?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameMatador Melee III
Organizer NAF namehyperbolemur (21888)
OrganizerMatador Melee
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-09-03
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-09-03
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageMatador Melee

Tournament Statistics


scottprime (11678)Imperial Nobility

Runner up

MikeHoncho (30766)Lizardmen

Most Touchdowns

Kilowoggy (11278)Skaven

Most Casualties

pervertedghost45 (31321)Khorne

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

corav (18435)Norse

Other Awards

GRiggan (33163)Shambling Undead
Dust In The Wind
AggieSnake (33162)Wood Elf
Fan Favorite
thomasonbush (32233)Orc
Best Defense
Mastric85 (28634)Orc
Best Sportsman
Tournament Location
Address2155 A 50th Street
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document


9:00 Registration
9:30 – 11:40 Round 1
11:50 – 2:00 Round 2
2:00 – 3:00 Lunch
3:00 – 5:10 Round 3
5:20 – 7:30 Round 4
7:45 Results


Please email matadormelee@gmail.com with the following information: Your Name, NAF ID, Team Race.

Please send your rosters to matadormelee@gmail.com before August 27th.


To pay your registration fee, please go to https://www.hyperbolemur.com/MatadorMelee/Registration

$30 – Pre-register by August 28th


Format and Teams Allowed
Any teams listed in Blood Bowl 2020 ruleset as defined by NAF rules for tournaments 2022, included the recommended rosters, are allowed
• https://www.thenaf.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/NAF-Rules-for-Tournaments-2022.pdf
• https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/lFZy1SIuNmWvxPj1.pdf

All injuries will reset after each match as this is a Resurrection Tournament

The game round time limit WILL be strictly enforced. You will receive ‘Time Remaining’ updates from the Tournament Organizer to help you stay on pace.

You are required to share dice with your opponent if requested. Only GW or NAF Block Dice may be used.


Dedicated Fans
Over the course of the tournament, certain events will increase your team’s Dedicated Fans permanently for the duration of the tournament. Your team’s Dedicated Fans will be used for tiebreakers in the tournament standings, and an award will be given to the team with the highest total Dedicated Fans at the end of the tournament. Once your roll for Fan Factor during the Pre-Game Sequence, it will not change during that game even though your Dedicated Fans can increase.

Your team’s Dedicated Fans will increase by 1 each time one of the following events occurs:
• Your team scores a Touchdown
• Your team causes a casualty via a Block or Foul action that would not normally generate SPP (Foul, Secret Weapon, Stab, crowd push)
• Your team wins or draws a match

Kick-Off Table
The Kick-Off table at the end of this ruleset will be used in place of the standard Kick-Off table. Several events on the Kick-Off table will be affected by your Fan Factor, representing the advantage given by your screaming fans.


You may build your team with 1250K GP. You may purchase players, Team Rerolls, Apothecary, Dedicated Fans, Assistant Coaches, Cheerleaders and Inducements. All inducements are allowed, except for the following:
• Ayleen Andar
• Mercenary Players
• Schielund Scharlitan
• Special Plays
• Professor Fronkelheim

Of your 1250K, you are allowed to use up to 160K GP to purchase additional skills as described below.

*NOTE: To be consistent with other SCARS Tournaments, each team will receive 1 Dedicated Fan for free when creating their roster.

To qualify for the Stunty Champion, your roster must not have any players with S3 or S4 other than Star Players e.g. Halfings, Ogres, Goblins, Lizardmen with no Saurus, etc.

Star Players
You must have 11 players on your roster before hiring any Star Players. Only the star players included in the Blood Bowl 2020 ruleset as defined by the NAF rules for tournaments 2022 are allowed. We will not enforce the "Highlander" Rule i.e. if both teams have hired the same star, both can play.

Additionally, due to their scandals owing to suspicion of crimes including but not limited to arson, cyberbullying, indecent exposure, impersonating members of the clergy, insurance fraud, solicitation, et al, the following star players will have the Fan Pariah skill at this tournament (see below):
• Griff Oberwald
• Hakflem Skuttlespike
• Lord Borak
• Morg 'n' Thorg

Additional Skills
You are allowed to use up to 160K GP out of your 1250K GP not used on your team creation to purchase additional skills.

• A primary skill upgrade costs 20,000
• A secondary skill upgrade costs 40,000
• You may purchase Fan Favorite for 20,000

Fan Favorite Skill
If a Kick-Off table event requires you to roll 2D6, you instead roll 3D6 and drop the lowest die if this player is on the pitch. You may not take purchase this skill if you team has a Star Player with the Fan Pariah skill.

Fan Pariah Skill
If a Kick-Off table event requires you to roll 2D6, you instead roll 3D6 and drop the highest die if this player is on the pitch.

You may not assign more than two skills to any single player.
No skill may be taken more than three times.
Fan Favorite may not be taken more than one time.
You may not assign a skill to a Star Player.

This is a NAF approved tournament. More information can be found at TheNAF.net


Standings will be determined by winning percentage. There is no championship game. Ties will be broken by Bonus Points described below.

Bonus Points
After each round you will fill out the results sheet based on the game just completed.
• 1 bonus point for each touchdown scored (max 4)
• 1 bonus point for each touchdown more than your opponent (max 4)
• 1 bonus point for each casualty caused by any block or foul action (max 4)
• 1 bonus point for each casualty caused by any block or foul action more than your opponent (max 4)
• If you finished the game by using all turns +4 bonus pts

There will be no overtime played. If your game ends in a draw, it is a draw.

All ties will be broken in the following order
• Highest bonus points
• Highest total Dedicated Fans
• Having a Fan Favorite (+) / Having a Fan Pariah (-)
• Highest net Dedicated Fans increase
• Coin Toss

All teams are expected to meet the minimum painted guidelines. They must have 3 colors on them and have had some attempt at making them appear finished.

We are here for the fun of the game. Sportsmanship is not encouraged from the coaches it is required!
Fouling 16 turns in a row and running up the score is not poor sportsmanship, but gloating and ridiculing your opponent while doing so is.


To be eligible for an award, you must have played all 4 rounds of the tournament.
The following awards will be given out after the last round (subject to attendance):
• Champion
• Runner Up
• Best Offense (most TDs scored)
• Best Defense (least TDs allowed)
• Most Brutal (most CAS by block and foul actions)
• Stunty Champion (top placing Stunty team)
• Fan Favorite (Highest Dedicated Fans)
• Player’s Choice (Appearance, voted by peers)
• Best Sportsman (voted by peers)
• Dust In The Wind (lowest in standings)

Spread the Wealth
A coach may only win one award. If they are in line to win more than one award, they will be asked which one they would prefer and the next coach in line will be given the other award. Tournament organizers reserve the right to adjust the awards as deemed necessary.


2 Hold them back! - To contain the crowd, stadium security puts up barriers between the action on the field and the bleachers. For the rest of the game, if a player (unless being thrown by teammate) or bouncing ball would cross the sideline or end line, it stops in the square adjacent to the boundary. If it is a bouncing ball in the same square as a player, bounce it again until it would not go out of bounds. If a player would be pushed out of bounds, he instead is Knocked Down and +2 is added to the Armor roll.

Any subsequent rolls of 2 or 12 on this table for the remainder of the game are treated as a Crowd-Fueled Frenzy.

3 Smuggled Pogo Stick - Each coach rolls 2D6 and adds their Fan Factor. The winning coach (or both in case of a tie) chooses a player on his team. The player(s) gains the Pogo Stick and Dirty Player skills for the rest of the game. If the chosen player(s) has the Fan Favorite skill, they additionally gain the Sneaky Git skill.

4 Pitch Invasion (receiving) – Apply the Pitch Invasion result from the main rulebook Kick-Off event table except both coaches roll 2D6 instead of D6.

If this result is chosen via Dueling Crowd Chants, the receiving team automatically wins the roll and the result of the D3 is treated as 3.

5 Bountygate - If this result is chosen via Dueling Crowd Chants, the receiving team gains one team Reroll or one Bribe that is lost if not used by the end of the drive.

Otherwise, each coach rolls 2D6 and adds their Fan Factor and the number of assistant coaches on their team. The coach with the higher total (or both if tied) gains a Bribe that is lost if not used by the end of the drive.

6 Hurry-Up Offense – The receiving team chooses Quick Snap or High Kick and applies that result from the main rulebook kickoff table.

If this result is chosen via Dueling Crowd Chants, apply both Quick Snap and High Kick.

7 Dueling Crowd Chants - Each coach rolls 2D6 and adds their Fan Factor to the roll.If the total is a tie or the coach with the higher total does not choose to modify the Kick-Off Table result, make a new roll on the Weather table and apply it.

Otherwise, the winning coach may choose to modify the Kick-Off table result by up to 3 according to the difference in the totals

Difference Kicking Receiving
1-5 +1 -1
6-10 +2 -2
11+ +3 -3

8 Intimidation Tactics – All players on the kicking team gain the Fend skill for the next turn.

If this result is chosen via Dueling Crowd Chants, additionally on the next turn, any player on the kicking team nominated as the target of a blitz action gains the Foul Appearance skill for that action.

9 Distracting Cheerleaders - If this result is chosen via Dueling Crowd Chants, the kicking team gains one team Reroll or one Bribe that is lost if not used by the end of the drive.

Otherwise, each coach rolls 2D6 and adds their Fan Factor and the number of cheerleaders on their team. The coach with the higher total (or both if tied) gains a team Reroll that is lost if not used by the end of the drive.

10 Pitch Invasion (kicking) – Apply the Pitch Invasion result from the main rulebook Kick-Off event table except both coaches roll 2D6 instead of D6.

If this result is chosen via Dueling Crowd Chants, the kicking team automatically wins the roll and the result of the D3 is treated as 3.

11 For the remainder of the drive, +1 added to all armor rolls during Foul actions for both teams. Players with the Fan Favorite skill add an additional +1 to armor rolls for their Foul actions and +1 to Argue the Call rolls if they are caught by the ref, applying natural 1 normally.

12 We can’t hold them any longer! - The crowd's frenzy compels them to encroach on the field to get closer to the action. All squares adjacent to the sideline count as out of bounds for the rest of the game.

Any subsequent rolls of 2 or 12 on this table for the remainder of the game are treated as Crowd-Fueled Frenzy.

Tournament Report
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