?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameCapital City Kick Off 2022
Organizer NAF nameDrakenspear (28841)
OrganizerStephen Jarrett
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-06-04
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-06-05
ScoringTournament Points
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountyes

Tournament Statistics


L3athalK (7465)Norse

Runner up

grant85 (6482)Old World Alliance

Most Touchdowns

seanh1986 (23461)Wood Elf

Most Casualties

mage923 (27223)Halfling

Stunty Cup

TheDruidWarrior (32516)Ogre

Best Painted

Taxal (6060)Black Orc

Other Awards

Tournament Location
Address140 Bd Greber
ZipJ8T 6H5

Ruleset Document

The CCKO returns after a one year Nurgle break with new fancy “Season 2” Blood Bowl rules. May your PA be strong and your AV be plus. This will be a 5 game event over 2 days.

140 Bd Greber
Gatineau, QC J8T 6H5

Saturday 4th

8.30 Registration
9:00-11:30 Game 1
11:30-12.15 Lunch
12:15-14:45 Game 2
14:45-15:05 Break
15:05-17:30 Game 3

Sunday 5th

9:00-11:30 Game 4
11:30-12.15 Lunch
12:15-14:45 Game 5
14:45-15:00 Break
15:00-15:30 Raffle draw and prize ceremony

$30 at the door
$25 in advance,
$20 for NAF members.

Coaches have 1,100,000 GP to create their starting team rosters.
Team rosters must consist of at least 11 players. Star Players do not count toward this total. If opposing teams have the same Star Player, both may be used.
The number of skills awarded will also be determined by team type. No Random Skills. One player may receive 2 added skills, otherwise no more than 1 added skill per player. Each added skill can only be duplicated once (ie. Max 2 Guard for Dwarves, Max 2 Dodge for Elves).
Tier A - 6 skills (no secondaries) Dark Elf, Chaos Dwarf, Lizardman, Orc, Undead, Wood Elf
Tier B - 6 skills (up to 1 secondary) Amazon, Imperial Nobility, Dwarf, Elf Union, Necromantic, Norse, Skaven, Underworld, Old World Alliance, High Elves
Tier C - 8 skills (up to 2 secondary) Chaos, Chaos Pact, Human, Khemri, Khorne, Nurgle, Slann, Vampire, Black Orcs
Tier D - 8 skills (up to 4 secondary) Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Snotlings
Permitted Inducements are as follows:
Bribes 0-3
Bloodweiser Kegs 0-2
Wandering Apo 0-2
Mortuary Assistant 0-1
Plague Doctor 0-1
Riotous Rookies 0-1
Biased Referee 0-1
Halfling Master Chef 0-1
Star Players 0-2
For each Star Player you take you, reduce your allotted skills by 2. If you take Hakflem, Morg, Deeproot, Chaney or Griff you must reduce your allotted skills by 4 for each. Tier D teams are required to give up one less skill per star. (For example, Dwarves take Barik and Griff. They would give up all 6 skill selections, 2 for Barik + 4 for Griff and not be able to put any skills on their players. Tier D teams would give up 3 skills for taking Griff and 1 skill for taking Barik).
Giants and Mercenaries are not allowed. (In)Famous Coaching staff and Wizards are not allowed.

Skills Draft
At the end of the first day, there will be two rounds of a skill draft. Starting with the lowest tournament points and working towards the highest, each coach may select a skill from the list below and have it assigned to any player without the Loner skill. If they selected a skill that is not a primary skill available to a player on their team, they forfeit their second skill. You may not select a primary skill in the first round and a secondary skill in the second round (ie. each team will receive either two primary skills or a single secondary skill). A player may not select a skill from a category that is not available to them (ie. a Wood Elf can’t take Two heads). Once a skill is selected, it is removed from the skills available and may not be selected by another coach.

Skills Available:
Agility: Catch, Diving Catch, Diving Tackle, Dodge, Defensive, Jump Up. Leap, Safe Pair of Hands, Sidestep, Sneaky Git, Sprint, Sure Feet
General: Block, Dauntless, Dirty Player, Fend, Frenzy, Kick, Pro, Shadowing, Strip Ball, Sure Hands, Tackle, Wrestle
Mutations: Big Hand, Claws, Disturbing Presence, Extra Arms, Foul Appearance, Horns, Iron Hard Skin, Monstrous Mouth, Prehensile Tail, Tentacles, Two Heads, Very Long Legs
Passing: Accurate, Cannoneer, Cloud Burster, Dump-Off, Fumblerooksie, Hail Mary Pass, Leader, Nerves of Steel, On the Ball, Pass, Running Pass, Safe Pass
Strength: Arm Bar, Brawler, Break Tackle, Grab, Guard, Juggernaut, Mighty Blow, Multiple Block, Pile Driver, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull

How does someone Win this?
Points will be awarded each game as follows:
50 Points Win
20 Points Draw
2 Points per TD
1 Point per CAS

There are trophies for:
The Winner
2nd Place
Most TD
Most CAS
Best Painted
Stunty Cup
Wooden Spoon

The overall winner will take home a neoprene mat from Maelstrom Gaming! Each entry will receive a raffle ticket. Prizes will be raffled off at the end of the tournament.

Tournament Report
A wonderful 2 day tournament held in Ottawa
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