?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameTRIPLE SKULL TEAM CUP 2008
Organizer NAF nameScuro (10469)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2008-09-27
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2008-09-28
Scoring1 - 0,5 - 0
Cost20??? (12??? NAF)
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountyes

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressModena Fiere - Via Virgilio 90
 Modena's trade show quarter at 2km from highway's exit of Modena Nord

Ruleset Document

Journey enter ticket to the trade show:
the tourney will be played inside the Modena's trade show in concomitance with the italian gamming club manifestation "PLAY" (link: www.play-modena.it )

Inscription cost:
8,00??? for full ticket
6,00??? for half ticket
(the organisers of PLAY, are still work to obtain a reduction ticket enter cost for all the tournements players, wait for news)

Tournament Rules:
- LRB 5 (or LRB 6)
- TR 110
- Resurrection 6 rounds.
- Rounds: Swiss by teams & swiss by players.
- Team composition: 3 different coaches with 3 different races
- Team progression: One normal skill alter all the matches except the third. One double skill after this match. No more than a skil for a singol player.
- Extra Rules:
- NO inducements, only halfling team could hire Master Chef at 50'000.
- Raise dead for Undead and Necro as normal.
- No Turn Time, unless Referee call.
- Teams are force to present in time to start the match showed in timetable; in case of every types of problem at least one team member must advertise the Referee of the delay; or in case of delay the team will suffer this penalties:
20minutes of delay: +3 turns (like Riot on kick off table event) and all team members suffer a TD by the direct opponent.
This system will apply for another time at the third penalties called, the team responsible of the delay suffer the definitive loos for all the teams members and the team suffer the Team Extra Malus(as show in Tourney Score section).
If the team in delay will coming until the third delay calling it could choose to play only the second half of the game and all the members of the team starting with the result of 0 - 3 for opponent team.
(Referee HOPES that this penalties system will not applied)

Tourney Score:
Teams points will be calculated by the summary of every singol members of the team in this way:
Win: 1p.to
Draw: 0,5p.ts
Loos: 0p.ts
Concede: -1pt
Team Extra Malus: -2p.ti
Tiebreak will be calculated even for individual and team total score in this order of importance:
Direct Match
TD difference (3p.ts)
Cas difference (2p.ts)

Winner Team, Runner Up Team, Team Third Placed and Team Last Placed (with 3 wooden spoons).
Individual prizes:
Best Individual; Best Scorer; Most Casualties; Paint Award.
Extra Event Prizes:
Cheerleaders of the Year: the girl or girlfriend most present at tournements during the following year.
Lord of Horse (Cavallo, Cabaio): the coach; member of the Horse Club; who had suffered most calling.
Master of the Camel: the coach; member of the Camel Club; who had suffered most calling.
Free Saturday Dinner: random extraction of a meal between all the coaches.

Saturday 27 september:
Open inscription: 8:30am
Inscription Closed and round match up: 9:15
Round 1: 9:30 - 11:30
Round 2: 11:45 -13:45
Lunch: 13:45 -14:45 (preselection for paint contest)
Round 3: 15:00-17:00
Round 4: 17:15 - 19:15
Dinner: 21:00 - meeting point in front of the convention enter site

Sunday 28 september:
Breefing: 9:30
Round 5: 10:00 - 12:15
Lunch:12:15- 13:30 - (vote for paint contest)
Round 6: 13:30 - 15:30
Prizes Awards: 15:45 - 16:00

Holiday Inn modena - mail to: [url]Holidayinn.modena@alliancealberghi.com[/url]
search: http://www.booking.com/city/it/modena.it.html?aid=303945;bnr=13;label=modena-iNJaTmN6v7_t9MtE0tt2oAS1344295371;ws=&gclid=CIuw6OOJlJQCFRg1ZwodcCHQuA

Included in the inscription to the tourney every coach will recive:
A couple of D6 with TSTC simbol marked on, 1D8; a caps with TSTC simbol marked on and a dice carrier pouche.

For any other information mail to:
MaD (mail: madgaddister@gmail.com)
Teg (mail: francesco.bellentani@gmail.com)

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