putting the added skills is BOLD font or highlighting them on your roster will help them to stand out.
* Colored rubber bands or skill rings will keep the tournament moving along and are strongly encouraged. I will have some on hand if you need them.
* Questions: Please feel free to ask any questions on the NEBBN Discord server under the event’s channel (Kraken’s Cup for all 3 CaptainCon events):

★Tournament Rules and Gameplay ★
* THE GOLDEN RULE: Sportsmanship matters more than winning. We are gathering to enjoy our time together and share our love of Blood Bowl and Dungeon Bowl. The TO reserves the right to remove any coach from the tournament for poor sportsmanship. Also, remember that fouling, while a despicable act and worthy of distaste of the highest order, is a core part of the game we all love - this is NOT an act of bad sportsmanship; even if done at every opportunity.
* November 2021 Errata will be utilized where applicable.
*NAF 2022 Tournament Rules are in play (inducement and skill related items specific to The Dungeon of the Drowned are clarified above under Team Creation. Slann are NOT playable as they are not a College of Magic team.)
* The following is taken from the NAF 2019 Dungeon Bowl rules, but shortened to fit into our allotted time slot:
★ The first 1 hour of the game is played normally.
★ After 1 hour the reserve boxes on both sides of the Dungeon will be closed and no more players can be brought into the game.
★ After 1.5 hours, in each turn, a random player of the active team is teleported out of the game at the beginning of the turn of the active player and is not allowed to return.
★ After 2 hours the game will be abandoned by the tournament management after an equal number of turns have been played by each coach. The team that owns the ball has won. If nobody has the ball, the team with the most players remaining on the pitch wins. If both teams have the same number of players on the pitch, the game is decided by a coin toss.
* Resurrection/Swiss Style Event
* Prior to each game, coaches should agree what constitutes a ‘cocked’ die and discuss any other issues relating to dice rolling mechanisms and reach consensus (ie dice towers). Should either coach request, dice must be shared between coaches.
* Player aids, such as probability Apps, and the like must not be used while in-game. A Passing Square chart is ok.
* External coaching of players in-game is not permitted.
* Turn timers will not be in place. Please note that you will be given a certain amount of time to complete your game should you be running late at the discretion of the TO. Under such a scenario each coach will be given an EQUAL number of turns.
* Casualties may be scored by Block, Blitz, Foul, Crowd-Push, Secret Weapon, Arm Bar, Diving Tackle, Prehensile Tail, or TTM Collisions

★Player Safety ★
Due to Covid-19 and it’s “lovely” variants all coaches must both be vaccinated and wear a mask for the duration of the event per convention rules.

★Tournament Scoring ★
Teams will be ranked after each match using a point scale (10-65 potential points):
* Winning the Match = 55 Points
* Tied the Match = 35 Point
* Losing the Match = 10 Points
* Smackdown Bonus = 10 Points (inflict more casualties than your opponent)
* The Tournament Champion will be determined by Total Points after three rounds of play and if needed, by Tie-Breakers in the following order:
* Head-to-Head Result (if they have played one another)
* Sum of TD Differential & CAS Differential
* TD’s Scored
* CAS Inflicted
* Coin Toss/Random Die Roll/Other Random Method Determined by TO

★What You Need to Bring ★
* Your painted Dungeon Bowl team. Models must be numbered or easily identifiable. Skill rings or small colored elastic bands to mark players with skills are strongly encouraged to keep things moving along. I will also have some with me if needed.
* 3 copies of your team roster with added skills in BOLD or highlighted
* A Dungeon Bowl set with dungeon tiles (I don’t have enough for everyone), rulebook, templates, dugout, three blocking dice, 2d6, and 1d8
* Writing implement(s)

★Event Schedule★:
8:00pm Check-In
8:15pm-10:15pm Round One
10:15-12:15am Round Two
12:15am-12:30am Break
12:30-2:30am Round Three
* If all Matches from a round are completed we will begin the next round as quickly as possible as many coaches will already have played Blood Bowl all day long

Tournament Report
It was a small late night gathering of inexperienced young Blood Bowl players recruited by the Colleges of Magic. The College of Metal showed up in force, representing 3/4 of the field. The College of Life stood defiantly before them. Liquor flowed freely as did the blood of the wardancers.
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