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Tournament NameBBBL Spring Sevens
Organizer NAF nameWhitehot (23470)
OrganizerChris White
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-05-14
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-05-14
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Gr4n0t4 (27840)Skaven

Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Gr4n0t4 (27840)Skaven

Most Casualties

bowzer (32079)Lizardmen

Stunty Cup

EyeBallPaul (26398)Halfling

Best Painted

Gr4n0t4 (27840)Skaven

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressTroll Trader Bromley
 Unit 3 The Mall
ZipBR1 1TS
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

BBBL Spring Sevens Rulepack

Where Troll Trader Bromley, Unit 3 The Mall, Bromley BR1 1TS

When Saturday 14th May 2022

Tickets: £8

Ticket can be purchased here: https://ttbromley.com/products/blood-bowl-7s-tournament-bromley-spring-sevens-may-14th-11-00am

NAF Approval Pending

Build & Format

Team Build: 600,000 copper pieces
Format: Swiss pairing with regeneration
Games: 4
Eligible Teams: All teams listed in the Blood Bowl Second Season Edition Rulebook plus the 6 teams on the Teams of Legend PDF published by Games Workshop.

Any teams or rules updates released by Games Workshop before 8th May 2022 will also be eligible for the event. Any re-released Teams of Legend will supersede the Teams of Legend PDF.

Teams of Legend link:

What you need on the day

- Miniatures representing your team
- Blood Bowl block dice + 2D6 + 1D8 + 1D16
- Counters/tokens to indicate rerolls/turn/score
- 3 copies of your Roster*. One for the event organiser, one for your opponent and then one for you.
- Scatter, Throw-in and Passing Templates will be provided on the Day

Pitches - Please bring a Blood Bowl Sevens pitch where possible. We hope to have enough on the day but depending on the turnout a few extra Pitches would be useful.

*Rosters do not need to be submitted before the event. We ask that coaches check your opponents roster before the first game.


The event will use the rules from the Blood Bowl Second Season Rulebook (BB2020), and Blood Bowl Death Zone book (BBDZ) which covers an updated version of the Sevens rules format. The latest errata and FAQ documents released by Games Workshop up to the day of the event will be in use.

Page references to the rulebook will be provided for easy reference.
Rules Questions

Any rules queries that come up during the event that cannot be resolved between the two coaches may request a ruling from the tournament organiser.


1000 Registration
1015 Game 1
1145 Break
1200 Game 2
1330 Lunch
1430 Game 3
1600 Break
1615 Game 4
1745 End of Game 4 - Dice Down!
1800 Awards
1830 Event Ends

Building your Team

Bring together your team of hopefuls as per the Sevens team building rules in BBDZ book (BBDZ, Pg 91-92).

Teams must adhere to the following conditions:
Coaches have 600,000 Copper pieces to hire the team
Rosters must be 7-11 players
Maximum of 4 players that are not LIneman* can be included on the roster. Normal restrictions on positionals still apply.
Re-rolls cost double - Eg. A Shambling Undead Teams Re-roll costs 140,000 instead of the normal 70,000.

* Positions with a Quantity of 0-12 or 0-16 are defined as ‘Lineman’.


The following inducements can be included in the team build for this event.

0-3 Bribes 100k (50k for teams with the Bribery and Corruption keyword)
0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs 50k
0-6 Assistant Coaches 20k
0-12 Cheerleaders 20k
0-1 Apothecary 80k (can only be taken by teams who are normally permitted to do so)
0-5 Dedicated Fans 20k (All teams start with a Dedicated Fans value of 1 at no cost)
0-1 Halfling Master Chef 300k (100k for teams with the Halfling Thimble Cup keyword)

Star Players cannot be used in this event.

Additional Skills

All teams have 18 Star Player Points (SPP) to spend on purchasing additional skills.

Chosen Primary Skill: 6 SPP
Random Primary Skill: 3 SPP
Chosen Secondary Skill: 12 SPP
Random Secondary Skill: 6 SPP

Each player can only be given one additional skill.

Random Skills are to be rolled before the start of all four games (BB2020, Pg 74)

Any unused SPP are lost.

Skill restrictions:
The Leader Skill cannot be taken
No characteristic increases can be taken

Additional Tournament Rules

The Prayers to Nuffle table for Exhibition Play will be used for this event (BB2020, Pg 103).

Really Stupid Plays

Before every game, each coach must select one of the following ‘Really Stupid’ Plays which they need to achieve to gain one additional tournament point. Each Really Stupid play can only be selected once during the event and must be selected before the start of the game. The play is to be kept secret until it is achieved, so make a note of your selection and declare it to your opponent once achieved.

C’mon Ref - Have one of your players sent off for fouling. Your player must still be sent off after any Bribes or Argue the Call rolls.

Go Long - Make a successful accurate pass. The intended target must catch an accurate pass, not a bouncing ball. This does not include Throw team-mate.

I never liked them anyway - Suffer one or more Casualties during the game. This is achieved if the player is placed in the Casualty box and remains there until the end of the game. Players sent-off do not count.

Surf’s up baby - Have one of your players pushed off the field (aka Surfed) on your opponent's turn.

Get on with it - Successfully complete four or more Rush’s in one of your team turns during the game.

Miniatures and Painting your team

All miniatures are to be recognisable and distinguishable as the positions on the team. All skills are to be clearly marked.

Painted miniatures are not required but it is strongly encouraged.

For a team to be eligible for the Best Painted Award, they must have been painted by the coach at the event, and to have been used on the day. The award will be assessed by an independent judge appointed by the tournament organiser. The award will be made based on the whole presentation of the team including the basing and any display boards.

Tournament Scoring

30 Points for a Win
10 Points for a Draw
0 Points for a Loss
1 Point for each Successful Really Stupid Play


In the event of a tie, the following tiebreakers will be used to determine the final standings for the event.

TD Difference
Casualties Difference
Head to head record
Roll off


Champion - The coach with the most tournament points
Runner-up - The coach with the second most tournament points
Most Touchdowns - The coach with the most touchdowns
Most Casualties (SPP Casualties only - pg 70) - The coach with the most casualties
Stunty Cup - The coach with the most tournament points using a Stunty Team (Hallfings, Snotlings, Goblins or Ogres only)
Best Painted Team - The team must be used during the event and must have been painted by the coach of the team.

Tournament Report
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