?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameRyder Cup 2022
Organizer NAF nameVyper (28814)
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-10-15
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2022-10-15
StyleSwiss Groups
Scoring9/5/1 + bonus TD
Cost20 Euro No Naf; 10 Euro NAF
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountyes

Tournament Statistics


Brina (26150)Necromantic Horror
Team Badlands
gerbido (16320)Norse
Team Badlands
gerald (16538)Khorne
Team Badlands
Vyper (28814)Wood Elf
Team Badlands
nerafiamma (21803)Dwarf
Team Badlands
inge (20924)Lizardmen
Team Badlands
Guidonius (25768)Lizardmen
Team Badlands
Spartako (13417)Orc
Captain leads Badlands to the victory 12.5 vs 11.5

Runner up

Nanorso (11295)Khorne
Team Old World
SaitoGarama (19357)Khorne
Team Old World
Ferpa (25769)Khorne
Captain Old World
Asca (31669)Orc
Team Old World
Baphomet_72 (17506)Dark Elf
Team Old World
Kiave (19828)High Elf
Team Old World

Most Touchdowns

Baphomet_72 (17506)Dark Elf
Team Old World 4 Td

Most Casualties

Bombardiere50 (28813)Chaos Dwarf
Team Old World 7 Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Asca (31669)Orc

Other Awards

Kiave (19828)High Elf
Top Individual
Ferpa (25769)Khorne
Throne of Blood 350.000 Kill
Tournament Location
Addressvia Guerci
 c/o Postal

Ruleset Document

1. all participants must be provided with a roster of an apiacere breed according to the tournament team building rules;
2. the Organizer will appoint two captains on the day before the tournament to whom it will entrust the command of the two continents: Old World and Badlands;
3. on the day of the tournament the two captains will divide the players quickly and quickly, calling them alternately, thus forming the two teams, without any race restrictions;
4. the draw will take place in Switzerland (strongest against strongest, except for the first round) with the "Groups: individual draw" method of Score! (therefore two coaches of adverse groups / factions will always face each other);
5. each table victory will give a point to his group, a draw half a point and a defeat zero points;
6. the Group that scores the most points at the tables in the three game rounds will win the challenge and will have assigned all the prizes to their faction (absolute and special) based on the group ranking, in case of a tie between the two Groups the prizes will be assigned on the basis of the general classification;

Each team has a total of 1,150,000 gp to spend on roster creation and must hire a minimum of 11 players. Any gp unspent at roster creation is lost and all teams are considered to be of the same TV for the purpose of inducements.

This is a resurrection tournament, no SPP is gained and injuries, casualties or deaths do not carry on from game to the next.

Players added to a team roster mid game as a result of the Master of Undeath or Plague Ridden special rule are removed from the roster at the end of the game and do not carry on to the next.

Permitted inducements are:
• 0-1 Halfling Master Chef
• 0-2 Bloodwiser Kegs
• 0-3 Bribes
• 0-2 Wandering Apotecaries
• Mortuary Assistant
• 0-1 Plague Doctor

All other inducements including Star Players are not permitted.

Teams are separated into 1 to 5 Tiers and offered Tier specific skills packs.

Each team is permitted to stack 2 Primary Skills on a maximum of 1 player at the cost of 1 Primary Skill and 1 Secondary Skill. This can only be done once. All skills must be chosen and cannot be random. A player which is assigned a secondary skill may choose to take a primary skill instead.

Tier1: Dwarf, Lizardmen, Wood Elf, Dark Elf, Shambling Undead, Chaos Dwarf, Orcs:
6 Primary Skills or 4 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary Skill

Tier 2: Skaven, Amazon, Norse, Necromantic Horror, Human, Underworld Denizens:
7 Primary Skills or 5 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary Skill or 4 Primary Skills

Tier 3: Black Orc, Slaan, Chaos Chosen, Pro Elf, Nurgle, Tomb Kings, Imperial, Khorne
7 Primary Skills + 1 secondary skill or 5 Primary Skills + 2 Secondary Skills

Tier 4: Old World Alliance, Chaos Renegades, High Elf, Vampire:
8 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary Skill or 6 Primary Skills + 2 Secondary skills

Tier 5: Halfling, Ogre, Goblin, Snotling:
8 Primary Skills + 2 Secondary Skills or 6 Primary Skills + 3 Secondary skills

SPECIAL "Home and Away" RULE
based on the draw, the first team nominated will be the home team and will determine the weather table based on the faction:
Old World: Primordial
Badlands: Subterrean

SCORES (for the purposes of the prize ranking only)
Crushing Victory (TD difference> 1) 11 points +1 point if at least one try is scored;
Modest Victory (TD difference <1) 9 points +1 point if at least one try is scored;
Draw (without infamy and without praise) 4 points +1 point if at least one try is scored;
Acceptable defeat (TD difference <1) 1 point +1 point if at least one try is scored;
Shameful defeat (TD difference> 1) 0 points +1 point if at least one try is scored;
Granted (do not let yourself be seen in our part again) -2 points;

In the case of equal points, these factors, in decreasing order of importance, will determine the positions:
1. Opponent Score;
2. TD difference;
3. CAS difference;
4. Total goals scored;
5. Total CAS Inflicted;
6. Draw;

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